
Light Edge

Kana'an was a magnificent medieval land, blessed by the Creator Himself. In this land lived Ethan Everhart, a farmer from the village of Wilderfall. Ethan was known for his bountiful harvests, and like any other farmer, he grew crops and vegetables to sell in the nearby city of Allen. But one day, after he sent his latest harvest to the city, he did not return home. Instead, he embarked on a long journey to find someone special. As he journeyed, he encountered Darren, a man who was on a quest to discover his true identity. Together, they traveled across the edge of the light, discovering the truth about themselves and the world they lived in. Along the way, they encountered all sorts of challenges, from fierce monsters to treacherous terrain. But they persevered, drawing strength from their friendship and the beauty of the world around them.

Kiseeki · Fantasy
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Beneath The Winds

The wind carried innocent fruits to an unfamiliar place, diverting their intended destination and uncovering new discoveries.

It's been three months since that fateful night. Together, we train every day. You once told me that you don't know who you truly are. Whether your memories were lost or you never knew, I can't say. Chiron found you on the shore, helpless and dried out by the sun, battered by the waves repeatedly. If my estimation from Chiron's account is correct, it happened a week before the Wilderfall incident.

That night, my intuition tells me that the culprit was the figure in the black hood. What's even more surprising is that all of Wilderfall's residents disappeared, save for Mr. Albert. For the past three months, I've been yearning to meet him. Whenever I hear news of crimes in the area, I rush to investigate, hoping that the culprit is the hooded figure. It may sound strange, but that's what I believe.

Allen City, 951

I live on the outskirts of Kota Allen with you and Chiron. It's been three months, and I've let myself go a bit. My blonde hair is now long and thick, and as I enter adulthood, I'm no longer the Ethan Everhart people once knew. The local market vendors in Allen would be surprised to see me now, but I haven't had a chance to run into them.

I'm no longer a farmer. After Chiron brought me here, I visited Wilderfall. My heart sank when I saw how barren the once-fertile land had become. Even the grass struggled to grow. Though all the houses were still standing, there wasn't a soul to be found. Only emptiness remained.

The only people left in Wilderfall are me and Pak Albert, who were both brought here by Chiron. After Pak Albert's health improved, he started working at the fruit kiosk in the Allen market. He's so busy now that I rarely get to see him.

Even though Chiron has given me a comfortable room, bathroom, and good food, I feel like I should still find a job. Depending on others is not something my late mother would have approved of. So, like Pak Albert, I work at the Allen market, but as a porter. Carrying boxes of vegetables and fruits, loading them into horse-drawn carts, and unloading them is now my daily routine.

"Did you hear about this, Pierre?" Henry, a vegetable vendor, asked.

"Yeah, I just heard that a mysterious person hijacked the merchant carts that pass through the forest," Pierre, a food vendor, replied.

I listened in on their conversation. In the past few days, there have been fewer boxes arriving at the Allen market, probably due to decreased production. Could the person they were talking about be the mysterious hooded figure? My thoughts drifted away when the boss asked me to unload a crate of carrots from the new cart that just arrived.

Later that day, Chiron summoned us both. There was something important he wanted to discuss.

"Ethan, Darren, have you heard about the wind pirate who's been terrorizing merchants while they pass through the forest?" Chiron asked while sitting in his favorite wooden chair.

Suddenly, lightning struck my mind, and I remembered the vendors' conversation from yesterday, "He- I mean, the pirate, he's been looting merchants' goods, right?" I asked back.

"He also kidnapped a girl and demanded 5,500 Kael," he added while sipping his tea.

Both of us were shocked, and without hesitation, you declared that you would confront the pirate. "I won't let him harm anyone else!" you slammed your fists together. Chiron, as usual, calmed your temper.

"Feel free to face the wind pirate if you want. Surviving merchants say he only carries a sword," Chiron placed his empty tea cup down. "But he's agile and hard to catch."

Silence filled the room. The three of us just looked at each other, taking turns.

"I have a plan," I said, breaking the silence.

Mir Forest, 950

Clear and cloudy morning, sunlight illuminating the gaps between lush foliage. Abstract shadows projected onto the path we both walked in Mir Forest.

"Do you think... this plan will work?" You scoffed at me.

"If the pirate's goal is to hijack goods, then why don't we just place these wooden crates in the middle of the forest? He'll surely appear on his own."

"But why do I have to carry all these empty crates?!" You pulled the horseless cart with all your might. Since we first met, I regarded you as a human with excessive strength. Anything that requires extra effort, I would leave it to you, even though I'm a porter.

We arrived at the point where the pirate often appeared. It was really just a dirt path surrounded by giant trees, no wonder many people fell victim. Plus, this was also the fastest route to the city.

"You know, it should have been Solomon's army who took care of this. Because this forest is still part of their territory." I said as I set up the traps according to the plan.

I stacked the empty crates as if they accidentally fell off the merchants' cart. You, sweating profusely, rested under a big tree beside me as the wind slowly picked up. Was this a sign that the pirate was getting closer?

"Let's hide, Darren!" I grabbed your wrist, hurriedly ran, and dragged you behind bushes as tall as an adult.

That face covering, I examine it carefully. 'A familiar symbol,' I whisper.

'Do you know something?' You ask, also examining it.

The symbol of an Anemone flower is displayed on the right side of the cloth. A two-tiered flower with a large crown, its stamen encircles the center.


Without warning, you run through the bushes. Exposing our hiding spot. You clench your fists tightly, intending to strike when he is surprised by your appearance. Your shout disturbs the peace of the birds above. The agile wind pirate dodges your blow, crossing his arms and immediately assumes a fighting stance. He now wields two swords, ready to slice his opponent.

With empty hands, a fight is inevitable. Even well-planned strategies must be disrupted because of your paper-thin patience.

The strong wind blew again. The leaves fly randomly, erasing the presence of the pirate.

"Gone?" You look around.

"Get ready, he's called the Wind Pirate for a reason!" I shout from behind the fallen bushes, "Behind you!"

In the blink of an eye, the man appears from behind you. Just as quickly, you avoid his sword swing that nearly hits your back.

"What is your goal?" Your breath is once again labored.

"My goal? Clearly, to survive. My village has long been destroyed, its land is no longer fertile, and its river has stopped flowing," he glances at me, "all the inhabitants of my village disappeared, including my lover."

"So what is your goal?" You add sarcastically.

"To find my true self."

I remember that symbol. The Anemone flower is a symbol of the Ulric family. The family is known as martial arts experts. No wonder he is skilled in using swords. But as far as I remember, the family only had one child, named Randolph, who wasn't even proficient in his family's martial arts techniques. The latest news I heard was that he planned to marry his lover.

"Pfft, a cliché answer." He then opens the cloth he is wearing. "Ethan Everhart, a farmer from Wilderfall. I didn't expect you to escape that incident."

"So it's true, you're Randolph Ulric. You lost your family and lover. Now you're a pirate." I walk towards him calmly. The wind blows strongly again. The man suddenly appears close to me, pointing his sword at me.

"If you weren't from Wilderfall, I would have killed you by now." He threatens me seriously, "I will let you go, but don't play with me."

I touch the blade of his sword with my finger, lowering it away from my neck. "Sorry, I will only leave if you release the girl you're holding captive. Your lover would surely leave you if she knew you were like this." As soon as I feel his grip weaken, I snatch the sword he is pointing at me. "This is what Chiron taught us."

"Five thousand five hundred ..."

Before Randolph can finish his sentence, a punch hits the side of his face. It seems that you can't wait to hit him. But I hold myself back, especially since he's one of the few remaining people from Wilderfall."

Randolf struck his punch right on the weak point of everyone's ears, causing him to drop his pair of swords. I ran unsteadily and grabbed them before he could take them back. "Quickly, show me where the girl is," I said, pointing my swords at him. Meanwhile, you blocked his movement. He was powerless now.

"Alright, follow me." Randolf led us to an old hut in the middle of the Mir forest, which was worse than the house where we lived, surrounded by big wild trees. A clear blue river flowed peacefully from the highlands past the side of the hut. It wasn't a bad place, I thought. He opened the door and let us in.

"This is why I became a robber, or you call it a wind pirate," I saw a teenage girl dressed neatly and clean, unlike someone who was being held hostage. She was shorter than me, had short blackish-red hair. "I saved her from bandits who were obsessed with her intelligence. She's an expert in making medicines from wild plants and making deadly poisons."

"Oh- Hi, m-my name is Mary. I hope you're not a bad person," she smiled nervously. "Randolf, your face is bruised? Did you fight again? I've told you, you don't have to be a robber." Mary wiped the bruise on Randolf's face with warm water, then applied a dark green herbal ointment.

We both stood blocking the entrance, just watching the two of them. A slightly awkward moment after the fight earlier.

"Forgive me, Mary. I did this so that both of us could stay alive." He touched the girl's cheek. "If I work in the city, you'll be alone here. The bandits could suddenly find you." His voice was gentle, completely different from Randolf's who we had just met in the woods.

"So, about you kidnapping a girl... was that wrong? What about the ransom money?" You were still digesting what happened.

I chuckled; you were angry to hear that Randolf had kidnapped a girl and asked for an unreasonable ransom. But it turned out to be a lie. Nevertheless, I still didn't forgive his act of robbing the merchants' chests.

"Ethan," Randolf turned to me. "Can I entrust Mary to you? I heard you're on a journey to find the culprit who destroyed Wilderfall."

"Ah, I- I have to ask Chiron first." I was confused about what to do.

"Mary can make herbal potions that will definitely come in handy during your adventure. This way, I can work in the city and not have to be a wind pirate." He added, grinning widely.

"Hey! Why is she our responsibility now?!" You grabbed his collar, your emotions overflowing again.

I calmed you down; with Mary around, it would definitely be easier if we were forced to fight.

As your emotions hadn't yet completely subsided, a strong quake was felt from the ground we were standing on. A rumble was heard in the distance. The four of us quickly ran out of the house, climbing the green hill behind the hut.

"What is that...?"

A tall black tower suddenly appeared after the strong vibration subsided. It stood in the middle of the forest among the trees. Its shape was irregular, tapering off as it got higher. A dark aura emanated from every window, bringing evil to living creatures around it.

Without thinking twice, we both went back to Chiron's house, also to introduce Mary to him. Meanwhile, Randolf took a different path. Realizing his dream of becoming an entrepreneur was what he had always wanted.

"Until we meet again, Mary."