
Farm Time

Waking up he wondered when someone else would show up he didn't feel lonely but something felt odd about being alone all the time.. pushing those thoughts aside he checked the upgrade menu in his mind there was something new!

Current Mana: 10.5

Next Upgrade : 25

destroy cubic foot of stone : 10

create farmland: 1/5/10

create trap: 1/5/10

'I can add farmland or a trap, farmland I need to make Piaro proud!'

'Who's Piaro..?' it felt odd he often was thinking about something knowing what it was but then it would just slip away

trying to create farmland he tried several different things with no result 'I give up... I'll just put it into the upgrade..'

Current Mana:0

Next Upgrade: 14.5

destroy cubic foot of stone : 10

create farmland: 1/5/10

create trap: 1/5/10

'I have no idea what I'm doing do I? two more days then..'


Two days quickly passed once the second day came he was able to upgrade himself to Lvl4 he didn't know what the upgrade did but he was sure it would improve the upgrade menu

opening the upgrade menu he saw nothing different he tried selecting create farmland anyway and saw that the upgrade had done something he was showed how to create farmland and there was a description about what the different amounts of mana would create

create farmland: 1 basic grass/5 blue berries that can be eaten or made into dye/10 uncommon herbs that make mana slowly

the third one was best but at the moment he only had 6.5 so he adding it to the next upgrade he let himself black out

Are we getting somewhere?

(-(-(--)-)-) no


(-(-(--)-)-) no


ZodiacRewindcreators' thoughts