
Chapter 757 – Focus

Gravis' mind stopped. 'What? Weapon Laws have nothing to do with weapons?'

"Ahahaha!" Arc laughed as he saw Gravis' face. "Your face, man," he shouted through hysterics.

Gravis wasn't in the mood to laugh. Instead, he felt pretty frustrated.

Nothing to do with weapons?

Then why was it called a Weapon Law!?

Everyone would think that it has something to do with weapons. After all, it's called a fucking Weapon Law!

"It's the entire shit with Life Energy all over again," Gravis grumbled with furrowed brows.

Arc still snickered a little. "Kind of, but not entirely. The Life Energy thing is just because of your personal definition of it while the Weapon Law thing is different."

"You said I could find out what Weapon Laws are with that sentence, but you only confused me even more," Gravis said with annoyance.

"You don't get it?" Arc asked with a smirk. "Alright, let me give you a comparison."