
Light Years Away - Hunters of Outer Space

Ray was only twelve years old when a mysterious alien saved her from harm, and when she met her big guy again, it changed her life forever as their fates intertwined with each other. A story contains dark Human/Yautja smut. A lot of porn!!! You have been warned. In the meantime, the sequel is available on AO3 if anyone’s interested: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28655376/chapters/70244229

Admirable_Mairon · Movies
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24 Chs

Chapter Five

He was only purring to calm the female and it led into a disaster for him, firstly he somehow held her in his arms, that was very uncharacteristic of him. Then his hand began stroking her soft hooman body as he held her in his chest, she was so small and fragile, he couldn't help but to inhale her scent once again while her smooth skin teased him, and her leg...she had positioned her leg in his groin. Pauk. His purrs became deep, husky growls, her sweet scent permeated the room and it was driving him mad, he was so close to grope and explore her entire body, the mere thought of it sent an electric spark to his crotch - he almost unsheathed his shaft! He kept repeating the same words in his head - she's only a hooman prey - until she finally fell asleep. He released her body grudgingly and shook his head to focus, at last, he left the room in frustration.

Ray felt like she hadn't had a peaceful sleep for a long time, she sat up to stretch her back, the cramps were still bothering her but she felt a lot better than she did yesterday. She suddenly jerked her head as memories of last night slowly returned to her, did she fell asleep in his arms last night? Her heart fluttered - oh my god, she just couldn't believe she did that, with an alien who abducted her and clearly dangerous! And the worst part was she liked it! She was so embarrassed, she buried her face into the pelts for a long moment and screamed. Thankfully he wasn't here to witness her embarrassment. After a while, she gathered her thoughts together and finally got up, she was halfway to the washroom when Red walked out from his training area, then she met his piercing gaze.

"Red!" She gasped, he was usually out at this time of the day. "I-I thought you were out." She quickly flicked her eyes away and calmed herself again as embarrassment slowly devoured her. She heard his deep rumbles with his tusks twitching, then moved away without acknowledging her. Ray frowned - Is he angry with me about last night, or he's always like this? Moving to the washroom, she decided not to think about it. Finishing her shower, she saw her food sitting at the front door, and Red was out again. By the time he was back, it was pretty late and he went straight to the training room. Not surprised, Ray followed him.

"Red, why aren't you talking to me? Are you angry about last night? look, I was in pain and my head wasn't thinking straight, I'm sorry, I swear it will never happen again." She assumed that he didn't like being close to humans and tried to fix the problem, but he ignored her and activated the holograms.

"I saw some wild creatures outside of the observatory today, and they looked hideous, like goblins." She sat on the floor and continued to make a conversation. "Can I help you? Maybe clean your weapons? I'm bored," She added. "Or you can show me how to use the bath - WOW!" Whatever she was going to say died in her throat.

He was sparring with the holograms - four ferocious creatures were charging at him from each direction, they were almost as tall as he was, but he didn't even flinch, he fought them with perfect skills and dexterity, avoided and ducked all their attacks, he jumped and span, advanced with strategic offense, until he disabled and killed all of them. She watched the whole thing without blinking, her mouth parted in disbelief, she knew he could fight, but not like this! This was actually the first time she had seen him in action.

"Oh my god, you are amazing! Remind me not to upset you." She said jokingly, and then her eyes were drawn to his large frame unwittingly, his chest puffed up with each breath he took as he stood tall and strong, his muscles flexed with every slight movement, there was not even a single body fat on him, what a perfect specimen, Ray was practically drooling over his chiseled body and she felt a flush of warmth in her belly spread to her groin.

He glared at her direction and her heart skipped a beat, swallowing hard, she wetted her dry lips. "Um...are you done? Good night." Embarrassed, she almost ran out of the room and walked to the bedchamber hastily. What is wrong with you, Ray? She shook the image of his body out of her head as she tucked herself in bed. Thank god he didn't come to the bedchamber last night, otherwise it would be too awkward to face him.

Red had been distant lately, so distant that he barely talked to her no matter how hard she tried and she didn't know why. Did I do something wrong? He was always the silent type alright, but at least he acknowledged her before, now he just completely ignored her existence, acting like an asshole. She tried to convince herself that he was the reason why she was here and he was the real enemy, but deep down she felt alone and abandoned, he never harmed her or tortured her like she had expected, in fact - he had hardly done anything to her at all, except always angry with her, he was all bark and no bite, he even cared about her wellbeing few days ago, she thought about the night in his arms and realized he hadn't come to the bedchamber once since that night, she felt disappointed. What the hell is wrong with you Ray! She gasped, two years without sex was not the reason she should use to justify her perverted thoughts, she should be focusing on her way out of this planet and get back to home! Concentrate, Ray. You're not that desperate, you're better than this. She almost convinced herself.

Red was back with a skull this time and he was still not talking to her as usual.

"Red, when do I get to go out?" She called out after him and picked up her pace. "Why are you always killing creatures?" Still no response, she was so frustrated. "Red, are you going to kill me one day?" Her voice laced with sadness. She asked herself this question many times, and feared for his answer. She just didn't know why he had kept her here. For what purpose?

"No." He finally spoke and looked at her briefly, then returned his attention to cleaning his skull.

It was good to know that, at least he wasn't going to kill or eat her like he did with other creatures. But she could barely stand his distant behavior, she felt extremely frustrated as days of built-up emotions were killing her.

"Then, what am I to you? You're always angry with me for no reason at all, what did I do? Why did you take me if you don't want me to be here? Why don't you just take me home? I want to go home! You can't keep me in here forever!" She shouted in frustration as her built-up emotions erupted like a volcano.

A sudden movement sent her body up against the metal wall, she didn't even get a chance to react, only saw a blur of his movement, the impact of it knocked the air out of her lungs. His big clawed hand clasped around her neck lifting her up to his eye level, his grip was strong but she could still breath - barely, his claws dug into her skin, she clutched one hand on his claws and the other on his pectoral, trying to push him away but he was like a mountain, all she could do was to wrap her legs on each side of his waist for support, to keep breathing.

"Perhaps, I've been too lenient with you, female," He snarled into her face, "For once, you will stop talking."

Ray was terrified, she had never seen him this mad at her before, the rage in his eyes could literally burn a hole in her skull. "I-I'm sorry." Her voice came out strangled and tears welled up in her eyes, she panted to keep her fear in control.

"You're not going home and you will obey me. Do as I say, do not test my patience again, you are at my mercy, female." He pushed her body harder against the metal wall and spit out an intimidating growl to make his point.

She felt hot puffs of his breath blew across her face, he smelled like jungle, his body was hot and his leathery skin felt surprisingly smooth, straddling him in this intimate position was doing strange things to her head, even though he was furious, she missed his touch. His growl made his body vibrate and it travelled directly to her core, at the feeling of her body pressed against his groin, she bucked her hips and groaned inadvertently before she could stop herself, she felt his body stiffening and then suddenly she was dropped to the floor, she winced at the sudden pain, and she was all alone again.

She could swear that her outburst yesterday only made things worse between them, she didn't know how to fix this...am I experiencing Stockholm Syndrome? No fucking way! She quickly denied the idea, she would never allow herself to become a victim like that, she would either fight until the end or be killed, then why she felt so helpless, lonely and sad? She had been good at reading people 90% of the time, but not this alien hunter, everything about him was a total mystery to her, his protruding brow bone made him looked like he was alway scowling at her, he was basically emotionless, she couldn't read him at all! And thinking about it made her feeling more frustrated.

She had explored everywhere on this ship and she was going mad. After finishing her lunch, she returned her plate to the metal counter, that was when her eyes caught a glimpse of a bottle sitting on the far side, she had seen him drinking it once, reaching for the bottle, she popped the top open - the liquid smelled fruity, she took a hesitant sip and liked the tangy taste, she took a big gulp then took it to the observatory, she didn't know how long she'd been sitting there but it must've been hours because the bottle was empty, she tried to stand up but her head felt so groggy, she lost her footing and fell downward, her body felt light like a feather and her eyes were seeing doubles. Sprawling onto the floor, she giggled.

I am flying, opening her eyes she saw Red was carrying her. "Red, you are back," She slurred.

"Hm...you feel so warm, I missed your touch," She rubbed her cheek into his skin and reached out to grab his neck, but she heard him saying you're drunk, female as he lowered her to the bed. "I'm not drunk, don't leave Red, stay with me..." Her hands grabbed onto his arm and would not release him, then she pulled him in closer until they both landed into the plush furs on the bed, she giggled again as she straddled his hips, her knees couldn't touch the bed due to his massive frame, she heard him growling at her but she didn't care.

"Why are you always angry with me?" She frowned as she adjusted her weight to steady herself, the room seemed spinning around her, she had to place her hands against his broad chest to support herself from falling down, her half-lidded eyes trailed over his alien body slowly to his face, then she focused on his tusks and mandibles, he was so unlike her, she thought as she lifted a hand to caress the side of his face.

"I want to kiss you." She said through her increasingly deep, ragged breathing as she leaned into his strange face slowly, she was only an inch away from his inner mouth when she suddenly passed out on top of him, and everything went dark for her.

Yautja translation:

Pauk - fuck

Paya - Yautja God

Cjit - shit

C'ntlip - Yautja brew/beverage

Admirable_Maironcreators' thoughts