
Chapter 45: The Council, Part 2

"Seriously though, what's taking so long?" Storm asked.

"The council members have to take a physical form, Storm. Their memories, their actual bodies are being replicated. It might take some time befo--" Scion was cut short by a rumble in the temple.

Not just his, nor just Storm's, but both. All the temples, far away from each other began to react, violently shaking even worse than before. The debris still stayed afloat in the air, the space between Storm and Scion's temple disappearing, a bright white wall of light blocking the view of each other.

"Guys!" Storm yelled, running towards the center of the room, looking up.

He didn't get a reply from them, but instead, felt himself become lighter. Storm looked around, seeing that he was being lifted from the ground. Angel was as well, and the two floated towards the white light.

"Damn it, no! ANGEL!" Storm yelled, reaching out to her. This proved to be useless, as he was too far away, and he couldn't move himself anywhere.