
Limitless Class Lever

The story of the lowest,a man rising into a legend.In the world of magic and mystical creatures,many mysteries and adventures are imminent.enjoy!

Rashid_Kabir · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 :The beginning

Long ago,The world witnessed the extraordinary,the occurrence of a second bigbang.At that moment the universe evolved and the first spark of magic was gifted to creation.It was said that the primordial Gods,in their infinite wisdom, permitted this phenomenon gifting the living with the essence of magic.However,the law of nature remained,with there being the presence of the strong,the weak will definitely appear.And so the human race decided to scout the strong bringing them up to be loyal protectors of their race and named them,The Enforcers,the order of light.


One of the 15 guilds of the eastern continent,starlia fox,ranked 15th on the guild leaderboard.Guilds were similar to school but for upcoming enforcers and the absence of enormous academic work.Training was top priority when it came to being in a guild and only the strong would be selected in the end.Stalia fox guild was currently in it's break session meaning training and duties were off for a while.

"Kael,what's that book you're always reading?"

Aria,a girl with brown curly hair asked, plopping down beside him on the bench.

"just an old favorite"

Kael replied and pushed back his glasses,his scanning the guild courtyard as trainee like himself milled about.

"Mana scope...the fundamentals of mana balance.It was given to me by my brother.He's a D rank tier 2 Enforcer.It gives me Intel on how to stabilize my mana release when using magic."

Aria's eyes lit up.

"Your brother is an Enforcer.Wow!is he strong"

Kael shrugged."who knows?I haven't seen him for 2 years now.But I like to think of him as a great warrior.It's inspiring,don't you think?"

Aria nodded,her long curly her bouncing with the motion.

"I can see why you'd be drawn to it.You are always looking for something more,aren't you,Kael?"

Kael's gazed snapped to hers,his brown pupils locking onto hers.

"..what do you mean?"

Aria's smile was gentle.

"you are always searching for ways to improve. That's what I admire about you"

Kael's cheeks flushed and he turned away,his voice barely above a whisper."you are making it weird.Geez!you see too much,Aria."

His sudden reaction made Aria burst into laughter.

"that's what friends are for, right?"

Kael's concentration was drawn by a person passing by.Aria seemed to have also realized and her eyeballs were glued to the person as well.The center of the attention was a young man just about the same age as them,white haired clad in black and white jacket and black jeans.After watching him for sometime,Kael and Aria exchanged a momentary glance before Kael asked pushing back his glasses.

"Do you know him."

Aria nodded and gave a straight response.

"He turned in yesterday.If I heard correctly,I think his name was Sebastian."

With that,Kael shut his book closed and stood up.Aria's eyes blinked with concern.

"Where are you going..?"

Kael walked away, waving back at Aria.

"See you later.I have something to attend to."

As Kael was going he couldn't stop thinking about what he sensed from the guy from earlier.

It was completely ridiculous to even begin with,how did he manage to get into a guild.At that moment he passed,Kael felt the magic essence of a hopeless insect.Some one this weak belonged to the group of the protected not the protectors.If what he felt was correct then he was even weaker than normal civilians.

Kael turned slightly peeping at Sebastian at the corner of his glasses.



A beam of light appeared at the center of the courtyard and a floating speaker materialized.From it a loud female voice announced.

"Attention aspiring Enforcers.Tomorrow everyone will take another step closer to being an Enforcer.The tag fighting event will begin,being in a team of two you will battle against each other in a friendly.Prepare yourselves,the winners will be rewarded by the guild master himself.Take care and good luck."

With the fading beam of light,the speaker disappeared.The trainees were hiped after hearing the announcement and the excitement run throughout the entire guild.Kael pored at his book and smiled well aware that he would get to test what he had learned.

Meanwhile, Sebastian just finished eating his food with his expression unchanged after hearing about the upcoming event.He gently took up his emptied tray and disposed of it then casually exited the courtyard.Aria was watching him the whole time with a lot of curiosity showing from her expression.

Outside the guild, Sebastian was seated on the grassy land tossing a pebble up and back into his had continuously as he quietly observed the serene environment.Upon this comfortable environment,he seemed rather disturbed than relaxed.He grit his teeth out of rage, consistently visions of his past completely flood his mind.He saw flashbacks of a little girl calling out his name and the next thing he was covered in blood and the little girl was dead in his hands.Eventually,he regained control of himself and slipped out of his imaginary trauma and back to reality.

"Thck ! Damnit !"

Aggressively,Sebastian dropped the pebble and smashed his hand straight into the ground.Withdrawing his shivering hand from the ground,blood dropped from his fist from the damage he took.

"I'm gonna be stronger no matter what and become an Enforcer.I am not given up yet,you here me!never!"

He muttered looking straight into the sky and in his mind he pictured vividly,a man with scars all over his face starring back at him sternly.

Along came a distraction,a female voice.

"Excuse me."

Sebastian directed his gaze backwards where he heard the voice.


End of chapter.I am a student so I may take long in releasing.please try to understand and if you feel like making any suggestions or feel like saying anything please leave it in the comments.have a great day.Bye :)