

boy meets earthlings

Natsuz_nimas_3228 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Dive nine

"last day with our parents huh.."

I exclaimed as Norman and I stood at the entrance door toward our house house waiting for our parents to arrive from little rock city.

"well...its a last night for a long time...to be exact" Norman corrected

" All in all we won't be seeing them for a long time..I think..." I added

"it's not like we've been seeing each other a lot while we were here " he corrected

"That's true...I guess it won't be any different"

I said worried. Its true that mom and dad barely come back home for at least dinner, but it doesn't mean we've always liked it, we just accepted it cause its our reality.

"Here they come..." Norman hated as the gate was opened and two guards paying respect

"its now or never.."

I exclaimed meaning its our only chance to have at least dinner with them.

"Now or ever.." to be precise Norman's a perfectionist cause he keeps being precise

We watched mom and Dad get out of the car its funny that they actually came back now that we have to leave for kittnev, as we narrated our nights in our heads, my Mom in purple suit short enough to show the veins down to the knee and my Dad in a dark blue suit accompanied by loafer shoes, they look pretty damn rich, that I could say and with that my mom made sure to keep herself much younger than her age, you know what they say

'with money you can even buy looks'

"So...do we like hug them or what..?"

The nerd Norman asked me as our parents approached

"Yeah...I guess" I replied uncertain

"Here we go..at count of one,two,three!"

Norman gave the lead and we went towards the and hugged them. I have to admit this is too embarrassing cause we don't see them around.


My mom called our names excited and handed me her gloves

"Hi mom.." I said quickly

"What have you been feeding Normie? he's a big guy now?"

My mom's literally the only one who calls Norman normie and she's the only one Norman genuinely likes close to a parent

"Give them a break Germaine ...we've been gone for three months after all.."

My dad said as we walked towards the house

"We've been gone for a year before...that shouldn't be anything yet"

My mom corrected. True they can leave and come back after a year, but this is different , their only kid went missing for a month and came back of course they've been been worried sick and that's why they are back

"ugh...guys...is it Christmas perhaps..?"

my dad asked as he walked into the living room and noticed the decoration we did

"No honey ...am sure its June, we left around march..." my mom said

"Then..what's all this?" my pops incurred

"Do you think it was too much ?"

I whispered asking Norman who was busy recording the moment

"I guess you'll pretend u weren't part of it!"

I whispered to Norman consistently and he just shook his head and kept on with the recording

" How about we just have fun tonight.."

And finally our nerd suggested what was never expected of him ironically

"Hey kid..you okay young nerd.."? my pops teased

"Normie honey..this is the beginning of the end of your nerdish life..let's toast to that.."

my mom said holding the champaign bottle from her bag and somehow it feels like they know we up to something

We had dinner as a family for the first time in three years and we were happy but that's just it we be leaving and I doubt they will even notice cause am sure they will be leaving first thing tomorrow. But Norman and I will be okay as always we've always had each other and its all we need.
