
Life of Gods

This is about what is happening in the purgatory a place where souls would go Above the purgatory is a place where the gods live They guide the souls to their respective path The story of the souls and the gods and what they do...

Blueuwi · Fantasy
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32 Chs

A lie

"Hey you apologize"

"No way, its embarrassing you do it"

"Why would I?, I didn't laugh"

The kids near me muttered to each other, I guess it will take a minute for them to say a simple word of 'sorry'

Is what I thought but Red the guy wearing a glasses step forth and yelled...

"I'm sorry Arwin!"

But even with his effort the young child in the branch didn't seem to care at all,

"You guys come on"

Red murmured to the kids in front of me who is hesitating to apologize,

it's simple how couldn't they say such simple words...I was dumbfounded


Red said glancing to the kids that was still hesitating

It takes half a minute of wasting the time before one of the kids present..follow along

"I'm sorry"

He said, no emotion was presented in his word but nonetheless it was an apology, emotional or not

Seconds after another hiding in the crowd said

"I won't laugh at you anymore...sorry"

And after that another one come forth...until all of them apologies

Arwin was no exception hearing multiple apologies from his friends...

"..sorry...I try not to bring another stranger here"

Arwin said fidgeting in the branch...

It was fast, how could they reconcile that easily...

It was never that easy when they fight

I pondered as I remember my home

Not the place that was full of garbage and has a distinctive smell...

It has sturdy white walls that could protect me from everything I couldn't even damage the wall....I tried to at least,

I even headbut the wall, but red stains was the only difference that I could see I also felt dizzy afterward .I .wouldn't do that again

It also has a roof that could protect us from rain, we also have some sort of device that could light our surrounding when dark comes

Unlike my home today where I couldn't understand my friends(cockroaches) as they don't talk at all

That place has multiple child my age, none of us is identical but we got along and play with each other

There was also fights mostly about toys...

But unlike what I witness today, the fights back in my home wouldn't finish easily, both parties wouldn't even think of reconciling

The only time that it will end is when one of them come...

They are many of them, when one of them is present when a squabble happened it would be solve easily

I call them nanny, some call them nun and some mom , they are like a parents to us...as we never felt how to have one...a parent that is

I live in a orphanage

I was send here not by my parents or someone who didn't want to reveal themself, I was brought to this orphanage by the police...that was what nanny told me

She was a nice person that could bring all of our needs...considering they are almost twenty of us...I was wondering how they wouldn't get tired

If it was me in some point I'll surely try to leave this place


The sound of the doorbell, accompanied by the voice of a stranger

"Hello...were here to take the child"

Seconds after hearing the voice, our caretakers said with her voice filled with joy

"Yes please come in"

She put the child she was holding in the crib and approached the door...


She murmured to the baby before going to the door

"Goodmorning, mr. and mrs. Wonnet"

"Yes its also good to see you"

The stranger said...

I take a glance to the two strangers and found them wearing a black jacket covering their entire body they might look suspicious but the outside today is full of snow and ice so I didn't think to much about their weird passion sense

That's until the caregiver called for me...me no one else, it was nerve wracking that i even try to remember what i did in that day

Maybe i did something wrong...

But I couldn't think for too long as I need to obey her words that's the only thing I could do to make her proud of me

"This is mr. and mrs. Wonnet they're gonna be your parents"

The caretaker said, as I comprehend her word I immediately look at the two...

They look like rich people..I thought

So they're gonna be my parents..I never have one before...I'm scared what if they don't like me

"Nanny I'm scared"

I said to the caregiver but she just give me a smile

"Dont worry jar, having a parent is something you'll like"

The caregiver said to me, feeling the truth in her voice... I followed the two person

But before we leave I said goodbye to everyone, no one teared up...its not because they don't want to

It's just a promise we orphans said to each other

'We can't cry when one of us is going to have parents okay , we need to cheer each other we shouldn't shed tears'

It's a promise that's clear in my mind, and that promise prevent anyone from having second thoughts if they're gonna come with their new parents ....

With nothing that dramatic happening...

I followed them and in the car that we used for transportation

I was locked..my leg and arms were being hold against the car's chair, I couldn't even lift my shoulder

"Sigh, we finally got one, that took a lot of paperwork"

One of them said, while one of them approached me holding a small knife

"Shhhhh, dont be scared this will hurt a lot"

He said, and as I felt the knife touching my chest I couldn't hold it in

It was painful!

"Waaa!, s..irk..stop it hurts."

I pleaded him to stop but he didn't falter what his doing,

Her wife on the other hand grabbed a silver plate which has ice around it

And placed it to my side...

My drool was coming out of my mouth and words wouldn't come out...

It was so painful that I couldn't think properly and tears wouldn't come out

And seconds after I saw a smile

My eyes shrink

I saw a devilish smile as the man pulled out my heart

Its red and it was still pumping...

What's happening that mine...you can't have that ..I wouldn't be able to see my friends anymore without that bring it back...no words come out

"Sweetheart the ice"

"Right here my dear"

They said to each other while I slowly lost my consciousness

Nanny your a liar I didn't get happy meeting with my parents...