
Light wars

In a world where the magic is light energy, join Lila as she navigates through her new found power, meets new people(friends and foes), and fight new battles ................. Will be updating two chapters Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

Claze · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Emotional ties

Tap tap tap tap

Lila and Semir were both training together, they moved rhythmically as their sticks collided at intervals

"You're getting quite agile in your movements" Semir commended

Then he used another hand to punch her and as she lost balance he quickly used the stick to hit her and she fell to the ground

"But your tactics and ability to read movements are still poor" Semir said while hovering over her and pointing his stick at her

He then lowered his stick and proceeded to help her up

"Let's go again" Lila said as she was up

Semir smiled

"Your stance also improved, hmm Cecil has been busy with you this past few days and you learn fast, I won't take on easy on..."


Lila had attacked with her stick but Semir counter attacked with his quickly, Lila smiled as she'd seen the opening, she kicked him and he staggered back but didn't fall

She felt fulfilled, she picked up this move from Cecil the first day they had trained together and even if her kick didn't have much power, she'd managed to land a strike on Semir for the first time

Semir quickly approached her, he striked her but she blocked with her stick, they continued dancing around for a while till Semir suddenly started staggering and he dropped to the ground holding his head in pain

Lila stopped attacking, she was shocked, what was going on with him, it was definitely not from training

The others had run towards them, they had noticed what was going on

Cecil approached Lila and held her clothes pushing her to the ground and pinning her there

"What did you do to him?, I told you if you pose a threat to us I'll kill you"

"It wasn't me I swear"

"You think I believe you"

"It's okay Cecil" Semir said while standing up "It's not Lila, I can sense the presence of dark sorcerers again"

That statement resulted in a look of seriousness in all their faces, Cecil slowly left Lila and got up then Lila followed suit

"Where?, in those dark woods?, should we go and check again?" Freeva asked

"No, it's not in the woods this time, it's in village Fraila, I could sense the presence of darkness strongly there"

"Fraila?, we'll check it out tomorrow" Zane said

"Relax Zane, I know you have emotional ties to that place but we can't just barge in a new territory without proper planning" Freeva said

"And what if there's no time, what if something really bad is about to happen" Zane countered "I won't sit back and watch it happen, I'm going there tomorrow"

"Semir back me up here" said Freeva while turning to him

"In as much as I agree with you Freeva,I know Zane would still go there no matter what I say so you're going with him, can't let him go alone"

Freeva rolled her eyes

"I'm fine, I can go on my own"

"No, you can't, something is not right,I noticed darkness in the woods close to us and now I'm noticing it in Fraila, a place dear to one of us. Almost as if they're trying to lure us in. Cecil and I will stay back incase its a trap, but if its not, then you two should stay there and investigate for a while and keep us posted, when you're sure of things we'll then join you guys"

"And me?" Lila chipped in

"You'll stay here, you'll just slow any of us down"

"Actually Cecil, I think she should come with us, if there's going to be any encounter, she needs to watch live how we harness our light and fight in close combat" Freeva said


"Don't slow me down" Zane said to Lila and she scoffed

He had been super annoying these few days and it really got on her nerves

"Let's continue training then" Semir said to Lila

"No Semir" Cecil said "You have to rest, come let's go in I'll make you tea"

Lila watched as Semir nodded and those two exited the training ground as the realisation hit, Cecil wasn't overprotective of all of them, she was overprotective of Semir, she was soft only to him and Semir always listened to her and vice versa

"You coming Lila?" Freeva said bringing her back from her thoughts

Lila hadn't noticed Zane leave

"Uhm no, I'll join in later"

Freeva left Lila alone on the training ground and she continued to train with the training dummy that was there

The next day, Lila was on a journey heading to a village she knew nothing about, Freeva was by her side and Zane was steps ahead of them. They each had little back packs on them.

"Freeva, what did you mean by Zane having emotional ties to this village"

Freeva looked onward at Zane before turning to answer Lila

"After the red light clan was destroyed Zane spent the next few years of his life in Fraila, he was taken in by this family which slowly became his, he's probably scared something is going to happen to them"

"Family" Lila said and lowered her head "They're supposed to bring you comfort and joy and are supposed to be your emotional support right"

Freeva looked at Lila confused

"You've never had a family Lila?"

"I guess so"

Freeva put an arm on Lila's shoulders with a smile on her face

"We're your family now, and I'll give you all the emotional support you need"

Lila looked at her and smiled, they had treated her as though she had been with them all this while and Lila was more than grateful for that, she looked onward at Zane watching as he walked and for the first time she understood him. If any of them were in any kind of threat or harm, Lila knew she'd do anything to save them

Zane turned back as if noticing he was being looked at and Lila quickly looked away, his eyes lingered on her for a while before he looked forward. They didn't know but he had heard their whole discussion

They'd walked for hours and darkness was slowly rolling in, Zane suddenly stopped making the girls stop too, he turned around and faced them

"Let's camp here tonight, it's not safe for us to move at night"

"Alright, sounds good" Freeva said dropping her bag

Lila and Zane followed suit, they set up their sleeping bag and cover in silence then Zane finally spoke up

"I'll get wood to keep us warm for the night"

Later that night, the three of them were tucked in their sleeping bags which were arranged in line with Lila in the middle. There was burning firewood in front of them, Zane had set it up earlier and he had set it ablaze with his light

Freeva was deep asleep and her soft breathing echoed the air, Lila was awake staring up in deep thoughts and she guessed Zane was too from the constant turning and shuffles she heard, she turned to face him but his back was turned against her

"Zane, you awake?"

Zane turned facing her, he was more than shocked that she called out to him

"What is it Lila"

"Can love be a trigger for my light, you all are the closest I have to a family and even if it means harnessing my light, I'm willing to do anything to protect you all"

And for the first time ever Lila saw it, Zane smiled, it was dark but she could see it from the dim light of the fire

"That's for you to find out Lila, but you should get some rest, long journey ahead tomorrow. Goodnight Lila"

Lila watched him as he turned and she smiled softly before closing her eyes

Zane was deep in thoughts, he closed his eyes and let his mind drift back to the day it all started, the day his life changed forever