
Chapter 726 – Name

Gravis and his father spent a couple of days together, talking about random things. The important conversation was over, and from this point forward, Gravis would never speak of the Brand again. The danger was just far too great that someone could overhear him.

After some time, Gravis' mother joined them, and everything immediately became livelier with her around. She took some pot-shots at the Opposer's ego in a playful manner, but the Opposer didn't mind. One of the reasons why he loved his wife was because she talked to him as equals. No one in this world but Heaven talked to the Opposer on the same level. Even the Black Magnate still had some reservations.

Some days later, Orpheus also joined them. He had been called over by Gravis since he wanted to include Orpheus. Orpheus was his family, just like his mother and father. Gravis didn't call for Yersi since he didn't want to interrupt Yersi's alone time with Jake.