
Chapter 736 – Intense Atmosphere

Gravis and the Core Disciple glared at each other as the atmosphere seemed to electrify. 

The only reason why Gravis even considered fighting this person was that he had the lightning element. Destroying this person's lightning element wouldn't kill him, but it would weaken his offense significantly. 

Yet, this person still had a Will-Aura just as powerful as his Realm, and he obviously knew how to fight very well. The explosive power of his Energy, even without lightning, would still be hazardous to Gravis. 

If this guy didn't have the lightning element, Gravis wouldn't even consider fighting them. 

"I will take you back to the Sect," the Core Disciple said with narrowed eyes.

"Try it," Gravis said back. "If you try to force me into something, one of us will die. I guarantee it. There are two things I hate above everything else, suppression and hypocrisy. I will not join any Sect that harbors people with these traits."