
Life in Cultured World

I got an interesting Survey from the apps when I was doing my job, After answering many of that i got something. I was unexpectedly brought to a world where I can do cultured things as I please but there is a problem, which is that I have to live a life in this world to have a good time. The most important thing is that I can fully enjoy being someone who knows culture. Wish me luck with this very system I have. ========= this is a fanfic, which is the same as fanfic In the hentai world, I tried a second. this time i follow Mifuyu World background where Human and demi human coexist together. As always Mifuyu Yukino will be First and my The GOAT girl, she best girl in cultured site after all, nice art and design, nice personality (if you know what i mean), 100/10 Smash. this time will follow like our world not add any continent or any fantasy world because it will become confusing so modern add Fantasy people, so i will add supernatural power for our Mc for plot purpose. Schedule ? 2 day for a chapter, Each chapter has 1500 Word (R18 scene will be 2000-3000 Word) Sauce for each chapter is 10 to 15 depend, if i'm not update for 2 day prior i have responsibility that cannot be abandoned, so im sorry in advance and remind you if im not updating i have responsibility, please understand. 10 to 15 sauce (Random tag, i will add Loli Tag, i do not hesitated) I'm not add Loli tag in this world plot, all is legal and adult so read this whoever you cultured people, im not add loli in this story only the sauce, sauce. NTR ? I will do it in this plot, if you dont like adding Netorare, Netorase, any other NTR tag except Netori where FC get cultured by other man, no i will not include that kind thing. if you dont like NTR thing in this world, i suggest you just read the sauce not the story. I provide Sauce, you happy we happy, Simple concept as that. i respect any power stone but please give that to new author that participate in Web novel Award, they deserve that. anyway, see you around when im updating this story. remember im not milking anything in this fanfic, just for fun purpose and sharing purpose

Shaywalloppp · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


I leaned on the balcony looking at the view of the city from here, A nice view full of bustling scenery full of busy vehicles passing by and the moans of the woman next to my room.

"That asshole changing woman again" I entered and closed the balcony door, I didn't mind my neighbor who was a famous playboy in the neighborhood, He had a dream after all, to become harem king and fuck girls he had interest with then he took that as his personal goal and dedication.

I appreciate his efforts and dedication now I will continue my work again, which is being a web designer, to be honest this is troublesome and makes me depressed even though the pay is balanced with the results.

After finishing this project, I got a notification that I couldn't close.

[Please fill out this survey, We thank you for using our app for 10 years]

In the end the damn developer gave me something I deserved, putting aside the tons of Bugs and Monthly subscription I had to pay.

[Dear Mr. Alexander Anderson, Thank you for using our app for ten years, Your subscription money improves the quality of our work and the further development of our app, We hope this survey gives you something worthy of your trust in our app]

There were a few questions that were a bit ambiguous but I just filled them in as I saw fit, I'm too lazy to play surveys here especially with the smell of deceit.

[Are you interested in going to another world?]


[Is there any other world you're interested in visiting or staying in?]

I thought for a moment, Staying huh? Its good but I'll choose that world myself.

"366224 is the main theme maybe add a little more parodies of the world"

[Do you like women?]

"That's for sure"

[Are you not picky about women?]

What is this question? Is that damn developer making fun of me that I'm maidenless? Bastard!

"Of course I'm picky, I don't want the FBI to arrest me for that"

[Are you interested in fantasy or modern world?]

"Semi Modern and Fantasy is a good choice"

[Are you confident in your appearance?]

I swear who ever created this survey, I hope you have a nice holiday.

"Sure, confident that Sephiroth Appearance is more appealing" I'm trying to be honest here, Sephiroth is awesome and handsome.

[Do you have a preference for a certain costume or body shape?]

definitely not a maid dress, I was thinking costume or clothing preference, but judging from this question the subject must be me.

"Wesker Body build"

[Do you have a preference for your Guide or companion in your journey in the other world?]

Bastard, who wrote this shit? is he spying on me? yes, indeed, my only partner in crime was my neighbor who had sex right now with 3 women, he is the only friend who genuinely covers my back so do i, we are not anti social.


[Are you interested in superpower?]


[Are you interested in having offspring?]

"Hell no" I already felt the misery my parents gave birth to me, I was the embodiment of disappointment for them even in their death bed, they regretted that night if my mother and father were not horny I would not exist in the first place.

[If you've gone to another world is there any hope of returning to your original world?]

This question is enough to make me stabbed in the heart, it's just like the parable and reality I'm experiencing right now. When you've gone wandering and focus too much on your hometown, you'll forget your hometown. Just like that time, I didn't know my parents died and I even came to their funeral after 4 months of their death, I didn't come when they breathed their last even all my sisters and brothers and even my uncle and aunt made fun of me because I had forgotten both of them out of spite. At that time I wanted to prove that I could be independent but when my parents needed me, I turned my back on them even though they felt sorry for giving birth to me but I as the first child did not show any devotion to my parents that could make them die in peace.

When I was here, becoming a useful enough person they had left not seeing my achievements and independence, A Regret always hunt me until this day.

My hands are still shaking to type this, should I throw this away and start a new page? Start over and nobody will remember me here. if that's possible i wouldn't mind because im free anyway.

"No, thank you"

[Do you have a skill preference for your chosen world that follows the modern fantasy approach?]

"Hmm, maybe for the Fantasy modern Approach I would choose Omni-lingual so that I can easily communicate freely"

[Do you have a preference for place?]

I thought, Place preference is certainly something that determines where I am but what place is a very ambiguous question to ask so I have to improvise a bit.

The majority of the Doujin world is Japan and the majority is also where a lot of the plot takes place, I think this world will be full of sex adventure and many foul acts such as grape, cheating and many more, who gives a shit this is Doujin world, is a world of sex in nutshell.

"Japan, Suburb area please"

[Do you have a message you want to tell us]

"Go fuck yourself"

[Only if you watch me]

"What the ?"

Then my room exploded, There was a violent shock in this apartment making my entire room consumed by fire.

That was the last time I remembered about my death, Now I'm at the bus stop where the view of the countryside is so vast, I sat down at the stop and opened my suitcase. I read the letter left by someone here.

" Dear Alexander Anderson, thank you for providing us your survey, currently you in the doujin world as 366224 as your template, where Human and Demi-human coexist together. as you can see this world not only a Doujin world also a Hentai world where many animated porn video you watch also exist in here, we gave you freedom of doing many sexual adventure you want and whatever you do is not our concern regarding what happened to you in here. you are on your own. There is 3 Letter in your Suitcase, you can choose of those three or you want be greedy open all of them, like we said before, you are on your own. this Suitcase will disappear once you open the letter, as always thank you for using our Product, and have fun. Developer" Interesting, I saw the descriptions of these three letters.

[ Main Character, this letter provide you the chance to become main male character of particular Doujin and Hentai, as cultured person you should aware, you can be bastard or scumbag or genuine male partner, is all your choice, after all your naive wish to be like your neighbor become harem king, you do you, all is your burden not us, you become bastard harem king that cuckold someone wife and romance partner, You become scumbag harem king that "gonna catch them all" every girl you put eyes on, You become True male who sole purpose to be better person from your not meaningful past life, all is your choice, the sex is additional reward for your hard work, the choice is yours after all]

[ Guide, this Letter provide you a guide in this new world. based on your survey answer, we provide you a System, a classic power plot of Isekai genre where you can have anything from system, but. in this case you are in Doujin Hentai World, we provide you the mission, objective and purpose, nothing is free if you not work hard for it. this guide is simple not as complicated problem, You can choose those three option and gain the reward as the one who mentioned, reminder, this System power is Nigh Omnipotent, whatever you choose is decided the outcome, is self resolve for you, remember the choice is yours ]

[ Passive Talent, this letter provide you a talent, skill and capability from born, because Doujin world is like random wild card, anything can happened and definitely turn into sexual matter, you must know this, everything can be hentai or doujin plot if situation called, is about resolve, take initiative or go with the flow. Talent we gave you is simple, Ability mastering and perfection. You can master anything in 7 second, read, study, observe, imagine anything regarding mastering about something, this Talent have resonance to your Guide reward. Skill we give to you is Omni-lingual where you can interact basically anything that exist from intangible to tangible, seen to can't be seen, moreover you proficient any type language even Language of Bird, this also have resonance to your Guide Reward. Capability in other hand is different matter, because you choose Wesker Body build and Sephiroth Appearance, your body is reach Pinnacle condition where already every aspect your physical body are Perfect and Your Magical or spiritual energy or any intangible force you had reach pinnacle condition where your magical energy is abundant, your spiritual energy is vast just like endless cosmos, and where your energy so pure to the point Godly entity is simple dust to your magical power. remember your very energy itself connected to most purest energy or Angelic energy that beyond god comprehension, Ps if you use it as Dual Cultivation it provide your partner vast magical energy that equal world energy, note this cannot effected by normal human because they don't have magical affinity instead they receive your manly essence gain beauty enhancement and rejuvenation, use it well for your benefit]

"Fair" i rip those three letter and i can feel it, my body is in pinnacle, i can feel some magical energy, interesting.

My suitcase was missing and I checked my ID.

Alexander Anderson 24, America Citizen, Status Single, Blood Type ∞. Job unemployed.

"Crap, i must search a job for my own"

[ Mission created : "A Lonely Wanderer"

Objective of this mission you must find a suitable place to sleep and take care of yourself, as civilize human you should know primary need

Purpose of this mission find a home to return

Option 1 : Claim someone Villa 300 Meter in east, Reward : A nice Villa and Foster Family

Option 2 : Seduce Miko girl in Shrine near river, Reward : Stable Temple priest job and A Miko Partner

Option 3 : Ask nice lady from supermarket to shelter you, Reward : A nice comfortable house and  roommate]

"Third Option is more reasonable, i dont want i get kick out in day one" i search a supermarket here and meet a beautiful lady, she... wait.... ah i remember, she Mifuyu Yukino, she not married based on her wedding ring not in her finger.

"Excuse me, kind lady. i'm new in here, my name Alexander Anderson, i'm foreigner, if you permit for me to stay in your home for 1 day ? i lost my belonging in my way to here"

"I'm sorry to hear that, you must be wary of many youkai and monster near forest, they little naughty and like to prank people, is unfortunate news they steal your belonging. follow me, you can rest in my house" I followed Mifuyu behind, Mifuyu kept looking at me to make sure i follow her behind, we arrive in normal traditional semi modern Japanese House.

"Thank you, im sorry for inconvenience i gave to you"

"Don be like that, lets go in"

[ Mission created : "Roommate impression"

Objective of this mission, you should show yourself useful in this household

Purpose of this mission be a man and show who you are

Option 1 : Sexually assault Mifuyu Yukino, Reward : Total Hypnosis Skill

Option 2 : Do nothing, Reward : Dimensional Pocket, Smaugh Treasury

Option 3 : Offer Help as a favor, Reward : Archetype Master Chef ]

"Can i cook for you please ?" Mifuyu look at me with surprise.

"No, its okay, is my duty as homeowner to serve my guest"

"No, no, no, i must return the favor, please ?" Mifuyu hesitate and look at me second time.

"Very well, follow me" i grip my hand and see a notification.

[Archetype Master Chef Talent Unlocked]

As I followed Mifuyu, Mifuyu went to the toilet and I started cooking quickly, I checked the stock of food and spices Mifuyu had, it was quite varied and luckily Mifuyu's stock of food was still fresh. My cooking was done with variations of dishes from some video games and anime I watched, perfect.

Mifuyu returned, smelling the delicious aroma of my cooking, Mifuyu sat next to me and we started eating together, there was no interaction but I could see Mifuyu liked my cooking, she enjoyed each bite of my food slowly and sometime she took a peek at my face who was currently enjoying eating my own food.

[ Mission created : "Yuki Onna Trap"

Objective of this mission, you aware of Youkai Yuki Onna, Mifuyu Yukino see you as potential food. which one you become, the prey or the hunter ?

Purpose of this mission, Submissive or Aggressive.

Option 1 : Drop your guard, Reward : Zanpakutou Sode no Shirayuki as Mifuyu become your Soul Sword

Option 2 : Survive from Mifuyu Assault, Reward : Demon God Manifestation: Demon's Extract Teigu instantly fused with your blood

Option 3 : Be assertive and dominate Mifuyu, Reward : Ultimate Grace Sunshine where as long Sun Exist your magical and physical power enhance further each second pass]

i look at Mifuyu who stare at my soul, she ready to devour me, i can see many youkai power currently locked the escape route.

"So, i'm trapped ?" Mifuyu attack me with her ice Youkai ability, i dodge it and think. option 2 and 3 is good but 1 is not good, i want fuck her as human being not as sword. time to resolve.

i appear right in front of her, and kiss her passionately. this time i commit adulterous crime. 


Sauce time, hey guys. Op' PP here, dont mind the grammar, if the sole purpose of this novel is Sauce provider, plot of this novel story, simple, Main Objective become Doujin and hentai main character, Sub-objective do the real life work or job, the main plot was Become Doujin and Hentai main character basically about sex and stuff.

There is NTR, i warning you. in case someone else wife or partner, i don't take as seriously, is quick escape from Emotional Cheating (crave for love, attention, satisfaction of emotion) physical cheating (straight molestation, grape and obvious cheating), maybe one night stand kinda type, i'm not dwelling further except some great story (Lets be real here many NTR Story has better plot and art, talk about experience)

Gore ? Bruh, that shit is wild, some of the tag is genuine interest me as plot enjoyer, despite the brutality, i'm glad im the right path of rabbit hole. no, im not add that kinda "fire"

Are this same as other Novel Sauce provider before ? Yes, but instead this is Modern with Fantasy genre, where demi human coexist together, so there is many magical creature and place in this world society but not brutal as in suburb or village. the reason was in big city in many doujin or hentai plot always been taken care by Investigator (more better understanding, search many hentai plot or doujin plot regarding termination or anything like monster hunter, you get the gist, if demi human go rampage someone must take care of them, simple). so this a copy of real world and some other place such Imaginary modern place, i found many good imaginary modern place in trusted site but i can't rush it, step by step.

how many woman in here ? is that relevant for Doujin and Hentai world novel ? Mifuyu is be Main Heroine, Yandere ? Yes, As Interspecies Review says They're either devoted but obsessive or cold, cruel and controlling, and retaliate against their husbands out of jealousy. Scratch that Husband part and put it my own MC in this story, so Mifuyu will be Obsessive to Alex, Cruel and cold to new woman added to harem and manipulative to anyone that hinder her Obsessive love to Alex and claim Alex Attention for her only. how about retaliate part ? well....ummm....lets don't think about it for now okay.

Shit, too much info Here the sauce. see you in two days or more.

Original > 338172 , 421927, 405327, 323121, 438807, 347788, 342265, 437197, 473900

Parodies > 477770

I decided to rewrite the other sauce novel, but it gonna take so much time but dont worry. you can go here for provider.

No profit, just sharing is caring

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts