
Chapter 250 – Something to Do

"Impossible," Old Man Lightning said immediately.

"Why?" Gravis asked.

"Because you are too strong," Old Man Lightning said. "You have already proven that you can take two Sapling Stage cultivators at the same time, which is an issue. Adding someone too powerful to the war would not be accepted by the other Sects. They would just refuse to fight. You would keep, at least, two Sapling Stage cultivators busy, allowing another Sapling Stage cultivator to roam around freely, killing weaker ones."

Gravis frowned. "Then, can't I just take up two seats of Sapling Stage cultivators?"

"No," Old Man Lightning said. "If you won against any two Sapling Stage cultivators, it would be okay. Sadly, you had to take on an elder and the Wind Sect's Ascender's Talent. An elder counts as one and a half, and Manuel also. You would need to take up, at least, three Sapling Stage cultivator spots to join."