
Meeting Again Part 1 Butting Heads!

A few months later while sparring with Yamcha and Old Gohan, the Scouter went off detecting someone coming from the Land of Gurumes direction. With no reports having come from them of danger it couldn't have been an issue.

Stopping the training, they moved to greet the visitors. A quick telepathic message to Towa revealed it wasn't anything to dangerous. Her voice did have a little anger in it though.

She was actually in Gurumes passing out "Potential Breaking Injections" to those who would join the Martial Defense Force. Derived from Demon Technology and samples of Gurumes Tissue samples combined with Kakarots pre-transformation blood.

They were not worthy of an injection derived from the new blood. Her words exactly.

Seeing a vehicle with a C on the side, they were at least able to tell it was someone from Capsule Corp. As well as another vehicle approaching with soldiers. Each suited as Capsule Corp security by the looks of it.

"Power Level of 40 in each of them." Yamacha reported. Having checked each of them with his scouter quickly. "Last time I went out checking the news in the Cities, there were reports of Capsule Corporation increasing security everywhere across the globe. Openly opposing the Red Red Army over the years."

"King Furry doesn't sound to happy from the few reports I received." Old Gohan chimed in. "Central City is the seat of power for most of the planet. With the Red Ribbon Army and the various power struggles with the different scientists, most think the Capsule Corporation is right to make a Defense Force."

"Well, someone has to." Kakarot thumped his fingers along his chest absently. The plans to head out and document and take care of business were now. He needed to mark the Dimensional Rifts as quickly as possible. "This will let us take care of a few threats unbothered at least."

"Uhhm!" Old Gohan just nodded happily. His coming and going over the few years also revealed a few troubling concerns once confirmed. Talking with his martial brother the Ox-King revealed a lot as well as his teacher Master Roshi taking on several students he found out.

"I say," his eyes went wide seeing the young ladies leading the group. "That's the females I saw training at Master Roshi's Island last time I went." Yamcha had trouble with females during that time, but Kakarot put a spell on him and had Puar assist with showering him in illusions of females.

It worked so that was all that mattered.

Out of the lead car, a blonde woman, a purple teal-haired teen, and a black-haired teen. The only one of the group that Kakarot recognized instantly was the purple teal-haired teen. Bulma was hard to miss really.

It was Chichi that had the highest power level of them. Stacked high at a fluctuating 431. Her Magic only at 20. Which was odd considering he was informed she was the better magic-user.

"Hi!" The blonde called out. After thinking it over, Kakarot knew her as Tights from the information given by Yamcha before. With the purple teal-haired teen defintely Bulma the sister even in this iteration. Which was odd considering she didn't exist in the original syndication for the Dimension. "Not here to invade or anything, just to talk."

The calculating look from Kakarot did not bode well.

As Old Gohan started talking with Tights, Yamacha and Kakarot kept their eyes on the security forces. Only somewhat mindful of Bulma and Chichi talking about the two of them. Most of the people of the town were working the fields or out training.

"I am telling you it is him." Bulma said a little angry. Chichi shook her head saying it was not the case.

"One way to find out." She walked over the little distance between them both. 'Ok that is Saiyan armor he is wearing and the feel from him is way stronger than what Goku would have at this time. The few changes I made could only do so much out here anyway.'

Chichi took out a tablet. The image immediately turns into that of a few shifting people. Cycling through several pictures of several people at a rapid pace to trigger a mental effect. Each one caused a small change in Kakarot on the surface. His tail even unfurled from around his waist.

"Do you know any of these people?"

"Yeah. I know all of them." Kakarot grabbed it, stopping on a copy of a married couple. "That's me and the wife there. These are my friends who are my family as well. This is a picture of us graduating from the Diesel Academy after leaving the mili.."

"Richard.." Chichi said tearfully. The emotional outburst was controlled a second later. "..it's been a while. A few years at that." She switched gears quick enough but it left a funny feeling in most of them. "Can't believe you are Goku now."

"Who the hell is Goku?" Yamacha asked from the side. Causing a few looks to go around between the lot of them. "She knows your other name, so hopefully that means you found the other person you were looking for at least."

"If your name is not Goku, are you going by Richard?" Chichi took a step back. Thinking maybe she messed up somewhere.

"Kakarot," He said simply. It felt natural at this point and didn't hamper his Aspects in any way. "How did you get these pictures?"

"My magic of course. About all it is good for." Chichi gave the tablet to him since she had copies anyway. "Besides with small changes, my overall Magic only grew to more of a support and help with understanding languages, dialects, and helping to determine motives."

She didn't tell him the magic was cannibalized into Ki. Allowing her to break free of the human restraints for herself and others. Defintely wouldn't tell him she was studying Divine Ki as well. She knew how much he disliked that part of the series.

"So you focused on building an influencing force?" He gestured towards the Security Forces. "Defintely a change from a Lawyer." Referring to her job in their previous life openly. "So, we should probably talk about.."

"No need." Chichi said sternly. "This is a new life, we should embrace it fully. No going back safely anyway." Her view of the situation was pretty set on the matter. Which did not bode well.

"What about our family and kids?" Kakarot was not liking the sound of this. His tail moving in agitation.

Bulma looked at it closely. Chichi told her most Saiyans had brown tails but this one was black as night.

"By the time we have the means to return, they will be grandparents with children of their own." Chichi shook her head decisively. "We would be nothing more than strangers to them at that point. Unless you plan on bringing them here to this Dimension by chance?"

She pointed at the ground oddly enough.

"It crossed my mind."

"In a Dimension that has deterioration with several maniacal Deities who abuse their power clashing into this one with the future going to merge into this one?" Moving her hand, she projected small Dimensional Rifts that contain different Universes inside it. "We are here in Universe 0 of the various Dimensional Rifts. These are the ones falling apart from "Problems" by the "Unending Army" and those from "our" Earth mucking about."

"There are way to many." Yamacha exclaimed in shock. He stopped after counting 23 of them. "Your work is cut out for you. How many are dying in the process of this?"

A few billion in the Sector they were in, it was easy to count. As a whole, that was definitely a high number cruncher. Something for a supercomputer to calculate.

"Yes, there is. But with both myself and .. Kakarot here, this one is growing stronger preventing Dimensional Collapse. But has the other effect of absorbing the others into it that are to weak to survive on its own. Eventually, in a decade or two, the Deities will be able to influence here. Or breakthrough the Dimensional Fabric to arrive here."

"Those Corrupt Deities.. I rather not have them." Kaakrot shook his head in dismay. "The Kai's are good enough and not that .. child being in charge. Defintely need a strong force to deal with that b.s."

"Thus the Capsule Security Force to get this Earth ready. Take care of the threats here and prepare for the inevitable." Chichi stopped the spell and gave her former husband a hard look. She was not in agreement with his views. "This is not something I am willing to let happen without a fight. The people here deserve to live the same as any other. Also deserve to have the higher limits the later Dimension affords."

"Tch! Most death and erasure you mean!" He snarled as his tail whipped about dangerously.

"You already know I shouldn't exist so that is something." Tights said gravely. "The Subsidiary Dimension I come from has already started to fuse with this one. Namely in West City."

"I assume you have a way to prevent the Higher Authority from pushing through then?" Kakarot did not like the lack of an answer. "You are planning to prevent that, right? That stupid child Deity will bring all sorts of issues if you do not prevent it. Not to mention killing figures like us."

As Champions, they could not be located easily. But they also need to be strong enough to survive.. say a planet buster attack. Which is the easiest thing in the series.

"I am aware but a small Merge won't be that bad." Chichi countered. "It will take about 6 major Rifts growing to do so from that period. I don't have the magic to seal it anyway and cause the separation to take place."

"Tch! Well, I do!" Kakarot was getting ready to fly off to West City immediately.

"We can handle it if trouble happens." Chichi placed her hand on him forcefully. Exerting her ki to prevent flight. The air became tense really quickly. "You do not get to make the calls on your own! I have been more active then yourself and know what I am doing!"

They were at a crossing. His tail wrapped around her wrist and started to squeeze.

"Considering everything you know about the "place" I guess that gives you an advantage." She gave him a smile while nodding. If he was talking that was good, meaning he could be placated. "I know the basics for that era, so I can only change what I come across really to prevent that type of setting. I am not about laying down and dying of course but I can't help to feel you have discarded our old life easily."

"Close to 15 years to think about it, nothing easy about it." Chichi took offense. "Valencia is gone, I suggest you forget her to have a good life in the present."

Looking close, both Chichi and Bulma looked older than they should during this time period. Chichi more than her anyway. Maybe they with to the Guardian of the Planet to train already? Using the Time Chamber to advance quickly.

"I understand." Kakarot returned a grim stare. "Know this, I am not letting that Newer Dimension screw this one up. I will stop it along with whatever else will endanger the Planet and the Dimension as a whole. If you don't like it, we will have to settle it the old fashion way."

*Ripple!* Dark magic and Ki pushed against Chichi's group. The soldiers that looked antsy were knocked on their asses with Bulma and Tights barely standing their ground. Yamcha was barely able to brace himself while being so close.

Old Gohan just marveled at the control. None of the surroundings were damaged. He would have to talk with his friend about the deeper dangers once more.

"Tch!" Chichi scoffed at the display of power. 'Defintely Richard, pushing back the moment talks breakdown!' Despite her visual anger on the surface, internally she was over the moon. But she would stick to her guns.

"It is already done!" Bulma shouted. "Are you willing to waste time and energy taking a place apart!? How many lives will you ruin if you do!?" Her shouts cut through him easily enough.

*Woom!* A wave of energy pushed against kakarot. It was War energy, a type of unmistakable clarity within it. The only other time he felt that version of War energy produced was from Towa during debates for his studies.

"You are right, to think this would happen in the first place." Kakarot calms himself down. Tail wrapping around his waist. "I don't know your exact motive for allowing such a change to start in West City, but it better be worth it. I have no one to blame but my lack of foresight and recovery time."

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 512,100

Ki: 594

Magic: 372

Styles: Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense, Telepathy, Power Up, Ki Shout, Volley Burst

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark

Controlled Regions: Gurumes

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Wife???, Old Gohan, Towa

Magmatidecreators' thoughts