
Ophis Vs Kurayami.

Nothing that Kurayami did let him land one hit on her. It was just a matter of strength as she was a true Dragon God on her own Aspect while he was at best an imitation of one. He was merely copying her Aspect which was powerful, but she exceeded him.

He might have more skill than her, but that advantage started to go away as she went through his memories. She started to adapt and create new attacks, defenses, and abilities from the experience she saw in his memories.

The first spar ended with a single well-placed axe kick she copied from Esdeath. As Kurayami had seen most of his harem training and understood the concept behind them, she used that knowledge to copy it.

This place had no dirt, but if there was he would have been buried in it. Following this, she grabbed him and once again showed him why female Dragons are feared. Their skill in bed was legendary and despite becoming part Dragon God, he was still on the receiving end.

He managed to last for a week that time, which resulted in another sparing match as soon as they recovered. He started to boost his power with his flames and lightning she tried to copy some of the magic she saw from Akeno, Lavinia, Walburga, and Grayfia.

Explosions rang out in every part of this dimension as her spells were even deadlier than Akeno's. When she used fire spells they contained the Infinity which made them cataclysmic in magnitude. Ice magic seemed to be able to freeze time causing him headaches with how much she was improving.

The same went for every other element she copied. As for Kurayami, his flames, lightning, shadows, death and even his light abilities clashed against her magic which once again resulted in him losing that exchange. He was actually enjoying his time with Ophis as finding someone stronger than him was fun.

He could see that she was improving in real-time in their spars so he was not the only one gaining from this. In all her life she never trained, so after just a few months, she made more progress than anyone.

Every time he lost, he did win something better. She rewarded his loss with pleasure that nearly made him go mad. It was like this was his motivator to keep trying as it helped him recover his mental state to prepare for the next ass-kicking.

As for Rebellion, she cried every time she watched as she wanted to join in. Sadly for her Submission did not allow her as she would just distract their master and lead him to lose completely against Ophis.

It had been 6 months since they started and they were currently locked in another spar. Ophis was combining magic with martial art she kept copying from his memories while he used everything at his disposal.

Kurayami even picked up his forgotten martial arts from his first life as she started to use them again. He still remembered them perfectly so he combined them with his sword skills to keep up.

Shin was at his side as they both created a storm of Light and weapons. He did not go Balance Breaker as he was trying to master his own power as he was overly dependent on it. This was a good way to practice which made this his own power.

Ophis raised her hand and swung it down.

"Space Sweeper."

Her names were simple, but they did as they said. A storm of space swept all their attacks away while Kurayami clasped his hands together. Every type of lightning gathered in his hands, from white holy lightning, purple burning lightning, black death lightning, grey shadow lightning, transparent space lightning, and even colorless time lightning.

All around him a storm of the rainbow gathered in his hands as he created a giant lightning bolt-like he was Zeus. It was as big as Japan and he launched it at her and watched as the world-destroying bolt zoomed at the Dragon God.

She did not even flinch as she simply smiled at the sight. When it was an inch away from her face she spoke with no urgency at all.


Kurayami saw his lightning bolt turn around and hit him square in the chest.


It exploded in a massive explosion of lightning that made Shin recoil at the sight. Rebellion was tied up with Submission sitting next to her holding the rope.


Submission looked up from her book and shrugged.

"He will be burned a little, but he will be fine. If he wanted you to help him he would be fighting with us in hand."

Rebellion started to crawl toward him, but Submission pulled her back.

"You brat, he will be fine."

Kurayami spoke up as he was as black as ash. His outfit tanked the blow and stuck a tendril into his throat to drink some of his blood. He healed up at a rapid rate and his outfit was fixed again. The poor living creature suffered greatly, but it was truly loyal to Kurayami.

"I am not fine."

Hearing him say that made Submission let her sister go as they rushed to find him. Kurayami was back to normal, but he was lodged in the ground. Both weapon spirits stood over him looking to see what was wrong with him.

His face looked pained while his legs were bent the wrong way. In no time they popped back into place and healed as good as new. Rebellion was pretty much crying as she looked at him. She kneeled over him causing her tears to fall on his face.

"Master, what is wrong? Do you want a kiss, a bath, me, or a lap pillow? Don't die."

Kurayami struggled to laugh as his whole body still hurt. When he sat up he wiped her tears as this sword spirit of his was much too obsessed with him. Submission was colder, which made her more serious and easier to deal with.

"No, but I would like to win at least once."

Submission helped him up as he popped his neck.

"At least I know I can survive my own attacks."

She shook her head at him. She grabbed his collar and pulled him down. She was not short by any means as she stood 6 feet, but that was still shorter than her master. When he was at her level she looked him into his eyes and squinted hers.

"How much progress have you made, master?"

She let go of him as he stood up.

"I should be 30% stronger since by sublimation, but she is getting stronger as well. I can't keep up."

Ophis smiled as she had learned a lot from his mind. She also stopped revealing her chest to the world as she saw that it was not ladylike. Her outfit was the exact same, but she wore a bra and a full version of it. She even wore a pair of black boots she knew he liked.

They went up to her calves and made her legs look even sexier.

"If you get stronger, I get stronger."

Even her vocabulary was smarter as she was not stupid. She even picked that up which made her much easier to talk to.

"Yeah, I know. It just makes you a better target to surpass. The day when I am stronger than you is close."

She walked up to him and grabbed his arm to pull him away with her. He followed behind her as he was going to show her why he was not an easy target. If she got better in bed, so did he and he was keeping up longer.

"Your reward for lasting."

He sighed as he left with her leaving Shin and his two sword spirits. When they were gone, Rebellion once again wanted to watch or join in.

"Sister, why can we not join in?"

Submission looked over as she was sitting on the giant Shin's back.

"They are fully focused on each other right now. He can barely keep up with her skill and if you distract him he will be overwhelmed. If he wants to ever surpass her, he needs to be fully focused. Plus, consider it training for the time he takes us for himself."

Rebellion smiled coyly when she heard her sister's words.


Submission nodded with zero shame in her gaze.

"Of course. He owns us and every part of us is his to use. Even our bodies and if he desires it, he shall have it."

As for Kurayami, he ended up lasting 2 weeks where he made Ophis suffer from a mind-numbing orgasm. At this point, it became something normal for his sexual activities to last this long as his dragon body never tired of it.

In the end, he did not manage to subdue her, but he did leave her with a dizzy look on their face. It made him proud that he was making the process, but it was too soon. He needed more time and this time he started to use his two swords.

The scale of the spars increased in intensity as Ophis showed she was no longer just throwing magic at her foes. Kurayami held both Submission and Rebellion in his hands as he went all out.

"Today I will use my Balance Breaker. Ready?"

She nodded.

"Try your best. If you lose, I expect one month."

He gulped as he knew she was serious. He felt his kidneys would not last so he had to try his best. Shin stood at his side as Kurayami took a deep breath and focused on that connection. The Cross around Shin's neck began to tremble as it felt the desire of Kurayami.

"I am the shadow that burns and the fire that usurps. I laugh at the dead God that is no more, I am one with the infinite that will devour the Dream, my fire will burn the world to cinders, my shadow devours the light, I reveal in the slaughter of mortals and principles, I am lightning and fire given form. EX Abyss Side."

Incinerate Anthem hit Kurayami in the chest causing every type of fire that Kurayami had access to condense around him. Shin grew even larger as a giant sword appeared in his mouth. He created a stronger replica of Ame-no-Ohabari, a god-killing sword.

Shin pawed at the ground as he stood beside Kurayami who showed off his new Balance Breaker. Fire, lightning, and shadows radiated off the armor in waves. 9 tails coiled like thrashing whips as he looked at Ophis.

(Image here.)

Both his swords were covered in destructive energy as he looked at Ophis with pure seriousness. He still wanted to live and he would not last a full month with her speed.

"I am ready?"

That was all he said before he charged at her swinging Rebellion down on her head. Ophis created some armor around her dress that boosted her physical abilities even further. She made a pair of gauntlets that went up to her elbows with the Infinite and backhanded Rebellion.

(Like Artoria, but better.)

A slash of destructive energy went around her at the same time she dodged the sword swing coming at her next from Submission. It went toward her slender neck, but she weaved out of the way as she punched Kurayami's wrist.

It cracked the bones in it, but Kuraymi kicked toward her waist that landed on the armor. The blow was reflected back into his leg which he used to bring his other leg for an axe kick. He was really flexible and when he brought it down she just leaned backward.

At the same time, Shin swung the sword in his mouth toward her head, which she back kicked out of the way. In the end, she liked the Mage Brawler style as she ended up liking to hit things and use magic. It was a good experience to learn as it was fun.

She and Kurayami took this as fun as it truly was. All this happened in a few nanoseconds and it was just the start. Kurayami's mana pathways lit up as he filled them with the Infinite and holy lightning. The effect more than doubled his speed and allowed him to swing at Ophis in a mad swinging of his swords.

He swung millions of times and each one was like he became a storm of sword swings. He thrust out with his swords trying to open a crack in her defense so Shin could find a weakness. At this time neither one read the mind of the other as it would be cheating. Ophis used her gauntlets to keep deflecting his blows while also having to deal with Shin.

They moved faster than Kuraymi could swing but had left reach. The giant dog attacked every time Kurayami opened up her guard a little, but she was not dumb. She raised her leg and slammed it on the ground and froze time and space around them. Her body radiated her aura of a Dragon God and condensed it around her first.

She punched toward Shin's face who let go of his sword which she destroyed in one hit. He created 10 more and grabbed one as the other 9 attacked like they were possessed. She smiled at the difficulty as Kurayami had turned her into a battle fanatic.

Not at the level of Esdeath, or Raynare, but it was close.

"Tidal surge."

A tidal wave of water created from the Infitne filled this dimension so Kurayami went all out. The muscles in his arm clenched as his 16 dragon wings emerged from his back. His canines got longer as black scales appeared around his face.

He gathered a giant amount of his energy in his two swords and felt his heart rumble to make more. He swung down both his swords in a cross shape toward the sea. Ophis perked up as she saw that blow and turned the water into ice.

Kurayami's sword swing cut the entire ice statue and hit Ophis's energy shield around her. It was a bunch of Infinite Energy around her body that Kurayami managed to cut through. Of course, that was all he managed to do as his Balance Breaker dispelled.

The burden it put on his body was huge and the power he gained from it was great. He stayed standing as Ophis walked toward him. When she stood in front of him she smiled as she hugged him tightly.

"You got stronger again."

He smiled as he hugged her back.

"Do I have to go a full month?"


'I'm going to die.'

In the end, she kept her promise and Kurayami was the closest to death than he ever was in this life. Time was moving weirdly around him as it was many times faster than the outside world. Finally, 3 whole years passed in that time.

Kurayami was now 17 and his birthday was tomorrow. He knew that only 5 months passed in the real world so he wanted to arrive on time for Akeno's 15th birthday. He was going to have to apologize for not seeing them at that time, but he knew that they were fine.

Ophis seemed much more mature than she did when they first met and stronger. They stood apart about 100 meters as Kurayami and Ophis were going to use their dragon forms. They both created unique ones as Ophis used to not have one before.

She created one herself to match up to Kurayami as she got jealous that he bragged about his. They had not seen each other's as they wanted to keep this a surprise from the other and it was time to show them off.

They both roared as they took their dragon forms. Kurayami was bipedal with opposable thumbs as he was still a swordman. A long-bladed tail while he stood on two thick scaled legs. 6 giant wings spread from his back as from the tip of his nose to his tail he was 80 meters long.

All over his body pitch-black scales radiated power. The cracks between the scales glowed with pure energy as his body was a mass of pure power between them.

(Image Here)

She looked like an Eastern Dragon made and glowed like a galaxy. She was bigger than him, and she even coiled around him. This was not a spar as they just wanted to see each other's dragon forms

(I got no image for her yet. I will find something)

She gently coiled around him in an affectionate way and eventually, his arms, legs, and waist were wrapped up by her. Her head rested next to his head which made him smile.

"Did you have to wrap me up like prey?"

His voice was guttural and rumbled with his bestial vocal cords. Rebellion, Submission, and Shin watched from the top of his head while Opis squeezed a little tighter.

"Aren't you?"

They both returned to their human forms, but she held on to him as he went down. Submission, Rebellion, and Shin did the same as it was time to leave. He was going to e in trouble when the girls got their hands on him.

He might even have to sleep on the couch for a while if they were really mad. He was also ready to give Kuroka her greatest wish but first had to apologize. He opened a portal to the Moon where all the girls had stayed.

"Time to face the music."

He created a pair of sunglasses to hide his eyes and walked out of the portal. He appeared on the Moonbase that was Underground in front of all the girls. When they saw that he came back they froze in shock as he was finally back.

Shin, Ophis, Rebellion, and Submission followed behind him. For Kurayami seeing the girls again made him very happy.

"I am back at last."


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