
Twelve Stars and Protective Mimosa

Randall and Asher were called to the captain's office by Fuegoleon. He wants to tell the good news to both of them. Because of their hard work, Crimson Lion got another honor and praise from the wizard king. Being acknowledged by the wizard king is something a magic knight can be proud of because it means he has the potential to become someone great someday.

"I have summoned both of you here to deliver the delightful news regarding your exceptional efforts on the recent mission," Fuegoleon expressed, his voice brimming with positivity.

"What is it, Fuegoleon Sama?" Randall said curiously.

"Well, the two of you got the Wizard King's praise, and he rewarded us with a star. " Fuegoleon said, smiling at the both of them.

Upon hearing this, Randall couldn't contain his astonishment. The fact that the Wizard King himself had expressed his praise left him in a state of disbelief. To receive recognition from the Wizard King was a testament to the fulfillment of their duties and the satisfaction they had brought to him.

"Is that so?" Asher didn't express any emotion.

"Asher Sama, how can you be stoic in this kind of achievement? For your first mission, this is already beyond excellent; you should be happy!

"It's just one mission. What's to be surprised about?"

Fuegoleon let out a sigh and shook his head in amazement. Asher's response was distinctively different from the others; while they would have been brimming with joy, Asher seemed unfazed, as if it were merely an ordinary occurrence. In all honesty, Fuegoleon felt a sense of satisfaction with Asher's composed demeanor, recognizing that it showcased his self-control and remarkable discipline. He couldn't help but marvel at how Asher had become such an extraordinary individual, contemplating the remarkable upbringing provided by his sister.

"I know you will achieve great things in the future, Asher. To be continued, the Wizard King rewarded us with twelve stars, which is very excellent for a first mission, Asher."

"While the mission instructions merely called for the elimination of bandits and the alleviation of the villagers' concerns, you went above and beyond. Not only did you successfully eliminate the bandits, but you also ensured the safety and well-being of every villager. Furthermore, you extended your assistance in the village's reconstruction, demonstrating your unwavering commitment to their welfare. It is due to these exceptional achievements that the Wizard King recognized your remarkable contributions and awarded you additional accolades in the form of extra stars."

"Twelve stars... It can bring Crimson Lion lots of glory. Our squad's reputation will also rise," Randall said.

"You're certainly right about that, Randall."

"As a captain, I am compelled to acknowledge and reward your diligent efforts," Fuegoleon declared, his voice filled with appreciation. "Here is your monthly pay, and I have taken the liberty of personally adding some extra funds as a token of my gratitude."

Both Randall and Asher take the bags of gold coins. Asher opened it to look inside, then closed it.

"Captain, there was no need for you to go to such lengths. We fulfilled our duties willingly and without any expectations," Randall expressed, gratitude evident in his voice.

"No, each of you deserves this reward. Let there be no more argument," Fuegoleon asserted firmly, his tone leaving no room for further debate.

"Thank you, uncle," Asher said.

"I, too, wish to express my gratitude, Captain," Randall conveyed respectfully, bowing in acknowledgement.


"Yuno, Captain Vangeance has assigned us an important mission—an escort mission," Klaus, Yuno's senior, declared firmly. "Failure is not an option. Do not be a disappointment."

"Sure," Yuno responded casually, seemingly unfazed by Klaus's words, giving the impression that he didn't take the seriousness of the situation to heart.

Observing Yuno's nonchalant demeanor, Klaus couldn't help but click his tongue in frustration. As a senior, he found it irksome that the newcomer didn't seem to take him seriously.

"Also, this is a joint mission; someone from the Crimson Lion will accompany us. Don't ever embarrass the Golden Dawn's name."

"Klaus-san, who will be joining us on this mission?" inquired Mimosa, curiosity lacing her voice.

"Asher Vermillion..." Klaus began, but before he could finish his sentence, Yuno interjected abruptly.

"Asher? " Yuno interjected, his tone reflecting a hint of surprise upon hearing the news.

"What's the matter? Do you have a problem with him?" Klaus retorted.


"Wow! I didn't expect my nephewto be the one joining us!" Mimosa exclaimed, a bright smile adorning her face.

"Mimosa, I understand he's your cousin, but we need to remain focused and take this mission seriously," Klaus chimed in, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a dedicated and professional approach.

"I understand, Klaus-san. You don't need to worry," Mimosa reassured, her voice filled with confidence.

"It's good that you know," Klaus said.

"Yuno..." a cold, resonant voice echoed from behind. Startled, they all turned their heads to see Asher, perched sideways on a broom, gazing at Yuno.

"Asher, it's been a while," Yuno greeted his friend.

"Likewise," Asher replied, his voice carrying a touch of aloofness.

"Hello, Asher, how are you?" Mimosa said warmly.

Asher's gaze looked towards Mimosa, and a flicker of recognition crossed his eyes. He recalled that she was his cousin, a fact he had acknowledged but had not paid much attention to.

"Not bad..."

Then Asher shifted his gaze towards Klaus, noticing the disbelief etched on his face as he observed their interaction.

Seeing that Klaus is not moving, Asher snaps him out of his thoughts.

"You're the senior, aren't you? You're too slow. Get moving already," Asher retorted harshly.

Snapping out of his reverie, Klaus shook his head and responded, "Asher-sama, I will lead the way."


Their mission was to escort Salim Hapshass to the Heart kingdom. Initially reluctant to accept the mission, Asher's perspective changed upon realizing that Yuno was also involved. He saw this as an opportunity to witness any progress or improvements that Yuno might have made since their last encounter, prompting him to reconsider his initial hesitation.

"With utmost confidence, I personally selected both you, Yuno, and Asher-sama, as I believe that I will be in safe hands with the two of you," Salim expressed, a genuine smile gracing his face as he conveyed his trust and appreciation.

"Hm?" Yuno looked at Salim curiously.

"When the day comes that I have children of my own, I will proudly share with them the tale of encountering two four-leaf clover users and even engaging in a battle against one of them. Even though I emerged on the losing side, it remains an incredible honor," Salim remarked, his voice filled with admiration and a sense of pride.

"I have heard of Yuno's aspiration to become the Wizard King. As for you, Asher-sama, what is your ambition?" Salim inquired, his curiosity piqued as he turned his attention towards Asher.

Fixing his cold, piercing gaze upon Salim, Asher unleashed a fraction of his potent mana, intensifying the chilling aura around him. With an icy tone, he addressed Salim in a straightforward manner.

"Shut your mouth, eyesore. You're getting on my nerves."

Both Salim and Klaus were taken aback by Asher's blunt and cutting remark. The unexpected nature of his words left them stunned, as they had not anticipated such a response from him.

"Um... Asher, look here. I made a flower for you," Mimosa interjected, stepping closer to Asher and extending a delicately crafted red rose flower towards him.

Asher accepted the flower from Mimosa, his focus immediately drawn to its intricate beauty. As he examined the flower, a sense of tranquility washed over him. Mimosa's gesture of offering the flower was not only a kind gesture but also a testament to her understanding of how to soothe Asher, a skill known by everyone in the Vermillion household.

Mimosa turned her gaze towards Klaus and Salim, her smile radiating warmth and innocence. However, despite her seemingly cheerful expression, both Klaus and Salim couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. There was an underlying uneasiness that lurked behind Mimosa's smile, leaving them with a sense of unease and suspicion.

Mimosa, maintaining her pleasant smile, kindly conveyed, "Please understand that Asher has a dislike for noisy individuals and loud surroundings. So let's be quiet for a while."

Mimosa's countenance underwent a striking transformation, her once cheerful and benevolent demeanor giving way to an aura of coldness and menace. Shadows cast a veil over her eyes, adding an air of mystery to her visage, yet a faint smile still lingered on her lips.

"If you really can't stay quiet, I don't mind teaching you."

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