
Life Simulation: Rage Of Gods

As many problems was happening like virus, natural disasters, and other things. Humanity started praying for god to forgive their sins, and save them from all these continue calamities. Gods took the pity on the humanity, but as they cannot directly interfere with the mortal world. They had send a incarnation of god to help the humanity in this dangerous period. But, discovering that gods can not enter the mortal world directly, the greed of humans overcame them, as they want the power of gods for them. So, humans started experimenting on him as his power was still in growing phase. This whole experimenting things were first opposed by some people, but after that all humans readily agree to do the experiments. In experiments, humans discovered some things regarding the power of gods but it killed the incarnation of gods. As the gods got to know about this they all got enraged and started to cause the mess and disasters on earth while humans used the result of the experiments to gain some powers. Which can only be possible for some people. In process of giving powers, many people died. The process of giving powers simplified, and can check who can awaken these powers. A man who had suffered due to the two faced humans all his life, died, and born as newborn angel and got system of life simulation, while he lost the almost all the memories of his human life. What will happen with this angel with human soul in this war between the fight of gods and humans? And does demons will still watching all this or will do something big? Only time will tell. Which side will this angel with human soul will choose?

Nemesis_Writer · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Discussion for future

As here now in this angel realm, Dale and Zephar were having normal conversation, and others angels were watching the birth of new angel. Other angels who were before wasn't aware of this birth of new angel, after knowing it, they all started coming toward the life pool sitting as other around it discussing whole watching it.

As this was all happening, in the Divine realm of gods, the gods were all gathered with some of angels who are all respected by the angel race.

All were sitting together as the atmosphere was hinting that what was going to happen here is something that will decide the fate of many things and will hold the great importance.

As the silence had already for too long, and time has come for change.

"I the god of lightening Zenith from Serthan Gods raise my voice against the humans and demand that all god took strict actions against them as the reincarnation of manifestation of lightening that we all of gods of lightening had created and was logically like son to all us lightening gods died in the hands of that selfish, greedy and lowly creatures, which was sent to help them in response to their prayers and look waht they have done?" A god exclaimed while anger can be easily realized in his voice.

"Yes, now. It's too much. We have to get back at them." Another god stood saying.

"It's time for nightmare to begin." God of destiny announced.

"Yes, it's time to show them, what will be their conditions when they had angered their protectors and have to face their wrath." God of revenge declared.

"Yes, i agree with other this time, humans deserve the punishment for their actions." Goddess of mercy also agreed with others.

Hearing these from the fellow gods, the leaders of all gods stood up and also felt anger at humans ( total 9 leader gods ) and said in unison, "We leaders of gods, announce that no human will be able to run from their fate, they will their punishment. We from the affirmation of all gods and divine races request the Tree of Guidance to guide us in this whole thing."

A old tree opened it's eyes, and spoke in response to request of Gods, "This time, it was really a big revolt towards their protectors, as humans have grasped the power of energies, i recommend to create a great being with all of the blessings of gods, and divine races."

"We all want do that oh great tree, but suggest who to gave the blessings." Leaders said.

" Did you forget, where you all are going, the birth of new angel, so it should be this new angel." Guidance tree pointed out.

"Thank you for you guidance, you Great tree." Leaders thanked.

Next moment tree closed his eyes.

After Great tree again immersed himself in the meditation, all gods looked towards each other awkwardly at what Great tree said. Because, although angels never stood against gods , and are alleis, but gods cannot order them around.

And, as per what just Great tree said, i would directly mean to use this angel who is gonna born as the weapon of divine against the humans. But, how can angels agree to that.

"We leaders of gods ask the supreme angels that are present here to give their views on what just Great tree said." Leaders of gods asked without any arrogance of being gods, and leaders at that.

Supreme angels started pondering at this, because the words of Great tree are also considered sacred things for all angels and this things can bring the great benefits to angel race in status among divine races while leading the front of war against the humans.

Next moment all angels established a mental link to discuss this matter, as the senses of Divine races are sharp to the unimaginable level.

Menal link:-

Angel 1:- I think we should this offer as this would be beneficial to whole angel race, and you all also know how.

Angel 2:- We know, but what if it is just a burden to the new angel, and does want it all.

Angel 3:- I agree to you angel 2, this whole thing is a big burden in itself, and even might be a reason for loosing of his freedom, and you all know, we angel value freedom above everything else.

Angel 1:- But, what about the words of great tree, it past, it had always led us divine races in the path of prosperity, so what should we choose now.

Angel 4 ( Grand supreme angel ):- We will agree to this offer, and as for the matter of freedom of that angel we will relieve of some of the codes recorded in Codex that any angel can not defy, which will be only a thing that will happen only once in the eternity.

As the discussion ended with the words of Grand supreme angel and left no question for any angel as his choice is satisfactory for new angel and might even be a little too much.

With this Mental link ended.

After ending the Mental link, all angel present there nodded in unison, and Grand supreme angel started speaking to answer the question of leaders of gods, " All gods we angels have this discussed this matter throughly, and we agree to the proposal of Great tree, but we also have some conditions."

"Please explain your conditions, after that we will think if conditions can be accepted." Leaders of Gods asked for explanation.

"First, future angel will also receive the energy of gods, divine energy while also possessing the Holy energy of angels." Grand supreme angel said.

"Yes, of course that would have be done to give the blessings, as the body of angel alone would not able to stand all the blessings, so he would the energy of gods, along with sacred energies of other divine races as well after a specific time of his birth, as his other energies have to stabilize before receiving more energies." Leaders of Gods agreed knowingly.

"I didn't mean it like that, i meant that these energies would be the right of new angel instead of just someone's grace, As it is all for future, and this conversation is for discussion for future." Grand supreme angel said.

"Ok, but blessings of gods would their grace to angel." gods proposed their own side.

Author Note;- Guys, please wait for real story to begin, i promise it wouldn't disappoint you. Please, guys, feel free to leave the comments, reviews and thank you for reading till here. Keep supporting guys.