

boy meets earthlings

Natsuz_nimas_3228 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Dive eight

what do I know about schools? apart from it being an institution for people to earn education, there's definitely nothing more about it and I've never been in one to begin with. I spent my entire life believing in the teaching of my dad Kitts and my grandfather Nevis because they were being overprotective thinking I'd have a hard time with the humans so I practically did everything at kittnev. Also what do I know about commotion? That I can answer because am practically a commotion it self first because I stand out a lot , I hate to admit it but its true my long brownish silky hair, my ascent, my over clueless ness, my face in short everything about me stands out so knowing that I try to play it casual so as to not stand out more than necessary. Since I've never been good at handling the attention, kittnev has always been my comfort zone and I made piece with that. Also curiosity has never been my trait so I never sneaked out much making me quite the model student.

When it comes to expression , am not good at expressing my anger, or sadness so I had to be taught by sir Kitts and I got my physical training from my dad Nevis and he taught me how to be responsible for me and everyone who'd be surrounding me, assuming I get them. So am narrating all this just to make it clear that despite my alien appearance I've pretty much lived a humanly life enough to call me human. Unlike my family i don't have much of immortal traits so I tend to be gullible both physically and emotionally but you'd never know that because its different from how a Normal person would feel. Right now am out of kittnev, for the first time in my life I've been far from home for more than three days but am supposed to personally observe the new team for the new mission. Am supposed to collect seven stars and good for me,they all seem to be attending the same school so I can disguise myself to be a high schooler. And for that to happen I can't be in white, like I said am aware of my position as a male so I'll just do what people here do. I helped myself to a black hoodie accompanied by a cap to hide my hair, blue jeans with silver sneakers and black T-shirt. Not even Kim would notice its me, assuming she attends the same school too. Since I Believed I was all set I took my backpack and went to school. By the way I'd be living in a hotel under someone's name , planned by my dad, he's been to earth a lot .

So Malcolm highschool is said to be the best new highschool school that accepts children of upper class performance so am assuming its why the chosen one are in that school but as they say expectation's different from reality cause what I was expecting to see when I left the room today is not what am observing right now, don't get me wrong the environment is pretty cool and buildings are pretty per earth's definition but students! No when we talk about upper class we assume they're all intellectual looking people but they all look like gangsters and problematic children , putting that aside I decided to to keep on looking around for a few minutes between the bell rang for class. I left to class and the teacher made me stop on the doorway for a dramatic introduction

"New student right?" he asked

"yes sir.." I replied with my head down

"Great so am...welcome to Malcolm's and seat wherever you want" he added

"Thank you sir" I replied still my head's down

am just grateful he didn't say much and never asked much, its all thanks to my dad am grateful for once for his overprotection. So I walked towards the chairs and saw two empty seats and I could tell one's beside Kim who's head's laid down on the table. its so like her I bet she's still down about her issues with Taylor guy, I bet she'd be surprised to see me , hell am relieved she's here at this class but what happens to my disguise?


Kim whispered in awe before I could think about how to seal my disguise, she's good but I had to pretend I didn't hear her just to hear her call me again so o kept walking passed her

"Miles I know its you , stop ignoring me and come seat here!"

she grabbed me and made me sit beside her, it felt good that she could still recognize me after all.

"Am sorry ..." I said to her and smiled

"its okay I'd still force you even if you kept ignoring me" she said smiling

Something about her feels different from the last two days, she seems fine which is not normal for an ordinary girl I guess.

"Well yeah...I know you're Kim after all"

I added relieved to see she's fine with all this

"So what are you doing here?" she asked excited

"Well I'd ask you the same thing...I mean I thought you'd be bedridden or something.."

I asked dodging her question and used it against her

"Well the me before kittnev would be bedridden but toughened up with kittnev's training I got no time to sob forever right?"

She actually means it, I can see it in her eyes she's determined to be okay, am so proud of her

"Well I guess you didn't have a nightmare last night aye?" I teased

"Well actually...I dreamed about you" she said

"What!!?" I shouted since she caught me by surprise

"Excuse me?"

The teacher asked since I was loud so he assumed I was asking him something

"No...I mean am sorry sir"

I said embarrassed and the teacher was totally cool about it, he didn't even ask more. So I turned and gave Kim a 'what was that about' look

"It was a joke.."

she replied and chuckled , i mean I guess she's fine since she can joke around like this

"How disappointing.. I actually believed you and got all excited by myself"

I said seriously meaning it. I mean it'd be really nice if I appear in a humans dream as a happy memory once in a while.

"Relax...I just haven't had it yet but am sure if I do some days it'll be a good one" she said to console me

Good thing about Kim is that she's learned to understand me and know when am joking or serious since she said am too much of a carefree I thought she'd find it hard to understand me when am speaking but am glad she does , I don't know how she's doing it but she's doing great! One would never put up with my whining attitude especially when she has boyfriend issues but she is, am happy she's the first human I know.

"Could you guys stop flirting in the middle of a class?"

someone said to us before I could thank Kim

"What's flirting?" I asked Kim clueless

"oh boy!" Kim sighed staring at me knowing I really mean it and she doesn't know how to explain right how

"Flirting is thinking about something or interested for a short period of time and not serious about it"

Someone sitting beside Kim assisted Kim

"That's informative , thanks to you I learned new earthly terminology"

I offered my gratitude to that guy who's personality seem to be working well with mine cause he actually meant it when he defined the word flirt

"Your welcome new guy"

He replied embarrassed, I guess he didn't expect me to thank him and actually mean it

"Oh please...what are you guys doing?"

Kim whispered interfering my conversation with the shy guy but we didn't stop,to other people this conversation is weird but we're doing pretty well I could say so myself

"By the way shy guy? Why do you keep sleeping like that? is it okay to do so in class?"

I asked the shy guy who's head's on the table but his eyes are on me

"Cause the class is boring for him, in other words he's one hell of a genius and a nerdish one so he finds classes like these boring ...oh he also doesn't talk to anyone apart from me, am surprised he's holding a conversation with you right now" Kim interrupted again , I guess they're close.

"Genius? Nerd?..." I asked confused about the difference

"In short just know he's so unsocial , plays with computers and he's a bookworm always in his room, doesn't care about the outside"

that's Kim , she shortened her definition

"Oh...but Kim how do you know him .?."

I asked confused over her familiarity with the shy guy

"Oh him..he's my cousin and we live together"

So she said but I've never seen him in her house the two times I've been in her house

"Am surprised I've never seen him around at all!" i said debating if he's really living there

"like I said he's always in his bedroom with his computer...his rooms like a secret agent's lab...its different from an ordinary high schoolers room" she insisted

"Wow! that must be fun!" I said excited

"You think?" she replied sarcastically

"Of course! So what's his name?"

I asked ignoring her sarcastic attitude

"His name..?"

Kim replied uncertain like she was waiting for a

signal from her cousin

"Norman...that's my Name" the shy guy replied and hid his face on the table

"Nice to meet you Norman!" I said excited "And am "

"Miles.." he helped me to finish up the introduction part

"Yeah" I smiled

"I've heard that name a lot in the house since Kim came back from kittnev" he concluded

"Kittnev?" I gave Kim the 'you told him about kittnev' look " You believe it exists .?" I asked Norman realizing he just casually said that like its always been a common knowledge

"Yeah...is that wrong?"

He asked casually, can actually see me in him

"No! Matter of fact you and I get along pretty well! I like you!" I told him

"Me..too..." he replied still embarrassed

"Could you guys take your confessions outside!?"

Kim told us , reminding us that we're in class and everyone's staring including the teacher

" This is the last am talking in class with you...what does the teacher do to Norman seeing him sleeping in class..?"

I asked Kim ignoring the tension from the class

"Nothing! He's always getting As so the teacher just lets him off the hook" she whispered unsettled since the class is still staring

"cool I'll join him..you have fun okay?"

I told Kim and laid my head on the desk too, I hope no one's staring anymore

"Kimberly...seems like you've gotten yourself two Norman's huh?"

the teacher commented and preceded with the class not minding Norman and I

"Hey miles..here"

Norman passed me an electrical device I believe its called a phone

"So this is one of those situations aye?"

I said excited someone asked for my phone number, I mean even Kim's never asked for it probably because she noticed I don't own one of those


Norman replied casually going with my pace

"But the thing is I don't have a number much less a phone" I said dejected and returned his phone

"Well we should get you one today"

he made a promise! Am definitely sure I like Norman , cause nothing about me amuses him

"I hate to break in your cozy conversation but will you please stop exchanging staffs below my titties please.." she begged "its getting really uncomfortable" she added

"Titties?" I asked clueless

"A woman's breasts"

Norman again became informative today

"There's definitely a line you shouldn't close! especially in class cousin!" Kim scolded Norman

"If that's what you want.." Norman frowned

"I guess we should just sleep pal" I suggested

"how about you pretend listening to the teacher for a change...Norman..and you miles give it a try aye?" Kim suggested

Both Norman and I seem to be really weak to Kim's everything actually so we listened and lifted our heads and tried listening but we only lasted five minutes tops! I mean I personally didn't know classes would be this boring considering am done with. both highschool and universities syllabus.

"I think am just gonna sleep after all"

Both Norman and I said in uniform totally unplanned we're just symmetrical with each other

"Just a few more minutes please?"

Kim smiled as if she knew it'd make us do anything

"You do know that's not fair right?" Norman confessed to Kim that he's totally gonna do anything if Kim keeps up the attitude

"Well the world's not fair...I know that Better than anyone else"

she said implying to Taylor's infidelity, its something I don't want her to think about

"I think we can make it ...right Norman?"

I gave him the 'let's just let her have this' look

"okay..." he replied unsatisfied

So we gave it our all in that class for an hour and finally got freed . So automatically the free time is the time where I explain to Kim why am here and disguised as as a high schooler on top of it. And so I asked for her help and of course Norman tagged along too.

"So what do we do first"? Kim asked enthusiastic as we approached a sycamore which had a shade(house).

"First I'll identify the stars and you convince them to come to kittnev...I don't want what happened to you to happen to them.." I said

"i wish I was one of them...then I could get an excuse to go back to kittnev" she lamented

"You mean to be with miles .." Norman teased her

"shut it Norman...miles and I are just friends!" she definitely made that one clear

"Just friends huh?" I asked not knowing I was actually frowning

"Miles..don't listen to Norman..we're friends good , special friends" she consoled me

"Well that works fine for now"

i said , I don't even know why i said that

"Good..!" Kim agreed

I opened the door of the shade and we went in, I don't know how my dad found this place in this humongous school

"am gonna do my thing and Kim and I will see the faces...unfortunately you wont be able to see then Norman" I explained.

"why"? Norman asked

"Because you have no magic" I replied

"You got magic Kim? How?" he asked Kim

"Long story short its a kittnev thing " she shortened it

"Fair enough" Norman accepted it

I cited the order , it was different this time

**I summon descendants of Ferghus Lance to show your faces and acknowledge your stars**

And after their faces and star mark appeared it was up to Kim to say if she recognized them or not

"Anyone familiar?" I asked Kim

"All of them...there's Hazel,Ethane,Linda,Yvonne...sadly there's also Taylor and my cousin Norman..they're all from our class" she listed them

"Well am glad I could go on an adventure with Norman" i replied excited

"Well a chance to explore THE famous kittnev..am in! But we're supposed to be seven and I only heard six names who's the seventh?"

Norman asked curious

"Its Kim! cant you tell she's trying to contain herself" I stole Kim's spotlight


Kim shouted with excitement and hugged me

"I guess Kitts and Nevis liked you...I mean I did too". added

"how old are you?" Norman asked out of the blue so we had to postpone the hug and stared at his bad timing

"Twenty one" I replied

"That explains your maturity"

Norman said. I have to admit that was shocking even for me

"You blind? How's this airhead matured?" Kim asked dumbfounded

"Its takes a lot of brain too see that Kim..I don't blame you" Norman smartly replied

"Who ah! I will never understand a nerd's way of thinking" Kim surrendered

Honestly I think Norman can see what Kim doesn't see in me and I'd love for it to stay that way, I don't want her to treat me any differently after all

"Also I don't mind the others but will you be okay with Yvonne and Taylor around?"

Norman asked his cousin concerned

'NO! but I'll make piece with it..cause nothing's gonna change the fact that they're chosen for the mission, I know better"

Kim replied and added a disturbing sigh

"Good...I'll also be there so there's nothing to worry about"

Norman conclude making Kim emotional and received a hug from her

"Thanks bro" She added after hugging him

"Always and forever right?" Norman replied sweetly

"Yeah! always and forever"

Kim replied back and they did a fist bump

Its then that I realized Norman is that most important person that Kim's always been talking about apart from Taylor

"Okay you guys are sweet but we gotta get back to this aye" I broke the sweetness

"Totally! " Kim replied embarrassed

"So you have a plan of getting all of them without making any noise right?" Norman asked

implying that people shouldn't disappear like Kim did and this time I have that under control too.

"I have arranged on how am going to let their parents know about their absence I just have to get the stars to accept the summoning and we off to kittnev" I assured him

"What about our classes?" Kim asked

"You'll be attending at kittnev...of course the principal will also have the information of your absence and he'll a approve" I assured. Kim too

"Guess I don't have to know how you'll do that right?" kim asked the obvious

"Yeah" I replied. and added a smile

"Cool how do you get the stars to accept the summoning?" Norman asked

"a tip..I'll send a letter to each telling them to spend their night as if its last for the month and whoever takes the bait then it means they be coming with us" I said

"So shallow...what if they don't take the bait?" Kim asked

"They will.." I assured her

"guess I don't need to know how you'll do that either " she exclaimed

"Sorry.." I gave her an apologetic look

"Its okay miles I'll send them an anonymous text and you do your thing okay.." Norman concluded

and dragged kim out

"We going to spend our night with our nuny too...you do you and we'll see you tomorrow aye?" Kim added as they exited from the shade

"okay...thank you guys!"

I shouted after they're already out! I guess they heard me.

I wanted to tell Kim she needs to talk it out with Taylor but I didn't have that chance today, I guess I'll try another time, its non of my business but I'll hate it if their problem affected their mission. But getting them back together without hurting anyone's gonna be hard and that's totally sir Kitts level of expertise so I'll ask for his advice but for now like Kim said

"let me do me"

Get the stars together and get back home (kittnev).