
Limitless: The Evergreen System

The event known as "The Quake" changed the world forever. Rifts, inter-dimensional gateways, opened and let loose magic upon the Earth. Soon followed monsters, mutated animals and fantasy beasts! People imbued with magic, wielding powers akin to mythical heroes, rose up to fight back the stream of horrors, creating a new world order in the process. Many years later, a young man named Alberto Ferantelli will stumble upon an ancient and powerful artifact that could be tied to the origin of the Quake. Now connected to a cosmic force, Alberto has been given a System that allows him to "Level Up" and constantly become stronger! He has the power to become anything, choose any path. What will he do with all the power in the world? What will he become? The possibilities are Limitless!

IP2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

More (Part 1)

What makes us any different from other animals? Speech? Complex emotion, thought? All true, but also our ability to desire more.. More than just basic survival. More than shelter, food and safety. People crave peace of mind, expression, companionship on a deeper level and to elevate themselves to a higher state of being, wether that's spiritual or intellectual in nature. Alberto Ferantelli was no different.

Berto took panting breaths as his jog came to an end near the peer. The sun was just now coming to claim its place in the sky and the young man could appreciate the majesty of it all. Vibrant hues of gold and orange over a dark rippling ocean. It had been nearly three weeks since he came out of the Jungle Rift. Three weeks of chasing down loose ends, reconnecting with loved ones and trying to better himself in anyway he could. Daily running and exercising followed by helping at the center. Hanging out with old friends from school.. Berto had found that even though they had grown apart as people it was quite refreshing spending time with them over a beer or a coffee, simply talking about everyday life and telling funny stories from when they were kids. He vowed to make time for them at least twice a month to just hang out and have a good time.

It had also been three weeks without him transforming as a conduit of the Evergreen. He had experimented and found new ways to apply his connection with Mariah and the Collective but had decided on keeping away from the craziness of Rifts and magic for a while. Berto could now communicate with Mariah, even without transforming, but this required great concentration on his part. He could also perform a sort of demi-transformation. By allowing Mana to seep through the connection, Berto could allow one of Mental stats to carry over from his Mana Form to his natural one. For example he could become as Intelligent, Charismatic or Spiritual as he was in his Mana Form after meditating for 30 minutes. It could only be one of three at any time but the youth had found it extremely helpful to have his augmented intelligence or charisma, in everyday life!

After aquiring the payment for his last adventure, Berto invested in the shelter once more, albeit anonymously, as to avoid unnecessary questions. He then bought a small workshop for ten thousand dollars. An old car repair shop that had gone out of business a few years back. The owner was more than happy to give it away for the quick cash, even included most of the gear and equipment in the price. Berto had some ideas of what to do with place. The first, was simply to have his own business, by first collecting some more cash from Rifts, maybe create a fine repair shop and become the best engineer around. Or.. he could use the place to create his own equipment workshop. He could take his weapon-crafting to the next level and become a highly paid Champion in disguise.

But to do that he had to stop associating himself with the guild. To many checks, logs and restrictions. They were bound to ask questions if he continued bringing in big hauls like last time. And if he showed up as his Conduit self they would still need him to identify himself, then everyone he loved would find out his secret. But if he couldn't cash in his findings there, then where could he? Thoughts that he shelved for later as he ended his final set of push ups. His arms and abdomen were aching from the exertion but he had come to appreciate the burn it caused. He had decided that if he was going to be this, awakened survivor badass, then his "normal self" needed to be up to the task as well. He read and expanded his knowledge of any subject he could think of, consuming books in the span of a few days, with the aid of his heightened Intellect stat. He exercised and pushed himself daily so that his normal body wouldn't "drag" him down during a crisis.

As he walked back towards the city he stopped by the market and bought a few things for the shelter and then stopped by the cafe to see Miguel. The two had hit it off quite well as friends and hung out almost daily for the past two weeks. Turns out that Miguel was already in a loving relationship but even so, found many common interests in Alberto and the two men would talk over coffee in the morning. The barista was passionate about music and cuisine, he was quite artistic unlike the more roughly edged Berto. They both loved the island though and shared a hidden desire to travel and see other places. Berto even got to meet Miguel's boyfriend and was now slowly becoming a good friend for the couple. That was something that also brought a little pain to the conduit. His strengthening bond with Miguel and his former friends reminded him constantly of Colleta and his promise to his mentor Manuel.

The younger girl wanted nothing to do with the young engineer and had even displayed some animosity against him. As it turned out, Colleta had a grudge against anyone associated with Cerberus Dynamics for what happened to her father. Although her father had explained that he was alive thanks to the young man's efforts, the girl's pain prevented her for seeing things clearly. In her eyes, Berto had saved no one. Her father was dying a slow death. A better friend would have protected him, Berto did not. And although the young man had done everything he could on that fateful day, he sadly agreed with her sentiment. He could not forgive himself so why should she?

After bidding farewell to Miguel and promising to visit his shelter in a few nights to hang out, Berto went back to his mother's school. The shelter was really coming together as a living space and the young man's supplies had really helped. The defences however were dwindling. Each night the Rifts would release more monsters out in the streets and the soldiers were exhausted after fighting like this for days. Their morale was low, their defences degrading and their ammunition was running out. If this kept up the shelters would soon be in danger. The only reason people were allowed to roam during the day was to give them a sense of normality or else they might have rebelled or panicked weeks ago. Berto thought about his part in all of this. The other Champions didn't know what he knew.. they were stronger but lacked his unique insight. What is his duty to find the root out the cause of this second Quake? To put an end to this crisis?

He entered the building plagued by his own guilt and thoughts, dropped off the supplies he was asked to pick up and went to see Manuel in the medical wing. The older man had just finished a meal.. barely. He could not eat, walk on his own or even breath without constantly coughing. The nurse took away his plate while looking at Berto with a sad face. It was as if she was apologizing.. As if she knew, that he was dying. Berto held in the tears and approached his mentor with a fake smile. "Hola Mr. Manuel.."

"Hola Niño.. How are you? And would you cut it with the 'Mr' already?"

Berto chuckled at that. "I don't think I can.. I respect you to much to call you by your first name.."

"But not enough to do as I ask jaja", the two laughed until they were grimly interrupted by Manuel's violent coughing. Berto frowned, as he was reminded of his mentor's condition. Manuel didn't seem much better.

"Oh there is something I want you to do for me Niño! Coletta will go to our house this afternoon to collect some things, important things! You know how far away the house is and with no car it'll be night until she gets back.. You'll escort her there si?".

"Mr Manuel.. you know I'd be more than happy to.. but Coletta.. she.."

"Hates your guts.. Si I've noticed.. The way she shouted at you a week ago.. I think Cuba noticed as well.." he stated with a horrified look. "But that's exactly why I told her to take you with her.. This is a good opportunity for Coletta to see the Berto I know.. She will like you niño.. Once the pain goes away.. It would give such comfort to know that she has you in her life when I'm gone.."

"Ok.. ok.. Of course I'll do it.. But you have to stop telling us you're dying every five minutes!" said Berto, now with tears at the corners of his eyes but a funny expression on his face. The two laughed and shared a hug.

• • •

One and a half hours passed and Berto was still sitting next to, a now sleeping, Manuel. He got tired of watching news about the Rifts and the breaches from monsters and closed the TV. He turned to Manuel and observed his frail body, his sunken eyes, shaven hair and loss of weight. The overwhelming sadness just wouldn't go away. He felt like someone was stirring his insides around. But.. there was something else there. Berto looked around. For the first time in many days, the wing was almost empty and everyone here was either quite or sleeping at the moment. He consentrated on Manuel's body and the feeling was still there. It was like he could feel a.. barrel of water? Or simply a container, sloshing with a viscous liquid..

And then it finally hit him! It was the Mana! He could feel the Mana that was currently infecting Manuel! Berto lost no time. He went to the bathroom and transformed!

Mariah: Welcome back User B..

"Shhhhhh!!! I'm working! Follow my lead!" he accidentally wispered out loud, interrupting his Administrator, before remembering they had a telepathic connection. "Intellect of 22 my ass.. Repetition is mother of learning.." as his mother used to day. He sat down next to Manuel once more but this time with the enhanced senses and skills of his Awakened body. Through his Spirit and Mana Manipulation Skill he quickly realised that he could not only feel but almost "see" the Mana swirling inside Manuel's body. Ideas started forming inside Berto's head. He could and had, manipulated the Mana in his own body. Moving it around and even ejecting it out through the use of his rare Skill. Could he do this with Manuel? Could he remove or absorb the Mana from someone else's body?

The young man lost no time thinking about it and quickly placed a had over Manuel and closed his eyes in concentration. He reached out towards the foreign Mana and connected to its presence, tugging on it with his will but nothing happened.

Mariah: Skill level is too low for involuntary Mana absorption. We are sorry Master Berto.

"How high does it need to be? I have two unused Skill points!"

Mariah: That would certainly help but we have to advise against it. Remember as the collective we must encourage you to pursue a balanced evolution. Please do not let your emotions for others guide your choices.

"And I've already told you that being emotional keeps me human! Look.. You can't ask me not to do this when there's a chance it could save Manuel.. Besides, Mana Manipulation is an S ranked Skill! Leveling could only benefit me right!?" stated Berto with conviction but only received a telepathic "nod" from Mariah. "Fine! I won't spend the Skill points yet. I'll try something else first..". With that, the Awakened proceeded with his plan although every human instinct he had was telling him it was a bad idea. He thought, that since he was capable of ejecting and reabsorbing his own Mana, that maybe if he "injected" his Mana into Manuel's clusters of infectious energy, he could perhaps then sap a little bit of that into him, as he retrieved his Mana again. The idea of giving Manuel even more of the cancerous energy frightened Berto but somehow the combined knowledge that came with his Skills and Stats, were "telling" him that his plan was feasible. Besides.. his mentor was dying, whatever he did couldn't possibly kill him more..

Berto concentrated and infused a cancerous cluster of Mana, inside of Manuel's lungs, with his own, forcing them to mix. He then reabsorbed his Mana and was stunned as he realised he had two additional points than when he started the procedure!

Mariah: Mana Manipulation has reached Lvl.2! Your understanding of the flow of Mana has increased. Your ability to control the force has increased. Congratulations User Berto, you have successfully extracted 13% of the Mana plaguing your friend. However continuing this method of treatment would be ill advised! Suffusing him with more of your Mana might accelerate his deterioration. You should wait at least 24 hours before attempting the procedure again.

The young man's smile stretched from ear to ear. He could do this! He could save Manuel! If every procedure needed to be only once per day that could be a problem since his mentor was running out of time. But if he managed to increase his proficiency and extracted more Mana with every attempt, then surely he could remove the foreign energy and Manuel would recover on his own! "I am.. myself" the young man said with an exhale of relief and his Mana body dissolved into a slumped over Alberto Ferantelli. "Everything is going to be ok Mr Guevera.. I'll go find Coletta, but soon.. you'll be able to take care of her again.." he exclaimed placing his hand on that of his mentor's.