
lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor

Lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor is a metafictional novel about the vampire genre. The protagonist in the novel rises through hardship, undergoes betrayal and degradation, and eventually becomes the king who dominates the eternal night and dawn. The storyline is tense, exciting, and compelling, leaving the reader intrigued by the vampire theme.

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Chapter 19: Vampires Hiding in Blood Banks (above)

"This is the blood bank ... ", came to a door, slightly enviously looked at Zhang Feng a glance, this petite nurse toward Zhang Feng said, and then, pushed open the door of the blood bank and walked in ... ...


Looking at the nurse who walked in, Zhang Feng dead her white neck, a thought flashed through his mind: "If I close the door now and suck her dry inside, no one should find out, right?" However, this thought just flashed through his mind, and was shaken out by Zhang Feng, who shook his head fiercely, if he really did it, I believe he would never be able to turn back, right? Becoming a zombie is already unchangeable, but, can you retain your own humanity, but you can work hard ...


After shaking off his head, he followed the petite nurse and entered, only to see that it was filled with bags of red liquid, and that was when Zhang Feng remembered the name of this place: blood bank!!!


Could it be? Thinking of this name, and then seeing this bag of red liquid, Zhang Feng's mind flashed with a dull aura, and asked towards the nurse, "May I ask what is inside these bags?" Zhang Feng asked the nurse, "May I ask what's inside these bags?", with a hint of eagerness in his voice that he couldn't hide.


And this nurse, seems to be did not find Zhang Feng's different, heard his words, slightly helplessly looked at Zhang Feng a glance, said: ''The blood bank inside is of course loaded with blood, in order to the patient transfusion with ah ...''. The nurse who said this, shook her head helplessly and said, "Well, your job is to guard this place on it, I still have something to do, so I will leave first ... ", after saying this, she walked out towards the outside, and her mouth also muttered:" Originally look at his appearance is still a handsome man, can be considered it, did not expect the brain is not good ...".


Zhang Feng, who was hungry at the moment, couldn't wait for the nurse to leave earlier, so he didn't care about her muttering, and after seeing the nurse leave, he hurriedly closed the door, with a red light in his eyes, looking at the blood around him, and his eyes were full of naked desire, and if a normal person saw this look, he would be scared to the point that he would be mentally deranged for several days.


Zhang Feng, who had been saved from hunger, could not hold back when he saw so much blood. At this moment, I feel that the mouth of my throat seems to be starting to dry up, and I desperately need something to moisturize it. Zhang Feng doesn't need to be reminded by his body to know what it is: blood... ...


Can't wait to tear open a bag of blood, asked the smell of blood wafting out of the inside, Zhang Feng smelled deeply, feeling as if there is nothing better in the world than this, grabbing the mouth of the bag is to pour into the mouth ...


Feeling the slippery blood, slowly sliding down his throat, it was simply the most delicious thing on earth Feeling the blood sliding into his intestines, Zhang Feng seemed to have heard his cells cheering ...


"Oh, interesting people ... ", but, just at this moment, suddenly a young man are voice in Zhang Feng's ears ringing, almost Zhang Feng scared to the soul out of the sky, his own identity was discovered! The comfort of enjoying fresh blood just now also disappeared instantly, as if being poured down a basin of ice water ruthlessly, all over the body cold to the bottom of the heart...


Lightning-like raised his head, Zhang Feng a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth could not even care about wiping it, only to see Zhang Feng scanned around, but did not find any people, could it be that he had just heard it wrong? Zhang Feng secretly said.


"Really a thousand worlds, no wonder ah, I did not expect to actually be able to see a bloodthirsty person ... ", just when Zhang Feng thought that he appeared to be hallucinating u, suddenly that voice once again sounded, and Zhang Feng also heard clearly, not hallucinating!!!!


"Who is it?" , looking at the unoccupied blood bank, Zhang Feng couldn't help but shout in a low voice, "Don't hide your head, come out to me!!!" , this scene is very familiar it, the same is not able to see the other party's silhouette, could it be ninjas again? Thinking of ninjas, Zhang Xiaofeng's heart flashed with a trace of hatred ...


"Oh, funny man, don't be suspicious ...", hearing Zhang Xiaofeng's seemingly colorful low drink, the voice once again laughed softly and said, "What hiding head and tail ah, I'm in this room ah, I'm not I'm right here in this room, I'm not hiding, can't you see me?" .


In this room? Hearing the words of this voice, Zhang Feng could not help but scan around, but still did not see a single silhouette ...


"Here, I'm here ...," the voice said, out loud again.


Above his head? Finally, after listening to a few times, Zhang Feng looked toward the top of his head, and then suddenly stayed there, only to see his own head, has been gray-brown bat hanging upside down there, that look at their eyes, as if looking at idiots, yes, in the eyes of the bat, Zhang Feng actually saw the human only have the emotion ...


"Is ... it you who is ... talking???" , seeing this bat, Zhang Feng still looked at it in disbelief and asked with a slight stutter.


"Yes, that's me! You don't have to ask? It's my noble Baron Dulac", said the bat, who slowly flew down after making a blank stare and hovered in front of Zhang Feng.


"...", looking at the bat in front of him, Zhang Feng immediately stayed there, and only after a long time did he hold back a few words: "Bat demon ... ".


Hearing Zhang Feng's words, he only saw this bat shorten, as if it had almost planted itself on the ground, and roared towards Zhang Feng in annoyance, "What bat demon? I am the noble Baron Durak, a noble among the blood race, the strongest of the knighthood!!!" .


Speaking of this bat, a pay quickly to worship my tone, towering like said, that tilted up the head, how to look like condescending villain, perhaps he is really very strong it? Just, completely do not understand what it is saying Zhang Feng is confused look at it, obviously do not understand what it is saying ...


Originally that tilted his head, seems to be waiting for Zhang Feng's worship of the bat, half a long time did not hear Zhang Feng's movement, can not help but gently don't practice to come, but only see Zhang Feng's confused eyes, immediately stayed there, dare to say so much just said so much are all in vain?


"Forget it, it's useless to talk to a vulgar person like you, I'd better eat ... ", finally, the helpless bat, after blanking Zhang Feng, flew straight towards a blood bag... ...


But right at this moment, looking at the bat that flew over towards the blood bag, Zhang Feng's feet tightened and immediately blocked in front of the bat, saying seriously, "I don't care if you're a bat demon or whatever, want to move things here but don't even think about it, having promised to guard this blood bank, I definitely won't let anyone else come and destroy it . ."


"Calling me a bat demon again?" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, only to see this bat tone of voice could not hide the anger said, then, looked down at himself, only to react helplessly said: "Oops, the bat so long, have forgotten to change back ... ", said, only to see a burst of black smoke rose up At that moment, that gray-brown bat turned into the image of a handsome foreign young man, exuding a burst of this elegant atmosphere, wearing a tuxedo ...


"Eh...", looking at the bat that turned into a human, Zhang Feng was stunned, this bat is able to become a human?


"Hello, sir ...", only to see the handsome foreigner after the adult in the poo man's room bowing slightly towards Zhang Feng, a burst of elegant aristocratic breath came to his face, only to see him towards Zhang Feng faintly and without losing his elegance said, "Please allow me to introduce myself, I am Baron Durak of the Le Sombra Clan, one of the thirteen clans of the Blood Clan ...".