
Chapter 1281 – Warning


Gravis' saber and Cindy's arrow hit each other. Cindy's arrow was completely destroyed as Gravis' attack continued.

Cindy barely managed to move to the side in shock as she grabbed another arrow to shoot at Gravis.

Gravis' eyes never left Cindy's eyes, and she felt deep fear as she looked at them.

It was like Gravis was the antithesis to her existence.

Gravis felt… wrong.

It was like he wasn't supposed to exist.

It was like he didn't belong to this world.


Mortis suddenly appeared beside her as he kicked the bow slightly to the side. He couldn't use his saber since attacking with it needed a longer windup time. Mortis' goal wasn't to injure Cindy but to interfere with her counterattack.

Out of reflex, Cindy slapped her bow to the side, pushing against Mortis' kick.


Mortis' leg was destroyed by the mere, casual slap, and he was thrown into the distance.