
Limitless And Infinity Naruto

Naruto has been in a state of chakra imbalance since the Nine Tails was sealed within him. After Orochimaru sealed the Nine Tails away his body and soul realigned allowing him to awaken his bloodline: The Six Eyes

AARYAN_PATHAK · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: The Awakening

Sakura fought valiantly against three Sound ninjas, her strength waning after being awake for over two days. The taunts of her opponents only fueled her determination, even as she grappled with exhaustion. The Sound ninja's chakra attacks took their toll, leaving Sakura with little chakra left to defend herself.

Suddenly, a colossal surge of chakra swept through the forest, affecting all those capable of sensing it. It was unlike anything they had ever experienced, sending shivers down their spines. Even the Sound ninja, who were accustomed to Orochimaru's terrifying presence, trembled in fear at this new force. The very air seemed charged with power, as if nature itself recognized a significant transformation.

Naruto, back on his feet, faced off against the Sound ninja with newfound confidence. His eyes, once adorned with whisker marks, now held a glowing intensity that sent shudders through those who met his gaze. Naruto's movements were fluid, his strikes precise, and his chakra surged with a potency that belied his previous struggles.

As the battle raged on, Sakura couldn't help but notice the changes in Naruto. His whisker marks had vanished, and his eyes emitted a powerful aura. She realized that something profound had occurred, unlocking Naruto's true potential. The forest bore witness to this extraordinary transformation.