
Chapter 1247 – Perpetrator

The atmosphere intensified again as the Sect Master of the Heavenly Divine Sect refused to comply in the investigation.

The Ancestor of the Twilight Council narrowed his eyes as he glared at the Sect Master of the Heavenly Divine Sect. "Weaker than you?"

The Sect Master didn't even look at him. "Yes," he answered.

The Ancestor waited for further clarification, but nothing came, resulting in him becoming quite angry.

"So, you admit that you were the one?" the Ancestor asked with a threatening tone.

"Don't try to change the topic with baseless accusations," the Sect Master said calmly. "You know that your threat is empty and that you don't believe me."

Then, the Sect Master looked at the Ancestor again. "If you want to go to war with the Heavenly Divine Sect, you don't need to make grand allegations."

"Just attack."

The others looked with unease at the exchange.