
Lin Mu in the universe of martial arts(WU DONG QIAN KUN)

(chapters are uploaded every day)Traveling through the universe of martial arts, he became the protagonist's older brother and obtained a breathing system, which can become stronger as long as he breathes. However, martial arts are just the beginning, and there are more wonderful things waiting for him in the future challenge!. -----------------------IMPORTANT--------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Book&Literature
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Ancient Spiral Seal

In the blink of an eye, it has been half a month since the Yangyuan Stone vein was discovered.

  In the past half month, Lin Mu did not take it at home all day like before, but went to the trading workshop every day to buy some elixir of the fourth grade or above.

  The purchase of the elixir was only incidental. His real purpose was to find something, but unfortunately he still couldn't find it after searching for half a month.

  On this day, Lin Mu came to the trading workshop as usual.

  "Huh, did it finally appear?" Lin Mu was delighted in his heart, he found a wave of mental power, and there are not many things in the trading workshop that can have mental power fluctuations.

  Lin Mu calmly walked to a booth, which was filled with a variety of goods.

  "How do you sell this green wood spirit stem?" Lin Mu asked, holding the green wood spirit stem in his hand, but his attention was on an ancient tree covered with moss next to the green wood spirit stem.

  This ancient wood is exactly the ancient wood that records the method of consolidating the seal of the ancient swirl talisman. Lin Mu wandered around the workshop for more than half a month, just for it.

  "Fifty Yang Yuanshi!" The stall owner said in a neutral tone wearing a black bamboo hat.

  "What about this ancient wood?"

  "One hundred Yangyuan stones."

  "Such an ancient wood is more expensive than a fourth-grade elixir?" Lin Mu said in pretended surprise. Although he was not short of the money, he didn't want to Considered a fat sheep.

  "The fuzzy runes on this ancient tree should be related to talisman masters. If it wasn't for the lack of talisman masters in Qingyang Town, I wouldn't be selling more than a hundred Yang Yuan stones." The stall owner said lazily.

  "Add the two together, how about a hundred Yang Yuanshi?" Lin Mu said.

  "One hundred and fifty yuan, you can buy it if you want, and don't force it if you don't buy it." The stall owner said, as if he wanted to buy it or not.

  "Okay!" Lin Mu said, took out fifteen Yangyuan Pills, and threw them to the stall owner.

  These Yangyuan Pills were condensed from his boredom in the past few days. When the Yangyuan Stone was mined at that time, Lin Mu took some at random, purely for fun.

  "Hehe, bold enough!" The stall owner showed a hint of joy.

  Lin Mu felt that he was still not suitable for bargaining. If he persisted for a while, the other party might really agree to sell him a hundred Yangyuan stones.

  But Lin Mu didn't care anymore, he just breathed out ten pure Yuan pills, which is equivalent to a thousand Yang Yuan pills, instead of spending time talking with the stall owner, it's better to take a few more breaths.

  After getting the imprinting method of the ancient swirl talisman, Lin Mu also returned home happily at the trading workshop.

  Name: Lin Mu

  Yuanli cultivation base: Yuandan Realm Small Perfection (+)

  Spiritual power cultivation base: Four Seal Talisman (+)

  Martial skills: Tongbeiquan [Completion], Bengleiquan [Consummation]

  Essence and secret skills: Wugong

  method : Lei Yuan Gong/Ling Shen Jue

  natal talisman: Thunder Sky Seal

  Special item: Wuchun

  Yuan Pill: 1889630

  In the past half a month, Lin Mu has raised his spiritual power to a four-seal talisman master, Yuan Lixiu Wei also upgraded from the original Xiao Yuandan realm to Yuandan realm Xiaoyuan.

  "It can be improved again!"

  It only took 900,000 pure yuan pills to upgrade the cultivation base of Yuanli from the small Yuandan realm to the Xiaoyuan realm, and 900,000 pure yuan to upgrade the cultivation level of spiritual power to the three seals. Pill, four seal talisman teacher 1.2 million Yang Yuan Dan.

  For Lin Mu now, a few days is enough.

  Now that more than 1.8 million pure Yuan Dans have been accumulated, both the cultivation of Yuanli and the cultivation of spiritual power can be improved, but Lin Mu still chooses to improve the cultivation of spiritual power first.

  With a slight tap, the number of Pure Yuan Pills suddenly decreased by 1.5 million, and the spiritual power cultivation base also changed from the previous four-seal talisman master to the five-seal talisman master.

  "Five-sealed talisman master is comparable to Yuandan Realm Dashen, coupled with the cultivation of Yuanli, now in the entire Yancheng, no one is my opponent."

  Lin Muqing felt that with just a single thought, he could unleash enormous power, and using it together with Yuanli, it was enough to defeat the general modeling realm powerhouse.

  The city lord of Yancheng has just entered the modeling realm, and he has not even reached the modeling realm.

  "After the five-seal talisman master is the spiritual talisman master, but there is no rush to upgrade now. After the cultivation of Yuanli has been raised to the Great Perfection of Yuandan Realm, I will accumulate some pure Yuandan to exchange for Wuying Needle." Lin Mu thought in his heart. .

  "Brother, I have cultivated my spiritual power." At this moment, Lin Dong excitedly ran into Lin Mu's room.

  Half a month ago, Lin Mu taught Lin Dong the method of spiritual power cultivation. Lin Dong was very interested in the cultivation of spiritual power and worked very hard.

  "That's right, but it's still far from the Cohesion Rune." Lin Mu nodded.

  "Brother, do you think everyone is like you and can condense a talisman after a few days of practice, otherwise, why would there be no talisman master in Qingyang Town." Lin Dong gave Lin Mu a white look.

  "I have a way to increase your spiritual power a lot." Lin Mu said with a smile, he didn't practice it by himself, but improved it purely by the system.

  "Brother, what can we do?" Lin Dong's eyes lit up when he heard this.

  "First I will teach you a method of imprinting, which I just found from the trading market." Lin Mu said.

  "Brother, can there be any good things in the trading workshop? You can teach me another method of imprinting." Lin Dong said with a doggy smile, he knew that the things that came out of Lin Mu's hands were all good things.

  "If it's not a good thing, can I appreciate it? If you want to learn it, learn it, and if you don't learn it, forget it." Lin Mu said angrily. Although the ancient whirlwind seal is not as good as the thunder sky seal, it imitates the devouring ancestor talisman. It will be of great help to get the Devouring Ancestral Talisman in the future.

  "Learn, I'll learn!" Lin Dong said hastily.

  "Take it!" Lin Mu handed the ancient wood he just got to Lin Dong.

  "Brother, how do I do this?" Lin Dong looked at the ancient wood in his hand, but didn't know what to do next.

  "It's enough to immerse with mental power." Lin Mu said.

  According to what Lin Mu said, Lin Dong mobilized his weak spiritual power and immersed himself in the ancient wood. Immediately, the ancient wood exuded a faint luster, and the luster condensed, and finally turned into a beam of light, projecting onto Lin Dong's forehead.

  A stream of information quickly flooded into Lin Dong's mind.

  The ancient swirl seal, the method of condensing the seal.

  After a while, Lin Dong let out a breath, and the information in his mind had been completely digested.

  "Brother, what about the method you mentioned to quickly increase your spiritual power?" Lin Dong asked, as long as he condenses the talisman, he is considered a talisman master.

  "Come with me." Lin Mu said.

  "Brother, where are we going?" Lin Dong asked, and immediately followed.


  "Is there any treasure in Tiemuzhuang?" A gleam flashed in Lin Dong's eyes.

"You'll know when you get there."