
Chapter 599 – Life Energy and Microorganisms

Gravis almost couldn't believe what he was seeing. He knew a lot about Composition and about living and dead matter. Someone that didn't know as much wouldn't be as surprised about this development. Yet, to Gravis, it appeared magical that something dead could become something living.

When the microorganisms fused together, they not only created a will but also a soul! How was it possible that they created a soul? Gravis had always thought that a soul was something magical that entered a body via Heaven or something similar. A lot of people believed in reincarnation and that the souls of dead beings could enter new bodies.

Yet, this revelation showed him that this was not the case. The soul was being created by a fusion of microorganisms. This meant a completely new soul that had never seen the world before had been created. There was no such thing as reincarnation in this cosmos.