
Life Simulation: Rage Of Gods

As many problems was happening like virus, natural disasters, and other things. Humanity started praying for god to forgive their sins, and save them from all these continue calamities. Gods took the pity on the humanity, but as they cannot directly interfere with the mortal world. They had send a incarnation of god to help the humanity in this dangerous period. But, discovering that gods can not enter the mortal world directly, the greed of humans overcame them, as they want the power of gods for them. So, humans started experimenting on him as his power was still in growing phase. This whole experimenting things were first opposed by some people, but after that all humans readily agree to do the experiments. In experiments, humans discovered some things regarding the power of gods but it killed the incarnation of gods. As the gods got to know about this they all got enraged and started to cause the mess and disasters on earth while humans used the result of the experiments to gain some powers. Which can only be possible for some people. In process of giving powers, many people died. The process of giving powers simplified, and can check who can awaken these powers. A man who had suffered due to the two faced humans all his life, died, and born as newborn angel and got system of life simulation, while he lost the almost all the memories of his human life. What will happen with this angel with human soul in this war between the fight of gods and humans? And does demons will still watching all this or will do something big? Only time will tell. Which side will this angel with human soul will choose?

Nemesis_Writer · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Birth ceremony begins

As gods agreed to the first condition.

Angels all nodded looking toward each other as this is a only request and word of some requests was just a bluff to just what would be response of from gods.

Seeing the situation, gods didn't speak as it seem like angels are gonna say something.

And as gods expected, the Grand supreme angel came forward and spoke, " That was our only condition, but our conditions was meant to say that no Divine races would try to control the Angel, But, be assured that angel will be on the forefront of war against the humans. I t is all for his freedom, as you all know much we angels value the freedom."

Hearing this everyone nodded in affirmation, and cold shiver ran down their spine as remembering something horrible incident.

This incident was about the time when two high existences from demonic races tries to capture the angel instead of killing it. They both bind the angel with dragon tendons using it as the tendons, but angel could not stand being captured against will, and self- destructed killing million of demons in process. That was remembered as the lesson for all the existence in the endless worlds that angel can be killed but never be confined or captured.

This affirmation from gods ended this huge discussion.

Everyone agreed that now it is time to go to angel realm and begin the birth ceremony of the angel.

Leaders of gods raised their hands, a teleportation formation shine on the ground taking everyone to the teleportation anchor of Angel realm which is near the corner of angel realm as if enemy tried to enter enemy trough the teleportation which is next to impossible but for caution as invaders could not directly enter the centre of angel realm.

Although a realm is a dimension in itself and the world is bigger than it.

But i has to known what real, it is compared to, as angel realm almost hundreds or thousands times bigger than earth.

As teleportation succeeded, all people came to the angel realm.

A voice rang out in the angel realm announcing the arrival of Gods and supreme angels with other divine races.Many angels came flying toward these gods and other races, so they can welcome them.

As this was happening, Zephar was flying towards the direction of gods carrying the dale who was humphing at the Zephar.

Gods, Supreme angels, and other divine races that just arrived all are in awe and some people from other races that never been to the angel realm before has their mouth opened unknowingly.

All people who was somewhat stunned quickly recovered, as they are divine being and have been to many places. Although this place has surprised them a little, but it can not affect their mentality for much long.

Elder was happy that everyone has arrived as postponing the birth ceremony can overload the egg created by the holy energy, which would destroy the egg resulting in the death of angel in process of getting formed.

All angels, gods, and divine races came to the life pool, and sat on the sitting positions which was made around life pool like ground of fighting covered with the sitting positions like arena.

As all sat, Supreme angel stood up and ordered the 100 angel who are virgin to hold their hands in circular formation, close their eyes, and welcome the new angel with all sincerity.

Dale quickly ran toward the life pool and participating in the formation which will be ceremony of birth, as he is virgin himself.

As all 100 angels hold their and closed their eyes, a hum of a music started to resound in whole angel realm, this music was so great that without any exception everyone got mesmerized in it, even this music forced even the gods of music and art to praise this with all sincerity.

"Hey, fragment of holy energy, it's time for you to complete yourself, come to the home where you belong, leaving the comfort of your egg, we urge you, a new angel to grace the angel race with it's new member. we all here for you, to celebrate your freedom, to begin and welcome the journey of your life." All angles involved in the Ceremony of birth recounted these ceremonial lines with great fervor and pietism.

Their faces was flushed with the overflow of excitement like there is no joy or pleasure can come to what they are feeling right now, no sex, no sensation, nothing.

But what came next moment was only the crack of the egg of new angel which should have completely opened till now, completing the birth of new angels.

This has never happened before in all existence of time in angel race.

All angels knelt on the ground understanding that birth ceremony has not worked completely, leading to this and this ceremony can not be attempted a second time on angel egg.

As this was happening, except for angels, time flow had stopped for all other people, they stood like statue, no motion, nothing,

Kneeling angels started to cry at this failure of ceremony as all angels can feel the of each other when the party who is feeling pain is younger than 100 years as age of 100 year is most important moment of all angels.

And this angel is in egg, making all angel let feel his pain, as cries of angels continued, it became a one unison cry, which shook the whole angle realm.

This cry awoke the Manifestation of holy energy itself, which felt the sufferings of angels.

Manifestation with the ethereal body raised the hand, channeling the energy towards the egg.

Seeing this, angels stood up bowing in thanks to the manifestation, while receiving the support of Manifestation, angels could attempt the birth ceremony again.

All 100 angels again hold their hands, closed eyes, singling the ceremonial lines, but last incident left the big impact on their minds, which resulted in them still crying while doing all this.

Cracks started to spread all over the egg.

Author note:- Guys, thank you for support but leave your comments for me as me to understand my shortcomings in story, writing or anything else. Add the story to your library. Wait for the Mc to born and real story to begin. And don't fear that Mc will be super strong as he is angel and would receive that many blessings. Because i have big plot for that.

Oh! guys also suggest the name, and tittle for Mc. Mc is gonna be a male so suggest regarding that. Tittle like Madara Uchiha has the tittle of the Ghost of Uchiha in Naruto Anime.

Thank you.