
Limitless Hunter (Solo leveling & Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfiction)

Growing up in a household built upon strength and power in a society that idealized power it only made sense Kim Bora would do almost anything to prove himself to the one who doubted him when he first awakened at 17. A training incident gone wrong would lead to Kim Bora obtaining a power unheard of. The system. Through the system he will become the strongest hunter.

Lway20 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 8

I don't own solo leveling or Jujutsu Kaisen


"... I just know where they're attacking me from!"






[Name: Kim Bora Level: 12

Title: Lynx Predator,... Fatigue: 37

Job: None

HP: 1 256/1794



Strength: 31

Agility: 21

Vitality: 21

Sense: 21

Intelligence: 24


Remaining Stat points: 0]





"I've leveled up a lot since entering this gate. My strength stat is really high now so the power difference between myself and the creatures around me is really showing," Kim Bora said as he looked at his very much improved status. "I used to be able to feel the difference between the tigers and I, but now it's like I don't even register them as a threat at times. I've clearly gotten stronger just from leveling up I think I've stronger than I was before I even got this system, but... whatever is in that building is way above my pay grade," the D-rank hunter said out loud as his eyes wondered over towards the terminal building in the distance. The white haired youth couldn't help but shiver at the ominous air coming out of that building in waves.

"I'm going to be running out of food soon and fighting needlessly will only degrade my dagger further. Also I don't think I'll be leveling up any time soon... so might as well check this monster out," he reasoned with himself that this was the wisest course of action.

'If things get too drastic I can just plop out of here with the Curse Marking,' he thought to himself while narrowing his eyes at the thought of monster being his overwhelming superior.

"I'm getting goosebumps... And I haven't even seen the guy yet!" he grinned walking forward without hesitation through the glass sliding doors and into the building.


"I've been walking through this building for a while now. Is this really the Seoul Express Bus Terminal building?" the heavily wounded individual questioned out loud as he walked through the dilapidated building.

His eyes suddenly began to glow light blue once again as the very air in front of him seemed to shift. 'Fast!' he thought as he barely had time to put his hands into a block before he was smacked into a nearby wall by a fast moving red figure.



[Razor Tailed Kitsune, Spirit Of The Forest ]



'Damn... even with my newly obtained strength, but it overpowered me completely. It also struck me with its razor blade of a tail,' Kim surmised from his brief encounter with the high ranked monster and the fact he was bleeding from his forearms.

It was 10m tall red haired fox with 3m tail that had small razor blades on it for shredding through flesh like paper. It had rows of sharp canines and a feral look on its face as it growled at Kim, who was getting up from being smacked into the wall.

"I'm guessing, you're the boss," he stated sarcastically as he let his ruined backpack drop to the floor and got into a fighting stance.


His eyes then lost track of the monster as it disappeared and then reappear right in front of him ready to bite into his torso, but he jumped away just in time and flipped to landed behind it. He tried to run away and create some distance, but was cut off as the giant fox appeared right in front of him again and slashed him across the chest with its razor bladed tail.

Blood leaked out from his chest cavity as he let out a shuddering breath due to the pain. He put a hand to his chest as the blood spilled forth, 'This blood... It's like that time again... I thought I was past this fear, but I'm starting to feel it again...' he thought clenching his blood soaked hand. 'The paralyzing fear of..... Death!' he despaired glaring with his glowing light blue eyes at the red fox approaching him.

It seemed as if the fox was moving in slow motion as he stood up to block the incoming blow with his dull bladed dagger.

'No! I refuse to be scared! I told myself I was past this!' he thought aggressively as he successfully blocked the giant tail with his dagger and then jumped into the air. "I am no... COWARD!!!!!!" Kim shouted as he dived straight for the open mouth of the fox.

It was about to caught the hunter right in it's mouth, but Kim did a mid-air maneuver that allowed him to dodge the fox and slice the right side of its jaw with his dagger.



[Six eyes has been activated!]



Bora landed in a crouch behind the fox and then dived forward to avoid the deadly tail descending quickly as it aimed to crush. He rolled and then stood up to face the boss rank monster.

'...Am I going to die? ' he thought as him and the giant red fox entered a stare down. "Don't you growl at me! I'll show you my superiority by killing you!" Kim said with a manic grin on his face and his eyes glowing a brilliant blue.

"Since it's like that... Then let's get down to business!" he taunted the bloodlusted fox as he ran forward to slice at one of its legs. The fox saw this however, and did an impossible backflip to avoid the swipe while simultaneously striking Kim with its razor sharp tail.

"What?!" the D-ranker exclaimed widening his eyes at such an acrobatic maneuver from the giant fox. He side stepped to the left, avoiding being cleaved in half, and jumped into the air to capitalize on the beast's vulnerable position in the air.

He grabbed it by the scruff of the neck and squeezed as hard as he could, digging his fingers into the flesh of the monster through its thick fur.

"Come on, big guy! Just die!" he shouted as the fox was descending to the ground planning to use Kim to break its fall.

"Hurk!" he grunted as he was driven into ground and used as cushion by the monster on top of him, but he didn't let go and if anything dug even deeper into the neck.



[Health has reached critical! Valor will be activated!]



The fox let out a wail of pain as it tried desperately to get Kim off it by flailing its body around widly.

It dragged Kim through every surface possible and smashed into every wall of the terminal building.




Bora kept chanting as his body was put through hell by the flailing fox.


It had been a long day for Kim Jin Min, Leader of the Reaper Guild Equipments Division and father to one Kim Bora. He had just gotten finished with the paperwork that had him stumbed for the past few hours.

Letting out a sigh and leaning backwards on his chair to take a glance outside of his high-rise office window and seeing it was dark outside.

'I've been working all day?' He rubbed his eyes to get the tiredness out of his eyes. He looked up to see the door to his office being opened. He didn't think much of it since it was probably his assistant coming to tell him that she was heading home, but he was surprised to see his older brother, Sang Shik leaning on the door frame.

"Older brother. What are you up to at this hour?" Jin Min's tired voice questioned the hunter on his presence there or maybe it was a hallucination from lack of sleep. "Can't an older brother check on his younger brother from time to time?" was Sang Shik's response walking forward to sit on the younger man's desk to which annoyance flashed on his face. Jin Min didn't like other people touching his things.

"Did you here that Bora was discharged earlier this morning?"

"I was informed, yes. I wanted to make time to see him, but as you can see I was a bit caught up," The CEO responsed with a gesture to the paperwork all over his desk. He had a made sure to see his son for the past days the boy was in a coma. He knew that their relationship was strained after the big fight he had with him and his mother about joining him the Reaper Guild.

"He's a good kid, but I think that fight a few months back has really got him fired up to prove a point. I think he's going to go back there soon if he hasn't already," Sang Shik said telling Jin Min about his impression of the boy's mentality after just interacting with for a few minutes.

Reading people wasn't something that his older brother was good at but on the rare occasion he would surprise him with his insights.

"Hmm..." The younger Kim hummed giving his brother a thousand mile stare. His son has always had this fire to prove himself for some reason, he didn't know whose validation he was seeking but he knew that it pushed him to do reckless things.

"I've always taught him to be logical and objective about things because hunter work is dangerous and life threatening work, but I don't think that message truly stuck," He chuckled lightly thinking back to his son's words the day he left the family house to get his own apartment.


"I'm walking my own path to make a name for myself and I don't need yours or anyone else's help!" his mind flashed back to Nora's eyes filled an ambitious fire that would burn everything in it's path left to run freely.


"Yeah... That kid is reckless," Sang Shik smiled unknowingly mirroring the words running in his younger brother's head.





[You have leveled up!]



[You have leveled up!]



[You have leveled up!]



[You have leveled up!]





"Haha... Why couldn't you have died sooner, you bastard," the battered, grinning form of Kim Bora said, lying on top of the dead body of the boss rank monster fox.




[Razor Tailed Kitsune, Spirit Of The Forest has been slain]

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