
Chapter 287 – Two Personalities, One Personality

"Where did that suddenly come from?" Lasar asked. "You've thought about this debt for over a year, and now you just say that everything is resolved? Sounds like a waste of time to me."

Gravis didn't get angry at that comment. By now, he had regained his calm mind. "I have no other choice," he said.

Lasar lifted a brow. "That sounds weird. What happened?"

While waiting for Gravis' answer, Lasar informed the still present Patriarch and Grand Elder that they should wait a minute. He was still in the middle of explaining how Gravis could become so strong but had to stop due to Gravis contacting him.

Gravis told Lasar everything that happened in the last couple of minutes and also his predictions regarding that situation. After Gravis was finished explaining, Lasar scratched his stubble with his fingers.