
Missing (sorry it’s so short btw!)

I look around the room with pride, I finally feel confident and safe even though I'm fully aware I'm not safe..I check my purse and realize I don't have my phone on me. "Oh god..did I drop it somewhere? Maybe I left it at the house..?!" My thoughts running wild throughout my head making me think of the worst situations..just then I hear a knock at the door

My heart sank as I think of who it could be, maybe the killer again? No. He wouldn't show up randomly at my apartment plus he can't really walk around with a weapon in a city like this. The person knocks again

And finally I gather some courage to go and see who it is, I open the door to see a blonde girl with short hair and pale skin. She looks about average height and has very pretty grey eyes.."sorry I didn't mean to disturb you, I just noticed you just moved in and wanted to say hi!" She says with a blushing face.

"She's so adorable…WAIT! No no! NO..your straight

And always will be.." I said in my head. "Hey, my name is Amelia Rodger and it's a pleasure to meet you. What's your name?" I say to the girl. She looks at me, smiling ear to ear. "It's nice to meet you Amelia and I'm meg" she shakes hands with me.

"Is meg short for anything?" I ask. "Its short for Megan" she lightly chuckles which makes my heart race..once she leaves I go inside and try to figure out when I go back to find my phone, I decide I'll do it at around 6:30. Sense it's 5:20 right now that means I just have to wait an 1 hour and 10 minutes so I should use that time to plan and get ready if I need to fight.

I still have the knife from earlier and I have a flashlight,it's not much but it's better than nothing

Especially right now

(At 6:20)

I have 10 minutes until it's time to go out.

I still don't have a full on plan but I'll be fine as long

As "he" doesn't come back…I hope he doesn't

(After 10 minutes)

"Okay it's time" I get ready and slowly open the door

Making sure nobody heard. I slowly walk outside and breath in the cold air. "It's quite chilly" I suddenly hear something coming from behind me

I turn around and pull my knife out as fast as I can and point it at whatever was behind me. My eyes widened when I saw it was meg, I put my knife back in my purse and apologize to her "oh my god I'm so sorry! You startled me..my apologies meg!" I say.

"It's alright, I came out here for some fresh air. What are you doing out here?" I quickly think of a excuse to tell her, though I feel bad for lying to her I tell her.

"I came out to get some fresh air to, it's hot in the apartment y'know?" I say with a light chuckle at the end to make it sound more believable. She smiles

I hope she believed me..I say that I'm going to go and run some Aron's so she'll leave and I can go and get the phone. I walk away slowly until she goes inside her apartment then I start sprinting to the house

(At the house)

I look around for my phone. After hours of looking I finally found it! I had a idea..sense I have my purse on me right now. Maybe, just maybe I can sneak in some stuff from my house. I open the door..it seems like nobody tried breaking in? Anyway I go through some stuff as quickly and quietly as possible and gather up

Some food and drinks and scavenge for any money I can find. I go into my bedroom and pass Ella's room..

my body frozen..and shaky from what I saw..Ella's body..was gone-