
Chapter 960 – Hatred

It took quite a while for Mortis to calm down. 

In fact, it took several days. 

However, when he finally calmed down, Gravis immediately smiled and contacted Stella.

"Hello, honey! How's it goooin?" he asked.

In the eastern continent, Stella, who was currently in a cave with burning walls, opened her eyes and looked at the front with a smile. 

"Honey?" she asked with a smirk.

"Yes," Gravis answered, "we are a couple. Why not give each other cute nicknames?"

Gravis couldn't stop his smile as he talked with his lover.

"I prefer calling you Gravis or dummy if you do something stupid," Stella answered with a smirk.

"Oh, don't hurt my fragile feelings, honey," Gravis answered with a melodramatic tone. "If you continue like this, I might go into a cold room and stare into a corner for some years, just playing with some knives."

Stella had to laugh at the image.