
Limitless Hunter (Solo leveling & Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfiction)

Growing up in a household built upon strength and power in a society that idealized power it only made sense Kim Bora would do almost anything to prove himself to the one who doubted him when he first awakened at 17. A training incident gone wrong would lead to Kim Bora obtaining a power unheard of. The system. Through the system he will become the strongest hunter.

Lway20 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 7

I don't own solo leveling or Jujutsu Kaisen


"You're nothing to me,"






[Name: Kim Bora Level: 2

Title: None Fatigue: 3

Job: A Man of Immense Valor

HP: 165/254

MP: 48/72


Strength: 21

Agility: 11

Vitality: 11

Sense: 11

Intelligence: 13


Remaining Stat points : 0]





'It seems by leveling up it restores my health and mana by 10% each time. Leveling up also increases my stats by 1. Completing the daily quest gives me 3 stat points and leveling up gives me a plus 1 in all stats, so that would give me maybe a total of 5 stat points,' he thought to himself with a hand on his chin as he analyzed the system's mechanics.

'Hunting monsters and leveling up is definitely more effective than the daily quests. I wonder how much stronger 1 stat point makes me. Strength is my highest stat, but I've raised my intelligence stat by 3 points, which seems to have raised my mana from 60 to 72,' he sat down and took a breath as looked at his skills screen.






(Active) -

Dash Lvl 1:

Grants the user a 30% boost to speed. Changing the tide of a battle.

- Requires 20 MP to activate -

- Consumes 1 MP per minute - ]




"This is the only skill I have at the moment and it's helped me a lot back there, without it I think I would have did," Kim chuckled morbidly at the thought of dying.

"These monsters don't have magical cores like in normal dungeons, but instead 'drop' the metal material from their claws. They could be used to make something..." Kim thought scanning the corpses littered around him, noticing the material that filled his item storage. He wondered if it could run out of space.



[Item: Claws of the Lynx

Item Class: E

Type: Junk

The flesh piercing metal of the Lynx.

Can be kept in storage or discard.]



"I can't leave this dungeon without killing the boss. Finding a Curse Marking would allow to leave, at least I think so, but I don't know when that will happen. I also didn't bring enough food to be here for longer than a day. Even if the boss is D-rank, it's might be too much for me to handle, I never contributed much in my hunter career when it came to defeating boss monsters," he said standing up fully with a dagger in his hand.

He ran a hand through his long white hair as he said," I should be able to take the boss on if I level up a bit more, right? Hehe... It doesn't even matter cause there's no way I'm dying in shithole like this!" he said determined as he turned to face the various growling noises coming from the terminal building in front of him.

There were countless iron clawed lynxes ready to overwhelm him with sheer numbers, but he didn't care as he blitz right past 4 of them shredding them to pieces in the process. One of them tried jumping on his back, but he saw that just in time to land a back and then drove a dagger right through it's head. Two more lunged at him as he side flipped right in between them, dodging them both. He then proceed to push kick one of them so hard it's head caved in and stabbed the other one multiple times on the body.

"You guys are becoming way too easy...I'm even starting to feel sorry," Bora said as he speed past dozens and dozens of tigers, slicing and chopping apart their limbs in the process.



[You have leveled up!]



'I need to keep going...' he thought as he jump up to avoid an iron clawed strike from a tiger striking at his legs, he then double footed the tiger into the ground so hard its brain matter splattered onto the floor.



[You have leveled up!]



'I can't slow down here or I'll be killed!' he shouted at himself as his eyes flashed blue for a brief second. He was plowing through dozens of these monsters like a hot knife through butter.



[You have leveled up!]



'I don't ever want to be powerless again! I want to be able to look at my parents with my head held high this time!' he thought as he flashedback to the his thoughts that day in the hospital. He was fighting desperately against the fatigue that was catching up with him.



[You have leveled up!]



'I won't ever be powerless again! I swear I'll be the strongest! Even if this system kills me in the process!' he hyped himself in his head as he was faced with more and more tigers. "AHHHHHH!" he shouted passionately as he ran towards the army of beasts in his path to power. Slashing them apart like nothing as he progressively leveled up.



[You have leveled up!]





[You have earned (Title: 'Lynx Predator') ]





"Hah... hah... hah..." Kim panted as he put both hands on his knees. There dozens upon dozens of tiger corpses laid out all around him with severed heads and limbs. "I think I over did it a little. My dagger's all dull and chipped," he said as he looked at the small blade in his right hand.

'This one was really expensive too. I had to use up almost all my savings to buy it. Man, the life of a D-rank hunter really is trash!' he whined internally as he twirled the dagger around a few times before gripping it in a tight reverse grip.




[Title: Lynx Predator

A title given to a hunter effective in fighting against tigers.

20% increase in experience against beast-type monsters.]




'Another title, huh. Come to think of it I never saw what the other title's grant me. I guess I can check them out,' he thought tiredly as he opened the system to check his title descriptions.



[Title : A Man Of Immense Valor —

A title that grants a passive boost in all physical stats by 30% when the player reaches critical health (15% or below).

1 HP will be recovered every minute.]



"Hehe, that's a pretty neat passive effect that boosta my physicals on the brink of death. I also progressively recover health over time," he commented swiping away from the screen and looking around once again.

"I thought the curse marking would be a marking on the floor or wall of some kind I had to find, but it turns out it's just a runestone with black markings all over it," the D-ranker said as he pulled out the stone from his item storage.

"I could probably call it a day and head home, but this might be a one time thing created by the system or the key was a one time use, considering I can't find it anywhere in my item storage," he hypothesized as he considered leaving the instant dungeon.

"If that's the case... I guess I can stay a bit longer," he smirked, his eyes flashing blue once again as he noticed more monsters approaching from over his shoulder.



[You have leveled up!]



The system notified him as he sliced through two tigers with his dull dagger, relatively easy.



[You have leveled up!]



'Each time I level up, the fight against monsters becomes easier and easier,' he thought as he blitzed and slashed apart multiple different foes in one motion.



[You have leveled up!]



[Razor clawed Briga has been slain.]



[Black Shadow Razan has been slain.]



[Black Shadow Razan has been slain.]



The system chimed each time he killed a monster. He had encountered black panters, spider monkeys and tigers up during his many hours in the dungeon.



[You have leveled up!]



'I feel like I'm getting stronger and stronger each time I slash and slice apart these monster. And they keep on respawning unlike a normal dungeon so they don't feel like normal creatures.' he thought, easily dodging past a swipe from a sharp clawed spider monkey.

"It's kinda like a game, where their attack patterns are predetermined... So if I learn the patterns, I can determine where they will most likely strike me from!" Kim shouted as he casually rolled underneath a panther launching itself from the air to pounce on him.

His black eyes no longer flashing blue, but glowing a bright light blue as he instinctively knew a tiger was trying to attack him from behind, back flipping right onto its back and then stabbing it in the head.

'I can see... I can see everything... I don't even have to memorize their attack patterns... I just know where they're attacking me from!' he thought in brief bewilderment but didn't let it slow him down, slashing apart multiple other monsters with ease.



[You have leveled up!]

