
Chapter 815 – Violent Law Comprehension

The Immortal King almost couldn't believe what had just happened.

Did this insane guy just directly charge into the clouds!?

Was he suicidal!?

The Immortal King wasn't that upset because of Gravis' potential death, but because Gravis' interference could break the balance of the entire Law Comprehension Area. If Gravis destroyed too much lightning, the mountains might grow into the clouds, absorbing far more lightning than the clouds could regenerate.

Hadn't he just said that Gravis shouldn't damage this Law Comprehension Area!?

The Immortal King took out a jade token and activated it. "The ogre just charged into the clouds without rhyme or reason."

"What!?" the jade token released a mighty shout of shock. "What's happening!? Is something going on? Is the Law Comprehension Area still alright!?"