
Floor Planning

The next day having enough mana to create the farmland he went through the process the upgrade menu had shown soon there was a patch of leaves growing in front of the blue rock

looking at them he realized that information about them had popped up 'This must be a game!..' Frost Leaves: Frost leaves grow best in cold dark places and create a small amount of mana

'But there's a lot of light here..' seeing small amounts of white light come from the leaves he paused white light continued coming from the leaves 'Does this mean I haven't been seeing light it's just i can see mana?'

'Okay calm down think. I have a dungeon with two blocks, one of which contains Frost Leaves that create mana. I should figure out how much mana I get from them.' deciding the next thing he would do he put the remaining 0.5 mana into the next upgrade and blacked out for the day


Waking up the next day the first thing he did was collect the white mana from the Frost Leaves 2 mana from them and 10.5 mana from the blue rock 12.5 spending 11.5 mana he destroyed and added the square to his left to his dungeon the remaining 1 went to the next upgrade and he prepared to black out nearly instantly until he was lvl5 justifying it with 'It's a big upgrade it's worth it..'


four days passed and he reached lvl5 with 8 mana exploring the blue rock he found that he was correct in it being a big upgrade

the rough blue rock turned smoother and shinier into a crystal, he could store mana, he could now summon monsters, and he could create treasure/items with mana or other items.

wondering about how he would get stuff to create items he realized that it was right in his name he was a dungeon so there should be adventurers who explore dungeons right?

'Expand get more frost leaves for faster mana hide my room add a treasure room with a boss and make a maze!' knowing it would take a while he started planning out what the maze would look like looking at the upgrade menu he decided on hidden pitfall traps for 5 mana and looking in the summoning tab normal slimes for 1 mana poison slimes for 5 mana and an ogre as a boss for 15 mana 'This will be expensive..'