
Life in Shinobi World (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Reincarnated In Naruto World as Neji's Younger brother with ope ope no mi and Ashura's Chakra. ------------------------------- If you have an issue with my writing skills then I can only say sorry because I don't have enough time to do a recheck but if I find any mistake or someone notifies me about it then I will correct it. But if your eyes hurt and you find it not of your liking or whatever then please do me a favour and stop reading this, no one is forcing you to read this book. Please do note this book is not only for you but also for me to pass my free time. I just want to create a good FF for myself. I am not a professional writer just passing time and it is also my first time. Any suggestions are welcomed as long as you don't curse at me. [ The above part about my views is kind of copy-paste from another author because it matches quite a lot with my views and I wasn't able to find proper words about it.] -------------------------- DISCLAIMER: [English isn't my first language] [I don't own Naruto and One piece as they are created by Kishimoto and oda respectively] [This is my first Fanfiction so it may contain several mistakes so feel free to notify me I will correct them accordingly]

sword_demon · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Maito Guy


[Name: Raiden]

[Age: 3]

[Chakra: high genin ]

[Chakra type: Ashura's chakra ( formed with

the help of ninshu of hogoromo

and his followers]

[Physical strength: 60]

[Chakra control: 40%]


Water. 100%

Lightning. 100%

wind. 80%

earth. 75%

Fire. 20%]

[Byakugan mastery: 15%]

[Devil Fruit: ope ope no mi]

[Fruit mastery: 5%]

[Justsu: Gentle fist (basic)

Strong fist (basic)]

'Well, I am pretty strong for a three-year-old kid. Now that I am not in Hyuga I can also learn elemental ninjutsu but I can not get a hand at it. I have to think about how to get elemental ninjutsu but first I have got strong physically to use my devil fruit. But it will be my trump card as I can defeat anyone with it. Just imagine using my ability on Madara and otsutsuki members and dismantle their body parts like Law did to Kinemon or using personality swap ability on Akatsuki members especially on Deidara. Hehe. But I can't do anything to Itachi if catches me in his Tsukuyomi. Well, that's for later currently I have to just train to become stronger ' I thought while going towards my house.

After reaching the house, I decided to take a bath first as was so sweaty and decided to take some rest afterwards.

After getting some rest I decided to train by myself while listening to music as Hinata and Neji will not be coming today.

I was practising my palm technique on the tree's stem in my yard like Hanabi was seen in Anime but was interrupted by a person standing on the roof of my house.


I jumped in fright due to sudden intrusion. Turning around I saw a man around age 20 with a bowl haircut and bushy brows wearing green spandex. It just took me a look at him to know who he was.

"Sorry, my YOUTHFUL friend. I didn't want to startle you."

" I was just on my way towards my YOUTHFUL ETERNAL RIVAL to challenge him. But I was moved after see you train continuously as such a young boy like you is embracing the fountain of YOUTH. And I also sometimes watched running around Konoha ground since last month while doing a mission with my genin team but I could not approach before because I was doing an important D rank mission. But nothing can separate two YOUTHFUL SPIRITS for long as today I just found you while you were doing your YOUTHFUL training."

"Ah... " I was stuck as I didn't know how to reply to him.

"Don't worry my YOUTHFUL friend I will not harm you. I was just curious why you are doing such intense YOUTHFUL training at such a young age. Would mind to tell me the reason?"

'Wow, The Maito Guy is interested in me. Maybe I can choose this opportunity to train under him which can help me increase my strength faster.' I thought before asking.

"It is rude to ask others about their information without introducing yourself, Mister?"

" Sorry Sorry! I just forgot to introduce myself in excitement to see you doing YOUTHFUL TRAINING. I am Maito Guy. The strongest Taijutsu master of Konoha. Nice to meet you and What about you?" said Guy while doing thumps up with a great smile and sparkle in the teeth. and then his background changed such that he looked like standing at the end of the cliff.

'Wow, a genjutsu. So he can do it." I thought before saying.

" My name is Raiden. Nice to meet ya"

"OH!! Such a YOUTHFUL name for a YOUTHFUL boy like you. Then can you explain why you are going through such intense training at such a young age?"

I changed my face to that of the super-serious face that a 3 years old can make without looking funny and said "I was banished from my clan after my Fathers death because they would not use resources on waste like me. So I decided to get as strongest in the world so that no one can take advantage of me or my brother or my friends." I said to him with determination in my eyes.

He replied to me while crying " Oh!! Such a YOUTHFUL dream for a YOUTHFUL person like you. But why would such a determined and YOUTHFUL person like you be banished from any clan"

" I was from Hyuga clan but was born without Byakugan so they considered me a disgrace to the clan. Only my uncle didn't hate me and gifted him this house to live in. As he can't do much more being clan head and can not change the Clan councils decision but even if he had overlooked their decision I would have been constantly bullied in the clan. So he thought that this is best for me, so here I am."

" Such an unfortunate thing happened to a YOUTHFUL person like you, But don't worry about your determination and hard work, you can become a strong Ninja and embrace the fountain of YOUTH," He said while giving me thumbs up.

" So Guy san, Are you a strong Ninja ?"

"Of course I am, I am one of the Jonins of Konoha and a taijutsu master"

"Woah, So Can you train me then Please? I want to get strong as fast as possible and under a strong Ninja I can surely become more strong."

" I would be glad to train a fellow YOUTHFUL person but currently I am in charge of a genin team so I can not manage much time to train you."

" Its no problem, You can give exercise, training schedule and specific diets for training to me and I will follow it till the time you change anything. And also you can give me some pointers and spar with me whenever you will find time to train me."

" Oh, such a great YOUTHFUL determination!! I would be glad to take you as my student" He said while crying.

"So when should we start, Sensei?"

"You can meet me after two days at the third training ground. So I will be going now." After saying that he shunshin-ed away.

' That was completely unexpected. I didn't know that I got Guy's attention. But well that ended up fruitful to me. Now I can train under the best taijutsu specialist in the world.' I thought before continuing my practice.

After two days at the training ground 3

I was doing push-ups after completely beaten by Guy sensei as wanted to know about my current strength. He also gave me a proper training schedule, diets and exercises to practice myself that do not affect the growth of the body and also make it strong.

He also gave various chakra exercises that help in increasing the chakra pool.

When I completed the given push-ups, I just played on the ground panting recovering my breaths.

"Raiden, Why are you practising Gentle fist when you can not see chakra points?"

After listening to that I sat up and then inquired by asking

" I am sorry Guy sensei. But, can I ask you a question, now that I am your student, do you trust me completely and you will not tell anyone about my secrets, not even Hokage."

"Of course, I trust all my students and comrades. And you are my precious student with a Youthful spirit inside you. And I can promise you that I will not tell anyone about your secrets unless you tell me. But I will not promise it if they are harmful to others or are against the village." He replied with a serious face.

I just smiled and changed my eyes to light sky blue Byakugan and then explained to him everything that how I accidentally activated it, why father forbade it to reveal it.

I was a bit reluctant at first but decided to tell him about my devil fruit powers in the form of special powers of my mutated Byakugan. And the reason to not tell anyone, even Hokage or his best friend. As if any the news reaches any non-friendly or power-hungry person about new powers of mutated Byakugan then he or they will try their best to take my eyes or use me as a tool and not even Hokage can save me then as he will not endanger people of village over a single person having some new powers.

I just told him making up some parts and for the Hokage, I don't trust hiruzen because he let go of Danzo even when he tried to assassinate him, the Hokage. and even after that, he trusted Danzo with the root which was a big independent force just under Danzo and can cause much damage to Konoha. He was a good old gramps who knew a little bit of manipulation but was not a leader.

I just told the guy about my powers because I will need a backer if some unexpected situation occurred to me when I am not strong enough and he also would be my teacher from now on and I also know his character from, so if I will not trust him then who.

He just listened to me calmly and promised me not to tell anyone as it is for my safety.

After that, we trained till evening and went to our houses. Before going he told me that he would inform me later that when he would be free next time.

So I just went home and directly went to sleep after a bath and dinner.


[AN: Some may say that he is stupid to tell Guy about his trump card. I have already explained my reason so even after that you don't like it then I can't do anything for you

and now at the main part, I want to ask you because I am so confused when Naruto and others started the academy as

we know the academy is for four years but Sasuke was 7 when his clan was massacred and was attending the academy but became genin at age of 12

Naruto failed 2 times but was in the same class as others of his age group and was friends with Shikamaru and choji since he started attending academy (I remember a scene when Ino tried to give Sasuke something but he completely ignored her, so naruto Shikamaru and choji teased her after that)

So tell me at what age I should start the academy because I am so confused b]


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