
Lioness Cub

While fetching water by the river, Mareoleona's ears perked up as she heard the cries of a nearby baby, catching her attention instantly. Driven by instinct, Mareoleona immediately pursued the source of the baby's cries and discovered an infant nestled in a basket, snugly wrapped in a blanket. "Eh? So you're abandoned, huh?" Mareoleona, filled with concern, decided to investigate further. She carefully examined the basket and noticed a handkerchief with the name "Asher" embroidered on it, catching her attention. "Asher... Interesting. Well, taking care of a brat is not bad, right?"

SALTANDPEPPER_1 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

The Only One Mereoleona Can't Hit

Inferno Blaze Magic: Ignis Exarcis (Fire Ignite!)

With a deliberate gesture, Asher extended his hand, palm outstretched, towards the bandit leader. In the center of his open palm, an intense flame materialized, flickering and dancing with intimidating brilliance. As the bandit leader laid eyes on this awe-inspiring display of power, an overwhelming sense of fear and unease gripped him. He knew that the spell about to be unleashed by Asher would undoubtedly mark the end of his reign, sealing his fate in a blaze of unstoppable destruction.

"Brat! If you cast that spell, the villagers behind me will also die!"

"I know myself better than you."

Without any hesitation, Asher unleashed the fury of an intense fireblast from his palm. As the searing inferno surged closer, engulfing the space between them, the bandit leader found himself paralyzed with fear and incapable of evading the impending onslaught. His throat tightened as he swallowed hard, witnessing the unstoppable force hurtling towards him. In that moment, a chilling realization washed over him. This young individual before him was nothing short of a formidable monster, unafraid to strike without hesitation, even at the risk of innocent villagers positioned behind him.

"Screw you! Crimson Lions!"

Uttering his final words, the bandit leader braced himself for the inevitable impact of Asher's blazing assault. As the scorching blast of fire connected with its target, a cataclysmic display of power unfolded. The bandit leader's body disintegrated into mere ashes, completely obliterated by the overwhelming might of Asher's flame blasts.

In the midst of the chaos, the villagers resigned themselves to their perceived fate, closing their eyes and bracing for the imminent end. Yet, as the moments ticked by, they were puzzled by the absence of any harm befalling them. Tentatively, they cautiously opened their eyes and were greeted with a bewildering sight. Before them stood a protective barrier of fire, shielding them from the impending danger. Realization dawned upon them as they recognized this as the spell that Asher had cast earlier, a manifestation of the magical defense that had intervened to safeguard their lives.

"We're all alive?" Akemi couldn't help but look at Asher with admiration in her eyes. He protected them while at the same time eliminating the enemy.

Approaching the group of villagers, Asher dispelled the defensive barrier with a wave of his hand. Observing that some of them had suffered minor injuries, he immediately set to work, casting his healing spell, Phoenix's Embrace, upon each individual. As the gentle waves of magic washed over them, a soothing warmth enveloped the villagers, soothing their pain and instilling a sense of comfort and relief. The restorative power of the spell worked its magic, bringing solace and renewal to each person in need.

"Big brother, thank you for saving us," Chika said to Asher.


" Asher Sama! Are you alright?!" Randall said, rushing to the scene. A deep sense of worry consumed him. While he held unwavering trust in Asher's abilities, he recognized that underestimating the enemies would be a grave mistake. The thought of Asher charging ahead alone filled him with alarm, considering it an act of sheer recklessness.

"Randall, it's been taken care of. Help the villagers."

"What about you, Asher Sama? Do you have any injuries?"

"I have a recovery spell, and they're just weak." With patience and composure, Asher addressed Randall's barrage of questions. He had anticipated this reaction from Randall, understanding that his impulsive decision to venture alone into the bandit's campsite would raise concerns.

Randal sighs and says, "Asher Sama, although you're strong, you still need to be careful. Mereoleona Sama will be worried about you."

"Let's talk later. The villagers first."


Seated upon a colossal boulder, Asher gazed contemplatively at the mesmerizing hues of the setting sun. Randall, perceiving his fatigue, insisted that he take a well-deserved rest instead of assisting in the arduous task of rebuilding the village. Meanwhile, Randall himself eagerly volunteered to lend a hand in the reconstruction efforts, offering his aid. Echoing similar sentiments, the villagers echoed their concern, urging Asher to find solace in much-needed repose. Although appreciative of their consideration, Asher welcomed the prospect of quiet solitude, relishing the rare opportunity to bask in his own company.

"I'm hungry."

"Big brother! Mom, make this for you!" Chika said, running towards Asher carrying a basket. Asher looked at Chika and jumped down from the boulder.

"Big brother! Mother's cookies are always delicious! You should try them." Chika took one cookie and brought it closer to Asher.

As if his wish had been granted, Asher accepted the cookies offered by Chika, delicately taking them from her outstretched hand. Without hesitation, he indulged in a satisfying bite, savoring the delectable treat.

"It's good, I guess." Seeing Asher's lack of expression, Chika couldn't help but pout. Could it be that her mother's cookies are not the same as before?

Chika, too, sampled the cookies, savoring each bite and finding them to be just as delicious as the past treats her mother had baked.

"Big brother, what does being a magic knight mean?" Chika asked Asher with full curiosity. She always wanted to be a magic knight, but her mother always forbade her, saying that it was too dangerous for her. Why is being a magic knight too dangerous?

Asher paused for a moment and then said, "It's up to you. What is your own definition of being a magic knight?"

What is her definition of being a magic knight? That let her ponder for a moment, then she said something to Asher with a smile on her face.

"For me, a Magic knight is the one who protects everyone! Like you! A super cool magic knight who can do anything for other people!"

"That's the meaning of magic knight, then."

Chika tilts her head and asks Asher, "You big brother, what is the definition of magic knight, to you?"

Definition of magic knight...

Asher rose to his feet and directed his gaze towards the majestic sight of the setting sun. As he observed the view before him, a serene calmness washed over him. He closed his eyes in a gentle, deliberate manner, allowing himself to fully immerse himself in the tranquil moment and feel the caress of the wind upon his face.

"My definition of a magic knight is..."


Timeskip 2 weeks later

Asher and Randall stayed for two weeks to ensure that the villagers were safe and to also help rebuild the village. The villagers treat Asher and Randall with great hospitality. This is at least something they can do to repay their saviors. Asher also sent a message to Fuegoleon, telling him that they would come back today.

"Randall, we have to leave," said Asher to Randall.

"Understood, Asher Sama," Randall said respectfully. During his two weeks with Asher, his admiration for him became deeper and deeper, to the point where he swore loyalty to him and also sacrificed his life for him.

Upon hearing the news of Asher and Randall's departure, the villagers began to gather together, a mixture of emotions tugging at their hearts. While a sense of sadness enveloped them, they understood the inherent nature of their guests' responsibilities as magic knights. They acknowledged that Asher and Randall couldn't remain in the village indefinitely, as their duties called them elsewhere. Grateful for the assistance rendered in rebuilding their shattered homes and the unwavering support throughout their encounter with the bandits.

"Young man, it seems that it's your time to go, huh?" Jen said with a sad smile on his face. He was the first one Asher saved in the village. He is also Akemi's husband.

"Big brother, can't you stay another day?" Chika said sadly.

"I can't; we need to go."

"I see..." Chika looked down sadly.

"Don't worry, Chika; Asher Sama can still visit the village if he wants to," Randall said, patting Chika's head.

"Really?" Chika's eyes brightened when she heard Randall. She looked at Asher, trying to confirm what Randall said.

"It's not bad, I guess." Asher said, and opened his grimoire.

Infernal Wings: Blaze Ascension

A pair of fiery wings materialized upon the backs of Randall and Asher, their brilliant glow illuminating the surroundings. With a graceful ascent, they effortlessly lifted off into the sky, hovering above the ground as they prepared to leave.

While floating, Asher looked at Chiko and said, "Hey, the cookies are delicious."

Chika heard this and smiled brightly. "Don't worry, big brother! I will try to learn it and make some for you!"


"Bye-bye, big brother!"

"Have a safe trip!"

Asher and Randall flew to the skies, their figures gradually fading from the view of the village as they soared away. The villagers stood, waving goodbye with bittersweet emotions, their gestures filled with both fondness and a sense of longing as they watched the two figures grow smaller and smaller, eventually vanishing into the distance.

"Big brother is really so cool! I'm going to be a magic knight someday and be as cool as him!" Chika said with stars in her eyes.

"Then you have to work hard." Jen pats Chika's head.


Randall and Asher arrive at the headquarters of the Crimson Lions after a half-hour journey. As they stepped through the entrance, an uneasy sensation washed over them, alerting them to a disturbance in the air. Before they could fully grasp the situation, a sudden cry reverberated through the halls, catching their attention.

"Asher!" Mereoleona shouts.

Anxiety gripped Randall as he cast a worried glance in Asher's direction. The realization weighed heavily on them both: Mereoleona-sama was furious, and her wrath was unmatched. It seemed inconceivable that anyone could stand in her way.

Asher maintained a stoic expression, devoid of any visible emotion, as he patiently awaited his mother's arrival. He had anticipated this turn of events, for he had deliberately kept his mother in the dark about the details of the mission.

As anticipated, after a brief moment, Mereoleona began striding determinedly in the direction of Asher and Randall. Sensing the impending confrontation, Randall's fist tightened, and he gathered his resolve. He knew he had to take action to prevent Asher from enduring severe punishment.

As Mereoleona drew nearer, Randall took a decisive step forward, closing the distance between them in an effort to assuage her fiery temperament.

"Mereoleona Sama, Asher Sama—" Before Randall could finish, Mereoleona mercilessly punched him in the face.

"Get out of the way!"


Because of Mereoleona's strength, Randall flew and collapsed to the ground.

"Forgive me, A-Asher sama. I can't stop Mereoleona sama." Randall said he was struggling to stand up.

"Wait, sister, this is not Asher's fault. Calm down! It was I who assigned the mission! " Fuegeleon rushed towards the scene when he heard his sister's shouts.

Both Randall and Fuegoleon braced themselves for Mereoleona's ire to be unleashed upon Asher. Even Asher, who was never hit by Mereoleona, anticipated the blow. However, to their astonishment...

Mereoleona instead knelt down and enveloped Asher in a warm embrace?

"Mother?" Asher was also surprised.

"You got me worried, Asher; how dare you go on a dangerous mission without informing me?"

Fuegoleon and Randall stood in stunned silence, their jaws dropping open as they beheld the unfolding spectacle before them. Their eyes widened in sheer disbelief as they gazed upon the mother and son, unable to comprehend the unexpected turn of events.

Is Asher the only one Mereoleona Sama/Sister can't hit?

Sorry for the late upload. I'm too tired.

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