
Training III

Year: 5, Month: 9

13 months have passed since the last entry. Yamamoto has made some serious progress. He has been leaving physical training aside and has just been training his skills. His Instant Dungeon skill was no longer easy to 'level up'. It was still at rank A-. But that didn't mean that new dungeons were unlocked and the existing dungeons got stronger. The Time ID now had a time dilation of 24:1. It was a treat for Yamamoto to train there and combine it with the Gravity ID.

The gravity in the Gravity ID could now reach up to 240 times Earth's gravity. It might not seem like much, but considering that I was still only a Shinigami-Hanma hybrid, this was still not bad. But it was still not that much. The stronger I became the easier it got. I only used the extra gravity to make it harder for me when I used Virtual Reality Sparing.

[Virtual Reality Sparing: Rank C]

I had increased my rank with that skill. The higher the skill got, the more lifelike and versatile I could make the opponents I fought. In the beginning, the opponents couldn't use any form of energy, but now when I fought Gol D. Roger or Mihawk, they could use Haki and another form of energy I gave them or wished for them to wield. But I had to buy those extensions.

[Monotony resistance: Rank B-]

My monotony resistance increased in rank. It made sense as I was pretty much repeating things over and over again. Thankfully I had bought two new skills one year ago.

[Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist: Rank D - 15'000'000 SP]

[Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist: Rank D - 15'000'000 SP]

These were two powerful and useful martial arts. Originally I wanted to buy Renewal Taekwondo but the price was just ridiculous. I could have afforded it, but I chose to first train with these two martial arts and then later when I get Shadow Clones or Wood Clones, I would buy more martial arts. I was planning on creating the Shadow Clones skill a while ago but decided not to do it. I was already training my monotony resistance, so I might as well keep using the Virtual Reality Sparing skill instead of clones. But I'll definitely create that skill after my Saitama training is over.

The Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist and the Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist were two martial arts that I tried to combine and dual-wield them like Garou did. I thought about creating the fighting talent of Garou, but I noticed that that wasn't necessary. As a Hanma and the purest one at that, I could pick up martial arts by seeing them once. No training is necessary. Although I still trained and fought against both Bang and Bomb in their respective martial arts to gain experience. But that Hanma bloodline was a serious cheat. I understood why I had to pay 7 million SP for that.

Current SP: 1'287'558'070


I have reached the required amount of SP to buy the skill/ quest that I wanted finally.

[Saitama training simulation: Rank N/A - 1'000'000'000 SP]

[OPM Limiter: Rank N/A - 1'000'000 SP]

[Physical skill restriction: Rank D - 1'000 SP]

[Indestructible Hair: Rank N/A - 5'000'000 SP]

This set of skills sent Yamamoto into a separate dimension that was separate from both the Bleach world and his Instant Dungeons. It was separate and the time flowed at the same speed as it does in the Bleach world. To still get more points than what he had right now, he decided to buy the upgrade to his SP generation. The current multiplier was at 1 and he bought the multiplier of 2.

[SP generator: Rank D - 10'000'000 SP] -> This was equal to a 2x SP generator. So he now got 2SP/second. He would have used more points to upgrade it further but that wasn't possible. It was a 100x raise in SP to upgrade the skill.

[SP generator: Rank C - 1'000'000'000 SP]


To make this challenge even harder and more authentic, Yamamoto decided to seal the Essence of Skill/ Power Creation for the duration of the training simulation. He wanted to make it through the training with his willpower alone. Thankfully, this skill didn't cost him anything.

[Meta Essence temporary seal: Rank N/A - 0 SP]

This might seem stupid if he dies, but that doesn't matter. No matter what happens, he will just exit the training simulation and then start again, if he wants to. But Yamamoto had a suspicion that he would be rewarded handsomely if he made it through.

Current SP: 271'557'070



Year: 5, Month: 10 -> Training Month: 1

The first month ... was hell for Yamamoto. It was very VERY uncomfortable for him to go back to being this weak after he had trained for more than 10 years (remember the Time ID) to improve his strength. He almost collapsed on the first day after he finished his training. 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10km running. After that, he fought monsters. Granted they were only wolf-class monsters but he passed out the first day as soon as he managed to open his door.

The second day was the same. He was still so sore after the first day, that he had trouble completing the training. Even more than the day before that. He was beyond frustrated that he was so weak again. But he didn't stop. Never. He got back up even when he felt like his muscles were bursting apart and his bones were breaking. No one could imagine that a basic training session could turn into a war of the mind.

After one week of training, Yamamoto felt like he was dying. But he didn't. He refused to die at all. He was the master of his life and he would never allow himself to succumb to weakness.

Another month passed and Yamamoto had another fight with multiple wolf class monsters. He managed to survive the fight and killed them all but he was limping back home that day. After many hours of walking, he finally reached Z-City and fell to the ground the moment he entered his apartment. He had already fallen unconscious before he arrived at home.


Year: 6, Month: 1 -> Training Month: 4

Yamamoto had his first contact with a Disaster Level Tiger. The fight was once again close and hard fought with Yamamoto somehow making it out the winner. But things were different from last time. After the fight, he was attacked by 7 Disaster Level Wolf monsters. His state was already bad, but to top it off with 7 more monsters, even if they were only wolf class, that was bad.

Yamamoto suffered some great damage and had to change his tactic mid-fight. Before he was blocking and dodging as much as he could and waiting for the right opportunity to strike. But that didn't work anymore. He felt the sweet call of unconsciousness calling him so he had to make haste. He gave up on defence and went 100% on offence. He attacked the monsters without thought and used his entire body to do damage. He bit them and plucked out their eyes ... it was gruesome.

There was a blood trail that led to his apartment that day and there were even some monsters that were attracted to it.


Year: 6, Month: 6 -> Training Month: 9

It happened. The fateful encounter was a big part that determined this training simulation's outcome. Yamamoto fought the 'Personification Of A Light Pull Cord'. Yamamoto has begun to notice the bad effects of overtraining and his body has been hurting nonstop recently, so much that he seemed to have small episodes of seizures. He had just finished his daily training and fighting monsters when he encountered the Personification Of A Light Pull Cord.

*Pow Pow Pow Pow Pow Pow*

"Why now of all times?", Yamamoto asked himself as he was on his way back home. I shadow-boxed with the ceiling light pull cord of my room so much, I turned into a being of disaster level Tiger.", the POALPC said as he was busy punching cars and buildings.

"... ah Shit!!! Punching cars and buildings just doesn't do it!! I need a human being!!!! I need a human that lets me punch them in the face. WHOAAA!!!", he said.

At that moment, Yamamoto launched himself at the monster and punched with his right fist. The monster noticed him though and before Yamamoto could reach him, the fist covered with a boxing glove smacked him in the face.


"Ugh", Yamamoto exclaimed as his face was hit and he shot back. His body was shot through an entire truck and into the wall behind that. Yamamoto had an unfocused gaze. His mouth was open.

'My body ...!', Yamamoto thought. His body was refusing to move right now. His heartbeat was heard in his ears. With his last strength, he was trying to keep his body upright.

'This is no time for crying! ... ... My limits ... I must surpass my limits!!', he thought as another fist entered his field of vision.



Yamamoto's body fell to the ground slowly. His eyes had lost their focus and is almost knocked out with that punch. He still refuses to give up and as he pushes his body to move something happens. He doesn't even have any strength left to clench his jaw but he pushes himself and tries to stand up again.

Nothing happens and he pushes harder and harder with his willpower alone. And just then something seems to ... crack and ... shatter. No one can hear that sound but if they could, they would hear the same sound that glass makes when it begins to crack.


"FOO, No that didn't do it either! I wanna hit even harder... huh?", Personification Of A Light Pull Cord says and then looks behind him to see Yamamoto back on his feet without any strain whatsoever.

"I'm all better now. Weird.", Yamamoto says and then in the next moment, he appears in front of the Pull Cord and smashes his face with his fist. The monster's face is turned inside and crushed completely.




Year: 6, Month: 10 -> Training Month: 13

In City Z, close to Shelter Nr. 7, Yamamoto was running through the empty streets searching for the monster that had been terrorising the city. The monster was a 170,000-year Magicicada Nymph with the Disaster Level: Demon. Yamamoto had been keeping up with his training, never leaving one day out and pushing further and further. The pain that had been plaguing him 4 months ago, had vanished after the fight with the Pull Cord monster.

He wasn't aware of it, but he was getting stronger. Saitama only noticed a difference, due to his hair beginning to fall out at this point. But Yamamoto had the skill of indestructible hair and it was getting more and more useful the longer Yamamoto trained. The stress of his training was what made all of Saitama's hair fall out.

Yamamoto was running through the city and was thinking about what to buy for dinner. He had to begin to spare money because he didn't have any of his skills at the moment. He was hungry and he had to eat. So he was currently running towards a supermarket, where he knew that a good deal was currently going on.

"Ah there it is, the convenience store.", Yamamoto said as the convenience store appeared in his field of vision. But just then, a big leg appeared in front of him and the Magicicada Nymph broke through the houses next to him.

"WAAAHHHHHH", the monster said.

Yamamoto didn't care about the monster right now and just punched it while continuing to run.

"Get out of my way!"




Year: 7, Month: 5 -> Training Month: 20

Yamamoto had been training for about one and a half years now and he had finally noticed a few things. He was still keeping up with his training and for some reason, he was still having trouble with it. But he never stopped. No matter what. Even if his legs felt heavy and refused to move, he kept doing squats. Even when his arms started making strange cracking sounds, he kept doing push-ups.

And now after this time, he noticed two things about himself. First, he had gotten stronger and second ... he had lost all of his hair. That's right, he had lost all of his hair after this time and he was livid. He had spent 5 million SP on the skill indestructible hair and he still lost all of his hair. And there was a good reason for why that was the case.

After one year of training, he thought that the reason why he hadn't lost his hair was because of the skill he had bought, but his hair began to fall out a bit later. Why they began to fall out later was strange to Yamamoto. He didn't know why that was the case. But they started to fall out shortly after his fight with the Pull Cord monster. Now he was completely bald and it did make sense.

He had sealed the Meta Essence and all of his skills. So the skill of indestructible hair was also sealed. That's the reason why he was completely livid right now.

Next chapter