
Chapter 315 – Teaching

Gravis jumped out of the arena and looked at the group evenly. The group was actually quite shocked at how quickly the fight had ended.

"Gravis! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Joyce asked with worry as she ran up to him and looked at him closely.

Gravis could only sigh at that. "No, obviously, I'm not. I can heal myself by converting the inherent Energy in my body into Life Lightning," he explained simply. Then, he turned to the remainder. "Since I am supposed to be your guide, I'll start explaining the backgrounds of the fight now."

Joyce was a little annoyed that Gravis just brushed her worry off and immediately went to teaching, but there was nothing she could do.

"Gravis, why didn't you unleash your preloaded weapon into the puppet's head as soon as you struck it?" Manuel asked. "This seemed like a way better way to win the fight."

The rest of the group also had this question. Why didn't Gravis unload his saber?