
lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor

Lit. founder of a blood-sucking ancestor is a metafictional novel about the vampire genre. The protagonist in the novel rises through hardship, undergoes betrayal and degradation, and eventually becomes the king who dominates the eternal night and dawn. The storyline is tense, exciting, and compelling, leaving the reader intrigued by the vampire theme.

genie007 · Fantasy
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Chapter 18: Long-term meal ticket

In this kind of cultivation, feeling the growth of his power, Zhang Feng was in a mysterious realm, feeling the countless essence of the moon slowly flowing into his body, feeling them moisturizing his body, and finally, these cool powers, then slowly converging to his heart ...


Time, so quietly passed, finally, when Zhang Feng felt the inflow of the essence of the moon is more and more rare, he slowly opened his eyes, looking at the east has begun to whiten, the heart of that just for the power of the dead joy also suddenly disappeared, helplessly sighed a breath of relief, climbed up, sat down against the door over there to go, closed his eyes and contemplation, the day is almost dawn, the moon is finally gone, the sunlight that comes with it makes Zhang Feng had to stay away from that window, and the moon was finally disappearing, and the moon was not there, and the sunlight that comes with it makes Zhang Feng had to stay away from that window. The ensuing sunlight, making Zhang Feng had to stay away from the window under the ...


"Duo Duo Duo ... ", it did not take long for Zhang Feng, who had his eyes closed, to be awakened by a knock on the door, slowly opening his eyes, Zhang Feng slowly said, "Please come in . ..."


"Click ..." a light sound, the door handle turned a bit, then last night's Shu vice president of the face of fatigue came in, accompanied by a few nurses and doctors, looking at the face of the Shu vice president of the fatigue, to the last night because of their own The daughter's injury, did not sleep well, right?


Only to see a tired face, at this moment full of guilt and embarrassment, as soon as he walked in, he came straight to the front of Zhang Feng, bowed deeply, and apologized: ''I am sorry, this young man, it was me who was too eager last night, and suspected you, I apologize here ... "


Looking at this middle-aged man, hearing his words, Zhang Feng secretly praised in his heart, is a man, did something wrong to be able to sincerely apologize for the people, there are really not many, especially such a bit of status of the people, it is even more rare, can be in front of subordinates in front of other people to apologize, but really not much it.


A person makes a mistake is not terrible, after all, there is no perfect person in the world, there is no not make a mistake, the terrible thing is that he himself made a mistake, in the case of discovery, but can not pull the face to admit their own mistakes, this is the most terrible ...


"Oh? Has your daughter woken up?" After hearing Vice President Shu's words, Zhang Feng slightly waved his hand, signaling that there was no need to be too concerned, and asked.


"En", seeing Zhang Feng's gesture and understanding his meaning, Vice President Shu's face of guilt has only gotten better, and after hearing Zhang Feng's greeting, he nodded his head and said with a sigh of relief on his face, "I just woke up, and my spirit is still quite good . ."


"En, that's good ... ", hearing Vice President Shu's words, Zhang Feng nodded, but his heart was embarrassed, now in this state, he should propose to leave, right? However, now that the sun is shining outside, going out is tantamount to looking for death, so how can he leave? A time to leave the words also choked in the throat to say out, fortunately at this time, Shu vice dean spoke, broke Zhang Feng's embarrassment, said: "And thank you for last night to my daughter's help, or else she will be ruined, really thank you ... ", said, Shu vice dean from his pocket took out his pocket to take out his pocket. Shu vice dean from the pocket took out a large stack of hundred dollar bills handed to the front of Zhang Feng, said: "These as a meaning it, in the future there are any difficulties, as long as I am able to help, absolutely no excuses ... ", said at the same time, but also he in addition to a business card of the said.


Looking at the money and business card handed over by the Vice President Shu, to be honest, Zhang Feng to die is not moved that is impossible, although he has not seen the money in this world, but a see, as long as it is not a fool will be able to recognize that this is money, although the money Zhang Feng is not particularly concerned about the money, but now penniless himself, but the money is particularly in need of at least be able to rent a house, do not have to worry about the present such as a place to stay for a distressed I am not sure if I can afford to pay for a place to stay.


However, just when Zhang Feng just wanted to take it, his eyes suddenly lit up, then Zhang Feng slightly embarrassedly pushed over the money handed over by Vice President Shu, smiled awkwardly and said, "Teaching a man to fish is better than teaching a man to fish, I don't want this money, frankly speaking, right now, I but I don't have any job, and I'm penniless on my body, and the thing that I need most right now is to be able to have a room to live in and a job if ...".


Originally saw Zhang Feng pushed over his own money, Shu vice president or a stunned, this year, money do not want people really not much, heard Zhang Feng words, could not help but laugh, said: "You say this word, really frank, so it ...", said this Shu vice president, casually from the stack of money inside a part of the money stuffed into the hands of Zhang Feng, said: "Since you are now penniless words, and do not want my money, take these as if it is a Dean, casually from the large stack of money inside a part, stuffed into the hands of Zhang Feng, said: "Since you are now penniless words, and do not want my money, take these as a loan to you, in addition to the work of the ...".


After saying this Vice President Shu slightly contemplated for a while, he turned his head towards a middle-aged man behind himself who was around fifty years old and asked, "Dr. Zhao, I wonder if our hospital is still short of any manpower right now?" .


"Manpower?" Hearing Vice President Shu's words, the middle-aged doctor was slightly dumbfounded, what kind of manpower could the hospital lack? Can Zhang Feng be able to handle the shortage of manpower? Does he need to do odd jobs? However, since it was Vice President Shu who asked, he had to arrange a job that he could do over.


Dr. Zhao, who had been thinking hard, suddenly brightened his eyes and said, "During this period of time, our blood bank often inexplicably loses a few bags of blood, although it is not much, but it can not go on like this ... ", said Dr. Zhao, turning his head to look at Zhang Feng said: "If you don't mind, can you work as a blood bank administrator or something like that?" .


"This is not good, right?" , hearing Dr. Zhao's words, Vice President Shu frowned slightly, he got such a job for someone else, and to be honest he was a bit shabby himself, however, he hadn't really reacted just now, a hospital job can't really be done by just anyone.


"On this it ...", see Shu vice president of the look, Zhang Feng also understand do not understand the medical knowledge of their own, in the hospital is really not just any job can do, anyway, they are not picky, first settled down and then say it, thought of this Zhang Feng open mouth agreed to the Said ...


"En, that's the way it is ...", hearing Zhang Feng also agreed, Shu vice president could not help but also awkwardly smiled, before helplessly saying, "This work for young people like you may be a little bit boring, but now also really can't think of what kind of position is suitable for you, wait for me to think of words, and then give you a change, your salary, according to the five thousand per month to calculate it ...".


"Young man?" When he heard Vice Dean Shu's words, Zhang Feng was slightly dumbfounded, and then a bitter smile ran through his heart, his own age should be older than all of them, right?


Hearing the words of Vice President Shu, Dr. Zhao and the few nurses were slightly dumbfounded, the management of the blood bank's work of five thousand a month salary? However, since it is Shu vice president said, everyone also has nothing to say, after all, the hospital people have their own shares, but it is not their turn to say anything, but the nurses look to Zhang Feng's eyes, can not help but mixed with a little bit of envy ...


Zhang Feng has no idea about money. 5,000? In the end, is it too much or too little? Zhang Feng really do not know, after hearing Shu vice president set, nodded his head to agree, and then raised the hand of the banknote said: "This money I will return to you ...".


Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Shu vice president of a slight smile, patted Zhang Feng's shoulders, said: "young man, do a good job, now the society like you such a young man is not much, I am now also a little tired, will first go to sleep for a while ... ", said, turned around to leave, the heart secretly said: this young man is good, see the money can also hold out. Heart secretly said: this young man is good, see the money can also hold out, the body is penniless also dared to say it openly, unlike nowadays, people are afraid of others say they have no money, and can for their own daughters to go and fight with so many people, the sense of justice is still considered to have, and his hands ...


And with the departure of Vice President Shu, Dr. Zhao said towards a petite nurse, "Xiao Wu, you first take this young man to the blood bank to take a look at it, I believe that there is no need to say the specific matters, right?" Dr. Zhao, who said this, turned his head towards Zhang Feng and said, "It is to guard the blood bank ...."


"En...", Zhang Feng nodded, and then followed behind the petite nurse and walked out, however, following behind Zhang Feng, his eyes began to involuntarily look towards the nurse's white neck.


Finding out his abnormalities Zhang Feng could not help but laugh bitterly in his heart, was he hungry again? What should I do now? Now in broad daylight he can not run to that slaughterhouse it ...