
Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)

Follow Michael on his journey, as he goes from some kid from Pallet Town, to the very best, like no one ever w- WHAT DO YOU MEAN COPYRIGHT!?

Gtopia · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 7 - Destiny's name? Dic- Nicky!

The battle courts behind the Poke Centre were divided into 3 groups. With the knowledge that trainers are gonna battle, whenever the chance arises, the various Poke Centres in the region decided it's best done under the shadow of the local Poke Centre. While there are differences depending on the specific Centre, they usually have things in common, one thing being grouped up trainers battling according to level.

You had the, for lack of a better term, noobs in one. Mostly made up of children from Viridian who wanted to scrap, with a handful of other children who are still relatively new to their own Pokemon journey.

Most of these battles tended to be with unevolved, inexperienced Pokemon. With the kids from the city using either their new Pokemon they couldn't wait to show off, or the few Pokemon on loan from the centre, used to help children acclimate to battles, and ordering around Pokemon. Lot's of Pidgy's and Rattata's, maybe an Oddish and Zigzagoon thrown in there as well.

Further along you had the court with the more experienced children, and even a few teenagers. This one was mainly reserved for the trainers with a bit of experience under their belt. With months of experience on their journeys, if you were going to throw down in this court, you're expected to have a badge or two to show that you have something to offer when it comes to experience.

Finally you had the court with the truly experienced trainers. Whether it be their first of third circuit, here you had the trainers with around 4 badges and up. With truly powerful Pokemon capable of throwing down and causing damage, it's no surprise that if you're spectating these battles, you're expected to be able to handle the collateral and even help prevent it.

Walking through the open doors at the back of the Pokemon Centre, Major straddling my shoulders, I instantly take stock of the battle courts and their inhabitants.

They're pretty spread out, though close enough that you can keep all 3 within your field of vision at the same time. Though I suppose you needed the space for some of the more large and faster Pokemon to throw down.

It looked as if both the first and last courts were the most crowded. Which makes a certain amount of sense. Plenty of children and parents to gather around the first, with the third court having a larger crowd due to the fact that the most experienced and powerful Pokemon on offer would be battling there.

Even from here I could see a Nidoqueen and Khangiskhan in a powerful grappling fight, with trainers around the edge paying close attention. Which is understandable, since you wouldn't really get too much of a chance to view high end battles out in the wild, unless you ran into a trainer of equal or greater skill. They had some of their own Pokemon out as well, just in-case they're needed to deflect an attack or help their trainer in another way. Of course you also had the more casual fans giving out cheers, and plenty of awed young'uns, though they tended to be behind the almost intentional wall of higher level trainers.

While I would appreciate the chance myself, and know I could potentially learn a lot, I'm here to battle. Not observe.

Making my way to the first court, I can see that there seems to be more than one battle going on at the same time. since it's mainly children or new trainers, it's excusable. Barely anything more than the standard tackles and small elemental attacks were being thrown around. Meaning plenty of open space for other battles.

Walking over to the first court, since that's where the kids who would be without badges seem to be congregated, I look over the various battles. Seeing the more generic Pokemon, along with the almost kid safe moves on display, I cant help but wonder if I'll be allowed to battle on the next court over.

Giving a look to said court, I can see the battle taking place there coming to a close, with one teen girl managing to pick up her Ratticate in a squealing hug.

Damn, she's got some strength in those skinny muscles.

While the crowd in the second court is smaller than the first and third, It doesn't take long for my eyes to meet with another pair.

At first glance the kid looks to be about the same age as me, maybe a year older. He's got purple hair, with two silky bangs parting in front of his face and framing it, and what looks like a low ponytail behind his head. His purple jacket and black trousers, with three belts hanging across said trousers, leads me to believe this kid's got a membership card to hot topic. If hot topic was a thing here.

I cant remember plenty of useful stuff from my first life, yet hot topic is something I can remember clearly? God I hate my brainm

Ah, never mind. His frown turning into a glare leads me to believe I'm about to find out what this guys deal is first hand.

Managing to both stomp and glide his way over, with his lips curling into a sneer as he tries to look down on me, I cant help but think he's trying way too hard.

"What's the matter, haven't got a Gym badge?"

With a higher pitch voice than I was expecting, though no doubt puberty will take care of that, I cant help but wonder at his words.

While they weren't necessarily confrontational, the tone leads much to be desired. Given he caught me staring at the second court from over here, he's probably guessed my thoughts. Hopefully.

"Ah, yeah. Gonna spend a week here to get some training in before facing... Flint?"

Raising an eyebrow at my confused almost question, he plows on ahead. I'm not surprised by the words that leave his mouth, since he's clearly come at me with a negative edge to him.

"Well, given you're literally using a baby Pokemon, I wouldn't like your chances. With flint, or the more advanced trainers. Maybe you should be looking for a trainer in this court, with these snot nosed brats yeah? More your speed."

Is... is this actually happening.

"Ursa! Teddiursa!" As Major starts going on at the dude, pulling on my hair as he works himself up, which isn't appreciated, I cant help but think about how plain childish this is. Like yeah, we're kids, but this guy is clearly looking for a fight. Yet instead of asking for one like a normal person, he's going about it in the most dickish manner possible.

Flicking my head up once, as nonchalantly as I could, I see about my chances of taking the guy on.

"So how many badges you got then if your such hot shit?"

While it was small, I did catch the slight flinch and surprise on his face at my crass language. Given the fact that there's no parents or impressionable little brats around me though, I dont really care about dropping a bit of French on the guy.

Getting back on pace, the guy stands a little taller while... speaking with his eyes closed? Is that a thing? Holy crap I thought that was something they did in comics, not real life!

"Unlike you, I've already beaten Flint! My Corphish didn't even need to be changed out." Corphish... that's a slightly more rare Pokemon. Not native to Kanto either.

Ignoring his boasting, only one things catches my attention.

"So you've only got the one badge then?"

Instantly flushing, the edge-lord goes on to defend himself. "W- Well, it's still better than you newbie, you haven't even got a badge!"

Knowing it would only irritate a hot head like him more, I just turn my head and stick a pinky in my ear.

"Meh, so? It's not like a 1 badge difference means anything in the low levels. I bet there's thousands of first circuit trainers with no badges who could wipe the floor with you. Myself included."

My affected bored persona is what riled him up, but it was my words that got to him. Settling down, or at least giving the impression of it. He speaks more softly, trying to mask just how angry he really is.

"Oh yeah?"

Still not facing him, but looking into his eyes out of the corner of mine, I cant help but smirk at how easy this is.

"Yeah, easy."

Glaring me down, he doesn't even ask for a battle as he backs up.

"Nicky Nerve."

"Michael Warden."

"Like it matters."

"... Then why tell me your name?"

Going red in embarrassment for the second time in as many minutes, Nicky just shouts at me to shut up, leaving me chuckling in mirth.

"500 Pokedollars, deal?"

While It's not an exorbitant amount of money, it's certainly not a number to scoff at, especially for people like us, at the bottom of the barrel in our journeys... unless he's got blue blood money. While technically I'm allowed to veto the higher price and lower it to standard since he does out-badge me, I was talking a fair bit of smack there, so I just give a nod.

"Major, you're up."

As Major jumped from my shoulders and landed with a soft bounce upon our own section of the court, Nicky's Pokemon was already being released, no surprise given the kids obvious excitement to crush some random upstart.

"Pooky, lets show him the difference between us!"

From the red beam shot out of his poke ball, a Poochyena takes form, with a bark already yapping before the light was even gone.

Hmm, not bad. A dark type for his starter, and a pretty aggressive one at that.

Given the dark smirk on the mutt's face, I'm gonna go ahead and guess he takes after his trainer in being a bit of a dick.

"Same as usual Major."

Giving a nod after my quick order, Major starts lowering his stance more to get as much energy out of his legs as he could. While not gathering Steel type energy in his claws yet, he's certainly preparing for it. Quick start wont be anywhere near as viable later on, with the more experienced and powerful Pokemon we're gonna face. Yet for right now, it's still plenty useful.

Nicky just gives a smirk and lifts his nose up even more.

Ok kid, you've got one badge. Relax.

Picking up a stone off the ground, I show it to him and give a nod, receiving one in turn.

Getting in position, I lob it high, with Poochyena giving a snarl snarl and Major tensing his legs for takeoff. When the stone lands, Major is off, steel energy gathering even quicker to his claws given the amount of time we've trained with it.

As Metal claw solidifies with Major landing and taking a final low leap forward, Nicky barks out for his 'Pooky' to dodge, which he does surprisingly.

What catches me off guard though is how the Poochyena doesn't leap away, but instead only gives a small hop to the side, with just a spare bit of room separating him from Major's 'Metal Claw'.

"Now, use Bite!"

Giving a yip of confirmation, the Poochyena closes the short distance between him and his opponent, with a faint dark aura flowing over his fangs.


Too late of course, given the distance separating them Major doesn't have the time needed to get his bearings. As the fangs close in on Majors arm that was raised on instinct, I know it's going to hurt.

"Ursa!" Major gives a squeal that itches my teeth, but I know he's still got plenty left in the tank. Besides, while the energy for Poochyenas bite was there, it gathered too quickly and looked fairly faint. I doubt it did it's full damage. Though Nicky probably knew that, and decided to train up the speed over the power. Which is fair.

The Poochyena goes on to surprise me again, by not immediately releasing his bite. Instead trying to rag Major around left and right.

"Teddi, Ursa!"

"Ha! Looks like the baby's going down for his nap!"

While this isn't great, I dont think he realises the position he just put himself in. Ignoring Major's cries I throw out orders.

"Dont let him escape Major, Metal Claw now!"


Immediately Major has his Metal Claw ready to go, no doubt helped by the fact the steel energy hadn't fully dispersed in the first place given it never hit anything.

"What!, no, Pooky release, get back!"

Too late, with a high pitched growl in his throat, and angry yet suspiciously wet eyes, Major brings his free hand down not on the Poochyena's muzzle, or it's head, but in the gap between it's eyes above it's nose.

A pained yelp follows, with the small dog like Pokemon sent flying back around three metres.


Major picks himself up off the ground, and immediately begins wiping his eyes fiercely, before putting both paws down either side of him and glaring at the dazed Poochyena, who while not knocked out, is certainly trying to get it's bearings after suck a hit.

"Now Major, Scratch!"

Major instantly darts forward, intent on retribution going by it's growl. Of course not everything is that simple.

"Sand Attack"

The Poochyena, while still half flinching from the braining it received, obeys the command of it's trainer and immediately turns rounds and starts kicking dirt towards Major mid run. While I give the order to turn, it's already too late and Major launches forward, even with it's eyes closed, and misses by a fairly wide margin. Expecting Nicky to pounce while Major's weak, his next words surprise me.

"Howl Pooky!"

Tsk, fuck.

While Major's rubbing the last of the dirt out of his eyes, Poochyena throws his head back and howls out loud. Instantly a type of aura ensconces it, only for a moment. Kind of like the aura from Dragonball-Z back in the day. When it's done, and Major is squaring back up, the Poochyena looks like it might be a slight bit larger. With it's bottom fangs looking like they've extended an inch or two. Of course it could just be my imagination playing tricks on me, but I doubt it.

"Tackle now Pooky."

"Counter with scratch!"

The Poochyena sprinted forward, closing the distance and leaving little gouges in the court floor from the power boost. Closing the distance pretty fast, he dove in head first, with Major raking his claws down in front of him. While the 'Scratch' did hit, Poochyena just charged through it knocking Major ass over head across the ground.

When Poochyena went in for another 'Tackle', Major responded with another scratch, before the both of them began duking it out.

While I hadn't noticed it before hand, our's was the only battle taking place on the first court, instead of the three that were happening when I first came out. Most of the people around court one were spectators to our battle, with some calling out in favor of the 'cute teddy bear' and others for 'the cool wolf'.

I guess this battle was a bit more intense than the other's that preceded it in this part of the Poke Centre outback.

Major, now looking pretty busted up with scratches and bruises across his little body, gave out a whine after both Pokemon took a step back to regain their breath.

"Ready to give up kid. Humph, I wont blame you, after all my Poochyena is definitely the one who's gonna win this stare down!"

While the kids voice is annoying, staying true to form, I can see where his confidence is coming from right now even if it was missing earlier.

'I shouldn't of let them duke it out'. That was a mistake.

Major not only looks worse for wear, the Poochyena, even with scratches over it's face and forelegs, looks to be in much better condition. Along with it regaining it's breath much earlier than Major, showing that while Nicky might be a douche, he's trained his Pokemon well.

"Raff!" Smirking with a cruel glint in it's eye, the dark dog is no doubt saying some unflattering things to Major, giving the anger growing in his form.

"Teddiursa!" Growling in his own cute way, I notice a very faint dark wispy aura radiating of off Majors claws and lower body. While Teddiursa doesn't know any dark moves to start with, that doesn't mean he cant learn them later. In fact, fighting against a dark type Pokemon who's been using Dark moves fairly often, probably sped up Major's development in learning a new move. A move which I think I know, even without checking the Pokedex.

"It's time to end this Major, and send these blowhards packing." Going by the eye twitch, from both trainer and Pokemon, that no doubt struck a nerve.

"Faint Attack." The confusion on Nicky's face is probably the best thing I could of hoped for in this situation. No doubt the fact Major hasn't used the move yet, along with the fact that it's a Dark type move, meaning it wont be very effective against his Poochyena has him confused.

Of course the reason I ordered the attack, wasn't because I expect it to do considerable damage, but as a set up for what comes after.

"Ursa!" Major immediately begins gathering Dark energy, unfortunately not very quickly, since it's still a relatively new energy on top of being a brand new move.

"Tch, this means nothing. 'Tackle' now Pooky, end this battle!"

Honestly, while I dont know if that's a good call or a bad one, I do know it's not one I would of made. I'd have probably done another Sand Attack and Howl set up. To basically guarantee the battle. Though I guess Nicky's tasting victory and cant help himself.

Unfortunately, by the time Pochyena's half way across the distance Major rushes forward. With both Pokemon locking eyes, and glaring furiously at one another, the dark dog is taken by surprise when Major stops and immediately leaps left.

Course correcting, the Pooch immediately charges forward, not hearing his trainers shout to dodge. As the Teddiursa he was locked in on starts to flicker with purple Dark energy before fading out, the poor bastard can only widen it's eyes in surprise before Major comes in from the other side and thwacks him over the head with a fist full of Dark energy.

Now while Poochyena is a Dark type, and thus wont feel the full effect of the hit, he still just got clobbered over his head with his brain rattled inside it. As the dog hunches forward, with it's face in the dirt trying to shake it off, oblivious to his trainers panicking shouts, I give the final order of the fight.


Another new move, though one that Major has training in. At home, along with a little bit out of Route 1, i'd been trying to get him to learn this attack. Mainly because It's one of the better moves, perhaps even the best move, that a Teddiursa can learn naturally. While it's worked a few times in training, he's never gotten it down consistently, which is why I haven't used it in a battle yet. However, with Major so focused and motivated, along with the fact that the Poochyena is still recovering it's faculties, I figure even if it's just a normal punch, it'll deal some damage and give me time to end the fight with another move.

However none of that appears necessary, as Major lifts one paw into the sky, with it slightly glowing, and his claws looking sharper than ever, and brings it down on the Poochyena's neck.


"Ursa!" As the dog falls to the ground, eye's whited out, I call out.

"That's game!"

Instantly the crowd we'd assembled starts cheering and hollering, scaring the crap out of me. While I dont jump, I do give out a surprise twitch.

"Jeez, I guess Major wasn't the only one who entered the zone there..."

As Major runs back to me as well as he can, i walk to meet him halfway before lifting him up.

"You were incredible buddy! You took on that real beast of Pooch and gave as good as you got!" With a cheesy smile on my face, I do have to give it to our opponents. That was not an easy fight. At all. While I'd tentatively say that Lancelot is the stronger of my two Pokemon, Major's no slouch. He certainly got his fair share of trainer battles on the road to Viridian.

Just goes to show that while Nicky might be a brat, that doesn't make him a bad trainer. That 'Pooky' of his was genuinely tough. If either of us trainers had made just one different call out there, the result's could of been different.

"Ursa, Teddiursa." Ah,given the big ol' grin, along with the puffed out chest, I'm guessing someone feels proud. Feeling the matching grin on my face not go down a bit, I cant help but give Major his dues.

With some kids rushing up to me and Major to say how cool the fight was, or how cute Teddiursa is, I try to be as nice as I can making my way over to Nicky. After several pats both I and Major let the children have, the kids are eventually pulled away by their parents, sporting apologetic smiles.

Seeing some of the other kids who had ran up to Nicky leaving with pouts or stomping away angry, I figure he was less responsive to his adoring audience.

"Well, as much as it pains me to admit, that was a tough battle."

After returning his Poochyena, Nicky stands up and glares at me. I mean really glares at me.

"What, so you think you're all that just because you pulled out a lucky win!?"

Feeling my eyebrows shoot up, I actually hesitate. While I know I shouldn't be, I'm surprised. He's clearly not some random blowhard (no matter what I said in the heat of the moment), both he and his Pokemon were genuinely tough. I guess I was expecting... I dont know, more? Shouldn't this be the part where we both begrudgingly shake hands, with an added 'hmph, you're alright kid', and gone into the Poke Centre as reluctant pals?

"You think I cant tell you pulled that 'Faint Attack out of nowhere? You got lucky with that hit, next time Pooky's gonna be able to sense the Dark type energy all over that faint and crush your stupid bear!" Taking out a bunch of scrunched up bills from his pocket, he throws the money at me before storming off. Worryingly enough, not back through the Poke Centres doors, but through gate in the chain fence surrounding the courts.

While Major just glares angrily and starts growling in his chest, I cant help but think that Poochyena's gonna be in more trouble than it needs to be if he doesn't get it looked after. Speaking of which. Giving a look over Major, I see that he's very obviously injured, with no chance of him being able to fight again today.

"Lets get you seen to buddy. I think after that fight you're in need of tome TLC."

Major looks up at me with a cute tilt to his head and a paw in his mouth.

"Tender love and care, it means you need to be pampered." Seeing the little cheer he gives off, I know it's going to be money well spent. While all Pokemon healing at a Poke Centre is free, they do have courses available for different types of Pokemon to receive a luxury looking after. It's a little bit expensive, but with the winnings from Nicky, along with a bit of my own money, it wont take much from my expenses.

I wont be able to treat all my Pokemon to something like this after every fight, but I feel like this deserves to be commemorate. After all, it's not everyday you meet your rival.


If you liked the chapter, please comment and leave a like. If you didnt, shit on my work. Just do it constructively please.

Again, there's gonna be some grammar mistakes, I just know it. If you see any feel free to point them out. I'll be very grateful.

(Real quick - I'm gonna get Red or Blue as a stocking stuffer for myself. I've got Yellow, but I wanted a true Gen 1 to play, since I never played the OG's. Looking at the exclusives I'm leaning Blue. Arbok might have terrible stats, but I bloody love that thing.)

A/N's: Ugh, I hate myself so much. This chapter had 3 different things I wanted in it, with the chapter being no longer than 2K, just as a way of showing myself that I can in fact do small chapters and further the plot. Of the 3 things, I only managed 1.

That's it, next chapter I'm gonna make it super simple, and spread out, so I can get the 2 objectives done in 2K words.

Now, onto Nicky. This guy didn't exist in my roadmap, just like scary Oak. I had Michael's rival planned out a while ago, and though we wouldn't meet them for some time, I was looking forward to their place in the story. Or at least their small parts in the different arcs.

However I wanted a more simple, and traditional rival than the one I had in my head, I just didn't realise it until after I had finished writing this chapter.

Nicky is a dick. Hands down. He's gonna be a dick going forward. However, one of my favourite types of characters are the competent antagonist/rival/opponents. I hope that I showed, that while he's not very likeable, he's also a good trainer. He's also still a kid on his first journey, so he made mistakes in this battle just like Michael. While Nicky's personality is going to get better, and he's gonna have some character progression, it wont be for ages. He's still gotta shine as a total turd first XD.

Just gonna say, I dont know when the next chapter will be out, but I will try to get it out before Christmas. If not, then new years. I'm also going to let people start choosing one of my spare slots on the team. There are 2 open slots. I'm going to name some of my fav Pokemon, and my readers across all the sites are gonna choose who they like most. That will be the first slot gone.

The second free slot will be taken by a Pseudo Legendary, though I'm going to let you guys pick that one hands down. Later on though.