
Light Edge

Kana'an was a magnificent medieval land, blessed by the Creator Himself. In this land lived Ethan Everhart, a farmer from the village of Wilderfall. Ethan was known for his bountiful harvests, and like any other farmer, he grew crops and vegetables to sell in the nearby city of Allen. But one day, after he sent his latest harvest to the city, he did not return home. Instead, he embarked on a long journey to find someone special. As he journeyed, he encountered Darren, a man who was on a quest to discover his true identity. Together, they traveled across the edge of the light, discovering the truth about themselves and the world they lived in. Along the way, they encountered all sorts of challenges, from fierce monsters to treacherous terrain. But they persevered, drawing strength from their friendship and the beauty of the world around them.

Kiseeki · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Another Dusk, Another Dawn

The fruit has become a tree, starting new branches. Shedding leaves is inevitable.

Wilderfall, 950

My name is Ethan Everhart, a farmer living in the village of Wilderfall. I look like any other villager, wearing a shirt and shorts.

Wilderfall village sprawls on the southern slope of an unnamed mountain, often referred to by outsiders as the village's name. The mountain rises high enough to pierce the clouds, and it is said that no one has ever succeeded in climbing its peak. The land here is so fertile that the agricultural produce from Wilderfall is the best in all of Kana'an. Most of the villagers are also farmers, so I am not the only one.

Although it covers the entire mountain slope, the population of this village is small. Most teenagers migrate to the city of Allen and start a new life there for a better future, considering farming an outdated occupation.

Wilderfall, 950

Today is a clear day, the gentle breeze tousling my blonde hair as I rest after sowing tomato seeds in the field next to my house. Occasionally, Mr. Albert comes by to remind me to pack the harvest that will be sent out. He is responsible for managing all the sales of our crops throughout Kana'an.

Tomorrow, I will send out the cabbage harvest to Allen City, so today I must complete all the packaging neatly and safely from any weather conditions.

Wilderfall, 950

At dawn, I put on my turquoise robe, comb my blonde hair, and dress neatly before setting off. Riding a rented horse-drawn carriage, I go to the city of Allen, which stands far south of Wilderfall village. To get there, I have to pass through lush forests and steep roads. All the wooden crates filled with the cabbage harvest that I sell are neatly piled on the carriage. I sit at the back to ensure that my crates do not fall off. Allen City is the center of trade in Kana'an, so it becomes increasingly crowded by diverse people from all over the country. The cost of living there is also cheaper than in the center of the kingdom.

Allen City, 950

Upon arrival in the city, I see traders from various regions vying to offer their unique and high-quality products. The market is bustling and colorful, with the sounds of vendors calling out and responding to one another, the tempting aroma of food stalls, and some shops selling luxurious goods.

I immediately head to the largest market with my horse-drawn carriage. There, I meet the middleman who ordered these vegetables. This is not the first time he has bought vegetables from me, so I know exactly where his stall is located.

Arriving at his stall, I greet him, "Good morning, sir. This is the cabbage order from Wilderfall, priced at 500 Kael as we agreed," I answer while pointing to the crates piled up on the horse-drawn carriage.

Because the crates are quite many and heavy, he helps me unload them.

The middleman then checks the quality of the cabbage I brought, "The vegetables from Wilderfall are always the best," and after being satisfied with the quality, he immediately pays the agreed price.

As I stood in the bustling city, I couldn't help but think about the fresh tomatoes I had planted back in my village. But just as I was about to step onto the horse carriage, I heard a piercing scream. It was so loud that I couldn't help but investigate. As I approached, I saw a middle-aged woman who had just lost her purse and wallet. My heart filled with sympathy for her, and without hesitation, I offered to help find her lost belongings.

I searched the market, asking vendors and passersby if they had seen anyone carrying a purse that matched the woman's. It was a small, unadorned yellow bag, a common style in this area. The search seemed futile, but because I was determined to help, I persisted.

I spotted a set of long, spaced footprints leading to the entrance of a small wine bar. I had never been inside, as I wasn't fond of drinking or getting drunk. However, several houses in Wilderfall produced wine, and I recognized the label of the wine being sold there as being from my village. As the music filled the bar, I scanned the tables for the purse, but it was nowhere to be found. The loud music made it difficult to communicate with anyone in the bar. It seemed that the thief had already left. As I turned to leave, the door behind me creaked open. Someone grabbed me, and a knife pressed against my throat.

"Are you looking for this purse?" the thief asked from behind me. I couldn't turn my head, or the knife would cut me. Standing frozen for a moment, I struggled to free myself from the thief's grip.

"Return the purse. It doesn't belong to you," I said, trying to loosen the knife's grip on my neck. I thought quickly and made a sudden movement. With my left hand, I grabbed the knife, and with my right elbow, I hit the thief in the stomach. He cried out in pain, and I managed to break free. The knife fell to the ground, and I quickly picked it up, pointing it at the thief. The tables had turned. The thief cowered in fear, and I held the sandy, dirty knife firmly in my hand.

"O-Okay, here's the purse you were looking for. Please let me go," he said, frantically handing over the yellow bag. I unlocked the knife and took the purse. The thief quickly ran off.

I returned the yellow purse to its rightful owner, relieved that everything inside was still intact, except for a few Kael notes. She was ecstatic to have her purse back, as it was a family heirloom. She thanked me repeatedly, but I felt uneasy about it. When she offered to pay me, I refused. Helping her was never about money.

As the sun began to set, I rushed back to the horse carriage. I was relieved to find that the driver was still waiting for me outside the vegetable stand.

"Sorry for making you wait. I'll pay you extra for your time," I said, expressing my gratitude.

Wilderfall, 950

As we journeyed, I chatted away with the coachman, regaling him with tales of earlier events - the pickpocket, the woman with her yellow bag. Before I knew it, night had fallen and we were traversing a pitch-black road. The only light was a flickering oil lamp attached to the carriage.

"Fear not, we're almost there. The streets here are safe. There are no wild beasts or bandits." He reassured me. From his words, it was clear he knew the woods we traveled through like the back of his hand - perhaps he knew all the territories of Kana'an? I dared not ask.

The dark clouds overhead could no longer hold back the deluge, and the rain began to pour as we reached the village. As it was now late, the coachman bid me farewell and left. He was not a local, and I didn't know where his home was, but his name was well-known to the farmers of Wilderfall.

Unusually, the lights of the houses were not on. The village was engulfed in darkness. The silence was eerie, not even the usual sounds of children at play could be heard. Everything felt still and deserted. I began to feel uneasy; a sense of apprehension crept over me. However, I tried to stay positive and made my way home, determined to light a torch to survey the surroundings.

Now, holding a torch, its light casting a hazy glow, I cautiously made my way down the footpath that linked house to house. Knocking on each door, there was only silence in response.

"Mr. Albert!" I shouted out loud, only to see him lying unconscious in front of the field.

"Help me, Ethan," he groaned in pain.

I sensed someone's presence in the darkness. A lantern he held outlined his figure, and he walked closer to me. The man was taller than me, dressed in a black cloak. That's all I remember about that incident. My vision went dark, and the next thing I heard was your faint voice and Chiron's. Then, I couldn't remember anything. When I came to, I was here. In this damp room, the wood rotting away.

"Hey, watch your words. I merely wish for you to tell me about yourself and your village." You snapped at me for stating the facts I had seen. We sat on a long wooden chair in the corner of the room. Chiron listened to my story from the fireplace, sipping tea from a gleaming white cup.

???, 950

Darren, the name you used when you first introduced yourself to me. You and Chiron were the ones who saved me when I lost consciousness. As you know, Chiron is a man with a wise, calm, and reserved appearance. From his stature, his age is certainly far apart from mine. Maybe even from yours.

"Now that you have recovered, tomorrow you and Darren will begin training. You both need strong physical capabilities to find what you are looking for." Chiron rose from his seat, approaching me with his silent steps.

My goal from now on is to find the person I saw on that dark night. We trained hard, forged our bodies, heightened our senses, and prepared ourselves for whatever may come. I never expected that a quiet Chiron was an expert in this field.