
Lin Mu in the universe of martial arts(WU DONG QIAN KUN)

(chapters are uploaded every day)Traveling through the universe of martial arts, he became the protagonist's older brother and obtained a breathing system, which can become stronger as long as he breathes. However, martial arts are just the beginning, and there are more wonderful things waiting for him in the future challenge!. -----------------------IMPORTANT--------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Book&Literature
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71 Chs

Fire Ancestor Demon Flower

"Master Lin Mu, Master Lin Dong!"

  When Lin Mu and Lin Dong came to Tiemuzhuang, the guards guarding the door greeted them respectfully. Although Lin Mu was not very old, he was the first in the Lin family. master.

  In this world where strength is respected, as long as strength is strong, you can be respected by others.

  Lin Mu nodded in response, then continued to walk in, and came to the place where the Yangyuan Stone was mined.

  "Master Lin Mu, Master Lin Dong, why are you here?" Qin Ying, who was in charge of mining the mine, ran over immediately when he saw Lin Mu and Lin Dong coming.

  The three Lincoln brothers are only stationed here in turn, but they don't need to preside over the Yangyuan stone mining. Although Qin Ying doesn't trust Lin, his loyalty is still reliable.

  "Uncle Qin Ying, is the mining of the vein going well?" Lin Mu asked.

  "Everything is going well, but this morning, a worker accidentally dug a passage, and scorching heat gushed out from it, burning the worker, but I have sent someone to block that passage now." Qin Eagle said.

  "Take me to have a look." Lin Mu was overjoyed when he heard this.

  "Okay." Qin Ying nodded.

  Qin Ying led Lin Muxiang into the mine, and Xiaoyan followed behind them at some point.

  After walking in the winding mine for about ten minutes, Qin Mu stopped, pointed to a boulder and said, "This is it."

  Qin Ying signaled, and several workers around immediately moved the boulder away , there is a scorching air gushing out of it, and this air contains a special yang energy.

  "Xiao Dong and I went down to have a look, you guys are waiting here." Lin Mu said.

  "Master Lin Mu, is this too dangerous?" Qin Ying said, Lin Mu is now the treasure of the Lin family, if something happens, he can't bear the responsibility.

  "Don't worry, nothing will happen." Lin Mu said, and went straight in, followed by Lin Dong and Xiao Yan.

  After going in for about two or three minutes, Lin Mu came to a red-red broken rock area, which looked like flowing magma, and the temperature inside was much higher than outside.

  In the middle of the broken rock, there is a huge white animal bone about tens of feet standing. There is a faint pressure on the animal bone, and it is not an ordinary monster at a glance.

  "Brother, what is that?" Lin Dong asked in shock.

  "It's just the skeleton of a Skyfire Dragon." Lin Mu shrugged and said.

  Beside Xiaoyan, the crimson fur all over stood on end, and then it turned into a red shadow and rushed out, the target was the dark white animal bone.

  "Xiao Yan, come back quickly!" Lin Dong shouted worriedly, trying to chase after him, but was stopped by Lin Mu.

  "It will be fine, this is still a chance for him."

  Xiao Yan quickly climbed onto the skeleton of the Skyfire Jiao, finally stopped at the head, and patted the already fragile skull with a blunt claw. It was smashed.

  The skull shattered, and a fiery red bead fell out of it. Xiao Yan didn't feel anything, jumped off the skeleton, and swallowed the fiery red bead in one gulp.

  "Brother, what did Xiao Yan eat? Why did I see a baby's face?" Lin Dong said.

  "That's the demon baby of the Skyfire Flood Dragon," Lin Mu said.


  After swallowing the fiery red bead, a raging flame erupted from Xiaoyan's body, and its body was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. So shocked that Soso trembled.

  In the blink of an eye, Xiao Yan's body became the size of a small building, and finally shrunk rapidly, turning back to its original shape, and ran back to Lin Dong's side.

  "Xiao Yan, are you alright?" Lin Dong asked worriedly.

  Xiao Yan patted Lin Dong's body with his big head, signaling that he was fine.

  At this time, Lin Mu also walked towards the back of the Tianhuojiao's skeleton, where there was a piece of rock solidified by the magma gushing out from the ground. The flowers, around the flowers, linger with a faint smoke.

  "Brother, what is this?" Lin Dong asked curiously. He found that no matter what he asked, Lin Mu could give the answer, as if Lin Mu knew everything.

  "Huozu Yaohua, you can rely on it if you want to quickly increase your mental power." Lin Mu said.

  Lin Mu didn't dare to get close to this weird flower. He could devour life. This day, the fire dragon just wanted to eat the Huo Zu demon flower, but he died after being devoured by life.

  With the movement of the mind, a wave of spiritual power gushed out, picking off the fire ancestor demon flower.

  "Xiao Dong, stretch out your palm." Lin Mu said, the stone talisman had already entered Lin Mu's body.

  Lin Dong didn't have the slightest doubt about Lin Mu's words, and stretched out his palm, and Lin Mu controlled the fire ancestor demon flower to approach Lin Dong's palm.

  A ray of light shot out from Lin Dong's palm, and then the Fire Ancestor Demon Flower turned into a viscous liquid, which was sucked in by Lin Dong's palm.


  As soon as the liquid got into Lin Dong's palm, Lin Dong let out a scream.

  "Keep awake, follow the method of condensing the seal I taught you before, and start to condense the talisman." Lin Mu said, he can't help Lin Dong at this time, he can only rely on Lin Dong himself.

  Hearing Lin Mu's words, Lin Dong sat up cross-legged, and as he began to condense the talisman, his violent mental power began to be controlled.


  Lin Dong let out a soft drink, trying to control the mental power condensing symbol.

  Lin Mu was waiting at the side. He knew that Lin Dong was at a critical moment, and the natal talisman was very important to a talisman master.

  After a long time, Lin Dong finally opened his eyes, and a white light flashed in his eyes.

  "That's right, I became a second seal talisman teacher directly." Lin Mu nodded in satisfaction.

  Since Lin Mu had taught Lin Dong the method of consolidating seals early on, Lin Dong had absorbed more spiritual power than in the original book, and became a master of the second seal talisman directly.

  "Is this a talisman master? It's so powerful!" Lin Dong said excitedly. In just a short moment, he became a second seal talisman master from a weak chicken who had just cultivated spiritual power.

  You must know that the Eryin Talisman is comparable to Xiaoyuandan, that is to say, apart from Lin Mu, even Lin Zhentian may not be able to beat him in the Lin family.

  "Your mental power has increased too much at once, and you need to temper it carefully, otherwise it will have a certain impact on your future cultivation." Lin Mu said.

  "En." Lin Dong nodded solemnly, he understands the importance of foundation.

  "Brother, I found that the yang qi here is a bit special. It contains a berserk factor, which cannot be absorbed by ordinary people, but I can completely absorb it after I have purified it through the stone talisman." Lin Dong said.

  "You will be able to enter the Tianyuan Realm in a short time, and then you can come here to practice." Lin Mu smiled, but he forgot about it.

  Lin Mu is now in the late stage of the Earth Yuan Realm, and when he breaks through to the Tian Yuan Realm, the halberd can absorb Yang Gang Qi, and the special masculine Qi here allows him to condense a better-quality Yuan Pill.

  "En." Lin Dong smiled and nodded.