


We, as in Rune, knocks on the door.

"Hey, Aaron I'm back!" Rune says, "go tell my brother ok."

We walk into the mansion and waited for Talon to arrive.

We hear Aaron tell Talon, "Talon your brother is here with guest or two." shouts Aaron from the hall.

We also hear "You have a brother?! " a girl says surprised.

"Yeah let's go meet him" says Talon standing up and grabbing her hand.

"Rune!" yells Talon in the hall.

"Talon you are about to pull my arm off! I can walk on my own!!!" Said the girl's voice still being drag down the hall.

"No you can't" said Talon still dragging her down the hall with a smile.

"Oh, really" says the girl releasing his grip, "Catch up if you can"

"Oh I see how we are playing" said Talon running the last few feet and beating the girl

"Talon, been a long time brother" says Rune

"RUNE, it has been a long time" Says Talon not noticing the company

"Hey how's it been?" Rune said with a smile.

"Like it always has been. Hey there someone I want you to meet" Says talon gesturing to the short white haired girl pouting.

"I can introduce myself you know" she said very annoyed.

"No, you can't" Said Talon with a serious attitude.

The girl pulls out her sword and pointing it at him with her hand on her dagger

"Now what were you saying about me Mr. Needs to be kicked in the stomach, we know how that went for you last time don't we" she said still pointing her sword at him

"Yes we do" says Talon grabbing the blade by the point and moving it away from his face.

"I would be worried about your hand if you weren't such a jackass or maybe it's cause you are immortal could be both do you want find out" girl says

"Umm… sorry to interrupt this but, hey Talon." I say with a little wave.

"Oh hi" she says while kicking Talon in the stomach so he gets out of the way

"Eash that must hurt, brother." Rune says with a laugh.

"I can kick you too to find out" Says the girl with a devilish smile.

"Rain check on that" says Rune and go's back to Talon.

"To bad" Says the girl offering Talon a hand.

"Thanks" Says Talon pulling her down with him.

"Aww how cute." I say poking fun at them and laughing.

"Shut the hell up" says Miku now blushing a bright shade of pink.

"Oh that went a little far," says Talon also blushing "Anyway who are you?"

"I'm Unime, duh you idiot." I say.

"I'm Miku nice to meet you." says Miku.

"Who's that???" says Miku gesturing to Niko.

"That is Niko. Also know as me." says Niko.

"Nice to meet you, Niko" Miku says.