
Reunited and Punishment.

When Kurayami finally saw the girls were all there calmed him down. The fact that every single one was just fine with very few changes. It was only 5 months for them while it was 3 years for him. However, now that he had a second to think about it, them being angry was an understatement.

There was one exception as the moment he returned she rushed into his arms.


Walburga, his masochistic maid slave rushed into his arms the moment he was back. She even started to feel him up as she missed his touch.

"Master, my boobs got bigger. Feel them."

She grabbed his arm and pushed them on her growing chest. He gave them a single squeeze causing her to moan at his touch. He pulled his hands back as this was not a good time to enjoy her pretty boobs.

He patted her on the head and hugged her with a single arm as he also missed her.

"I guess you are all angry."

They all wanted to rush into his arms, but they knew the one who worried the most for him was Raynare. She got up and walked toward him as she looked at the ground. When she got in front of him she punched him full force in the chest. He did not bother to dodge, as he could feel just how angry she was. Plus he was not going to get hurt anyway.

She punched again, again and again over and over. After the first one, it was just a bunch of punches with zero force behind them. He reached out and hugged her tightly as she kept punching him on the rubs.

He just let her calm down as he looked at everyone else. All of them were happy he was back, but Amaterasu was squeezing her hands as she looked at him. Grayfia was still in her maid outfit and nearly gave him a polite bow.

Latia waved at him before she went back to looking at the plans of the base. Annabeth was doing the same as in these 5 months they had been busy building the main Grigori base and fortress. They were also annoyed with him and were waiting for the punishment game they planned for him.

Lavinia was looking at him with a happy smile but was waiting for Raynare to calm down. Raynare finally stopped punching him as she got her anger out already. Now it was just the relief that he was back in her arms and alive. She grabbed his coat and hugged him as tight as she could as if he would just disappear again.

"Why did you wait so long, you ass?"

He bitterly looked at her as she started to cry into his chest.

"Let's just say that I might have accidentally killed all of you if I so much tried to send you a message. It was why I was trapped in the Dimensional Gap for three years."

When they heard that he was in the Dimensional Gap for three years they all were curious. To them, it had only been 5 months so how did it become three years for him. Akeno had been helping Azazel with his Reasrch into other Dimensions with Ajuka, and Mephisto.

"Oh, I know-how. The Gap does not have laws of time so you should have not even aged."

Kurayami nodded

"That is because I was not in the Gap per se. I was very close to it in a small pocket dimension very close to it. As such the time was super fast compared to this place I spent three years just training-"

"And mating with me."

Ophis interrupted his story with that little comment which made it all the harder on him. He looked back at her and saw she had a bag of cookies in her hands. She stole them from Earth the moment they arrived.

"Did you have to say that right now?"

She nodded with a proud smile on her face.

"They wanted you to explain what happened so I did. I just needed them to know what we did. It's only fair."

"I was going to ease into that."

She winked at him.

"Already. We just got back."

She put a cookie in her mouth and she smiled at the sweetness. He recoiled as he could feel the grip Raynare had on him turn violent.

"While I was crying you were fucking? You dick head."

He kneeled down and hugged her tight.

"The first time was against my will. Does that make you feel better?"


Ophis was about to eat another one but stopped.

"Don't act like you didn't like it."

Now he really looked like an asshole and Raynare did not even look at him. Seeing how angry see what made Kuroka speak up as she knew that she was not without guilt.

"I did it as well. When we went to the Devil meeting and he met Latia. We had our first sexual encounter and then when he gave you all a drop of his blood. As you were all asleep we had sex. Don't stay mad at him, he was already not a virgin."

Raynare now looked at Kuroka who was trying to calm her down. She looked at Kurayami under her and felt disappointed. She wanted to be the one to take his first time, but knowing she lost it to Kuroka and Ophis was annoying.

"Goddammit. Now I can't even stay mad at you."



Both Kuroka and Latia held their heads in pain while Grayfia only touched her forehead with her finger. She was more used to the pain as she had fought against angels and suffered from light wounds several times in the past. Still, it was not pleasant.

"Raynare, please do not say that name."

Kuroka nodded with teary eyes.

"Please don't do it again. I know you are angry, but did you have to use that name."

Latia rubbed her head as she got distracted.

"That was just mean."

Raynare looked down at Kurayami and hugged his head tight.

"If you think this is over, it is not. You are going to have to put those skills you picked up with your kidnaper to work. I have needs too you know."

Hearing her words made him hug her tighter and laugh a little. Still, if they wanted it here, he was not going to complain.


She shook her head as she sat down on the chair she was sitting at.

"No, but while you were gone we all agreed on your punishment. How many times did you two do it?"

Kurayami and Ophis looked at each other as they tried to remember. Kurayami got up as he did not count.

"I think it was 45."

Ophis shook her head as she knew exactly how many they times they did it.

"About 62, just that they lasted a long time."

Everyone looked at the both of them as that was not a lot for 3 years. Just how long did they last. Akeno directly asked about it as she needed to know.

"How long did you two last?"

She was worried as it mean that his stamina was off the charts. Kurayami thought about it as it depended.

"Well it averaged out to a full weak, or even 2 sometimes. The last time we did it was last month and it lasted the whole month. In the time in between, we just sparred as much as we could. I almost died during the last one though."

Ophis nodded as she sat down on the couch she brought from her room in the Khaos Brigade.

"That last one was your closet to turning the tables on me. Now, if you all want to have a go at my mate I dare you to do it. You will feel heaven, and then pass out. A lot of fun if you take the leap."

She rested her left leg over her right and showed off the black boots she was quite proud of. She smiled with a knowing look as it might take all of them together to keep up with him for a day at best. Only she had to body to go for days with him so now they all looked at Kurayami with some challenge in their gazes.

Just how good was his skill in bed that she was that confident in him. They would have to thank her for training him for them to enjoy. Esdeath coughed as she brought out the punishment notebook they wrote while he was gone.

"You know we all worried so in that time we wrote this notebook on what we will do to you after you return. That was thinking that you were trying to return, but things change now. I say we all get as many dates as days you were gone."

Kurayami agreed with zero hesitation.

"A date sounds nice. Do I choose the venue or do you."

Raynare looked at Kurayami with a sadistic look in her eyes.

"For now we get to pick. You can get the chance later."

Kurayami shrugged.

"That is fine with me. Any place, any time you want. I have a lot of free time, but I got to find Sataneal soon."

Akeno jumped up as she had news about that.

"Oh, brother while you were gone we managed to find our first new Dimension. It is not perfect, but we managed to find the general location of one. At the same time, we are just getting into this and it has only been a day since we found signs of it."

Hearing that made Kurayami very curious.

"Leave me and Ophis to it. Both of us should be able to find it and lock on it. I will have to find Azazel to offer my aid."

Kuroka thought about it as her three tails wagged behind her.

"You can do that later. For now, just relax. If you are now 17, can we? You promised."

She looked at his face with a huge amount of hope. Her cat ears were dropped while her tails wagged from side to side. He smiled and spread open his arms.

"Next time your breeding season starts, I swear to you that I will do it."

She jumped on him and hanged off from his neck.

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I know we will be good parents."

She rained kisses on his face as she was finally going to get pregnant and be a mom. If she was upset he left, she was glad he left as it spread up how much she had to wait. He was also closer in age to her so it was a win in her book.

As she was doing that Rebellion raised her hand to speak for the first time.

"Can I join in? Master only had eyes for Ophis at that time. I would like a date with him too.:

Everyone looked at the armored horned woman and knew who she was. The big skull on her chest plate was identical to the one that Kuraymi's sword Rebellion had. Akeno sighed at the sight.

"Wow, brother you really are cruel. During that time you neglected even your sword spirits."

Submission squinted her eyes at Rebellion causing her to back off.

"Ignore this brat. Been a pain in my ass for those three years. Crying and whining that master only has eyes for Ophis."

Esdeath took a guess at who she was.

"So you are Submission? What caused you two to become physical?"

Ophis raised her hand.

"That was me. When we had sex I kind of gave him my purity so he absorbed my blood. That was pure Dragon God blood, but his own blood was weird. I had to help him so I gave him some Infinity energy. It fixed the issue and made the Fallen Dragon God you see now."

Amaterasu walked up to him and squeezed his arm as she also had questions about his soul.

"Did it have to do with his soul?"

Ophis nodded and pointed at her head.

"It feels a lot like mine. Considering the fact that I am linked to his I think I know it best. Powerful is an understatement. It is extremely powerful, but as long as we both live we will get stronger together."

That made everyone look at both of them as she had a connection with him they didn't. Akeno got up as she looked also looked at him closely hoping to get that much trust with him. Kuroka did not want to let go so she kept holding onto him.

"Can we get linked to it?"

Ophis shook her head at the idea as she knew his soul as good as Kurayami did. That would be a very bad idea.

"You may if you want to die. You need a soul as strong as mine as his soul is extremely powerful. Souls are a unique thing after all. The connection between two souls depends on how strong they are and the power to link both. If one is too strong, the others will be absorbed into the bigger one. Meaning all of you."

Lavinia had a theory.

"If he is wearing sunglasses and you two are connected, does that mean you gave him your power?"

Kurayami removed his sunglasses as they all looked into his eyes. Ophis still cracked a small joke in that time for her own dragon vanity.

"Guess he has a permanent mark of me."

They ignored her as they all crowded in front of Kurayami to look at them. Looking into them was an experience on its own so they only looked at them for a little bit. Esdeath held his chin up as she looked at those pretty eyes.

"What do they do?"

Kurayami smiled as he explained.

"They do two things. One, it gives me a monstrous amount of processing power. That goes into how much energy I use per attack. The Infinite mixed in with it literally lets me use the least amount of energy possible. Meaning, I will never run out of energy. Second, I see everything as super slow. Ungodly slow."

Akeno now worried for him. If he saw seeing that fast, it mean that them talking to him was like a snail.

"Can you still see normally?"

He chuckled as he pointed to his eyes.

"I can just turn them off, but I like these glasses."

He put on his sunglasses as he saw they all felt dumb for worrying. He sat next to Ophis as he opened his arms.

"Come on, I need a real hug after all."

They all tackled him to the ground as now that they got done interrogating him they were glad he was back. Ophis watched as they all smothered him to the point it was hard to see him.

'Any family of Kurayami, is my family. He needs them.'

She bit into another cookie as she knew that she lost her monopoly on him. She did not mind it as she was still the strongest. Power attracts power after all. Plus, seeing him with all of them let her feel just how happy he was.