
24-End Of Training

We just arrived at Nabu. Mr. Zenitsu, who dad called prior to our arrival, was waiting for us at the airport.

My parents wanted to stay at a hotel, but Mr. Zenitsu insisted we stay at his place. After some more convincing, my parents agreed.

An hour after we arrived Yujiro came to find me,

"We will start now, get ready" - Yujiro

"I'm ready" - Aska

My parents looked worried, but they had to let me go.

We walked to a forest near Mr. Zrnitsu's house. When we reached the forest, we kept walking until we reached a clearing in the woods. 'It looks like this area was cleared recently' - Aska to himself

"Let's start with a light warm up. Run up the mountain there, and then run back down here, don't use your quirk. You have two hours" - Yujiro said while pointing at a near by mountain. It wasn't a steep mountain, and it seemed easy to climb without gear.

I took a deep breath and started running.

[Three hours later]

'This bastard knew I won't be able to make it in two hours. It's been three hours and I just got up the mountain' thought Aska as he looked down from the top of the mountain. After catching his breath, he started to run down the mountain back to his starting point.

It took another two hours of running to reach the finish line. It was faster this time, since Aska knew which way was easier to run on, and it didn't take much effort like climbing.

"You are three hours late!" - Yujiro shouted when he saw me

"You know I couldn't make it in two hours" - Aska while breathing heavily.

"Do you remember the stretches I described in the notebook I gave you?" - Yujiro

"Yes" - Aska

"Then, we will start with that" - Yujiro

Aska started to perform the stretches, some of which were corrected by Yujiro

It took an entire hour of stretching before I finished. After the stretches, we started to do basic stances.

Grandpa was near by keeping his eyes on Yujiro. Yujiro could of course see him, it's not like grandpa was hiding or anything.

'I just hope nothing bad happens' thought Aska to himself.

And just like that I started to learn martial arts.


[4 Years Later]

On Nabu island, in a clearing in a forest, there was a muscular man sending a powerful punch towards a 15 year old boy with white hair.

The boy wrapped his arms with black sand and defended the punch. The ground under the muscular man's feet started to shift with black sand.

For a second the man lost his balance, and the boy capitalized on this chance, he sent a powerful punch towards the man's face. Blood came out of the man's nose, it looked broken.

The fight continued for hours. It was a high intensity battle, involving technique, speed, precision, and power.

The fight continued until the area they were fighting in became destroyed. Trees were uprooted, big scorch marks and craters all over the place.

"It seems you finally became half decent" - Yujiro

"Half decent? I could have killed if I didn't hold back" - Aska

"You can tell yourself that if you want" - Yujiro

Today is the last day of martial arts training. What I just had, was my last spar with Yujiro.

"You're not quite there yet. You still have some more growth to go through before I can consider you as an opponent. But that growth is mainly experience, so you'll get there eventually" -Yujiro

"Obviously, I just turned 15 after all" - Aska

After some more talking, Yujiro made it clear that we are not finished with each other just yet. The fight that will decide who will crush who, will take place when the 'time is right' is what he said.

There is over a month left before the entrance exam. I know that I'll pass the exam, even if the exam changes because of the butterfly affect. Since I wanted to get ready, I asked dad to make me a few things I need.

After Yujiro and I concluded my martial arts training, I went back to Mr. Zenitsu's house.

"Welcome back Aska, Today was your last day training, how did it go?" -Mr. Zenitsu

"It was fine, we finally wrapped things up" -Aska

"That's great to hear. Oh right, I can get my hands on a recommendation letter for you. I think this is a great chance. I hear only the best get admitted to UA through recommendation. What do you think?" -Mr. Zenitsu

'If I remember correctly, the recommendation exam was different from the entrance exam. It was an interview, but I have no information about the interview. There was a written test, which was supposed to be harder than the entrance exam. Lastly was a race type obstacle course practical exam' Aska thought back to what he knew about the recommendation exam. After a while he decided.

"I think I'll pass on the recommendation Mr. Zenitsu. I want to do this all on my own" - Aska

"I knew you would say that. One more thing, here I want to give you this" - Mr. Zenitsu went to a cabinet nearby and took out a rectangular box.

"I know you most likely won't use this. I saw you make weapons with your black sand, but I think this weapon will suite you" -Mr. Zenitsu

"What is it" -Aska

"This is your graduation gift" -Mr. Zenitsu

He took out a black sheath, and then took the sword out of it.

It was a straight katana looking blade. It was on the shorter side.

The blade itself was blue, with white lightning streaks going through it.


"What is this? It's shorter than other swords I've seen before" -Aska

"This is called Ninjatō. What do you think? Do you like it?" - Mr. Zenitsu

"It looks really nice and sharp, yeah I like it" - Aska

'Regardless if I can make weapons with black sand or not, this sword looks cool as fuck' thought Aska while looking at the sword.

"This blade is one of the best blades I've ever got my hands on. The person who made, had a quirk that allowed him to mix metals together perfectly. The blade is forged out of silver and chromium mix" -Mr. Zenitsu

"Silver and chromium?" -Aska

"Yeah, silver is the most conductive metal, and chromium is the most durable metal. It's a blade that would fit you perfectly" - Mr. Zenitsu

"But I wanted to use daggers instead. Don't get me wrong this is a very beautiful sword, I just liked handling daggers better" - Aska

Mr. Zenitsu shook his head and said, "Aska, I trained you in handling blades over the last four years. I hade you use many different types, from short to long, from heavy to light, one edge and double edged, for slicing or stabbing. From all of my observations, this is the type that fits your body movement the most" - Mr. Zenitsu explained.

"Thank you Mr. Zenitsu. I will gladly accept your gift" - Aska

"I'm glad you did. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to contact me. Though I'm a retired hero of a small island, I can help if need be" -Mr. Zenitsu

"Thank you so much Mr. Zenitsu" Aska bowed his head to his teacher, before he went to his room. His flight will leave tomorrow, and he had to prepare for the flight, especially since he is taking a weapon with him, he had to get special permission to board the weapon.

It wasn't that difficult, since equipment and weapons are common, transporting them became easier as long as there is a proper reason. Mr. Zenitsu's name was enough for the airport to allow the weapon on the plane.


Next day I was standing in front of the airport.

Since last year, my parents have trusted Mr. Zenitsu, and myself to let me travel alone. Though the same can't be said about Yujiro.

I walked though security, got to the gate of the plane, and boarded the plain with no issues.

After I landed back home, mom and dad were waiting for me.

"Aska, oh I missed you so much, how was your trip? You must be hungry, lets go home, I made your favorite food" - mom hugged me before I can say anything she just bombarded me.

"Let the boy go, don't you see you're embarrassing him" - dad tried to get her off of me.

"Mind your business, you heartless man" - mom hissed back at dad.

After I was able to get out of mom's grip, I gave dad a short hug.

"One of the things you wanted is ready" - dad said with a satisfied look on his face

"Really, that was quick" - Aska

"The weapon you wanted is the only thing that was finished. I have to say Aska, I never heard of anyone using that as a weapon" -dad

We got in the car and went home.

"Dad, show it to me" -Aska was excited to see his weapon

"Sure thing" - dad gave me a thumbs up

"Hold it! Get lunch first then you can go and do whatever you want" - mom stopped dad

We ate lunch together, it was a nice and delicious meal. Mom and dad had one of their arguments, dad thought the food was too salty, mom told him to shove it up his... anyway it was a fun meal overall.

"Dad, show me the weapon already, OH! I'll show you a weapon as well" - Aska remembered the sword he got from Mr. Zenitsu

Aska went to his room and brought the rectangular box and went downstairs.

"Alright Aska, here" dad handed me a box, a little bigger than my hand. The box felt extremely heavy. I opened the box and saw a silver and purple yoyo.

"It looks cool!" -Aska

"It's constructed with a special metal alloy, which is also an excellent electrical conductor. It weighs around 125 pounds." (~57 kilograms) - dad

After trying it a little, it felt great to put the string around my finger, I went to the back yard and gave it a couple of swings.

Using magnetism, I can control it mid air, and with its size, I can take it anywhere. Also the string works great for capturing, not to mention I can channel electricity through it to shock people.

After I had my fun with the yoyo, I went back inside.

"So how do you like it?" -dad

"It's better than I expected" - Aska

"When the folks at work, knew that it was for my son, they put extra care into making"- dad said smiling

"Tell them I said thanks." -Aska replied with a smile as well.

"Now then, What weapon were you gonna show me?" -dad

"It's right here" Aska went towards the box and opened it. He then took out the black sheath, and unsheathed it.

"Wow, that looks really nice" - dad

"OH MY GOD! Aska put that thing down!" - mom shouted from across the room when she saw the sword.

"Don't worry mom, I can handle a sword, and I'm not a kid anymore" - Aska sounding annoyed

"Yeah, you worry too much. Just let him show me the sword" -dad

"Just be careful, please. And for your information, yes you are a kid" - mom

This time, dad took the sword and went to the back yard to try and swing it around. He was so excited to swing the sword. Let's just say he was too excited, he started to act as a hero taking down villains with his "mighty weapon" as dad called it. It was difficult to get the sword away from him.

Thankfully, no one was injured in the process.

Currently, dad and I were getting scolded by mom, for dangerously swinging the sword

"It's all your fault" I whispered to dad, who was standing next to me.

"No. It's your fault. You shouldn't have let me hold the sword" dad whispered back

"How am I supposed to know you were this childish" I whispered again

"You knew me for 15 years out of your 15 years of life. You ought to know better" dad whispered

I just rolled my eyes at what he said.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" -mom said mincingly

'oh no, she thought I rolled my eyes at her scolding!' Aska panicked, he had no idea how to explain this to her 'If I say I rolled my eyes because dad and I were having a conversation while she was talking she would get even angrier, what do I do?'

"I would never mom. It's just that dad said you're annoying, so I rolled my eyes as if he has any room to talk" 'Sorry dad, you can take it, it's your fault anyway'

"WHAT?! I never said that" - dad

"Aska go to your room. Your father and I need to talk" - mom said in a quite voice, but I got scared, I didn't even hesitate, and went straight to my room

When I was going up the stairs I could hear dad,

"I never said your annoying, that boy just lied to you" - dad hurriedly explained.

I just kept walking like it was non of my concern.


Hello everyone I hope you like the chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Digital_Inkcreators' thoughts