
Life in Cultured World

I got an interesting Survey from the apps when I was doing my job, After answering many of that i got something. I was unexpectedly brought to a world where I can do cultured things as I please but there is a problem, which is that I have to live a life in this world to have a good time. The most important thing is that I can fully enjoy being someone who knows culture. Wish me luck with this very system I have. ========= this is a fanfic, which is the same as fanfic In the hentai world, I tried a second. this time i follow Mifuyu World background where Human and demi human coexist together. As always Mifuyu Yukino will be First and my The GOAT girl, she best girl in cultured site after all, nice art and design, nice personality (if you know what i mean), 100/10 Smash. this time will follow like our world not add any continent or any fantasy world because it will become confusing so modern add Fantasy people, so i will add supernatural power for our Mc for plot purpose. Schedule ? 2 day for a chapter, Each chapter has 1500 Word (R18 scene will be 2000-3000 Word) Sauce for each chapter is 10 to 15 depend, if i'm not update for 2 day prior i have responsibility that cannot be abandoned, so im sorry in advance and remind you if im not updating i have responsibility, please understand. 10 to 15 sauce (Random tag, i will add Loli Tag, i do not hesitated) I'm not add Loli tag in this world plot, all is legal and adult so read this whoever you cultured people, im not add loli in this story only the sauce, sauce. NTR ? I will do it in this plot, if you dont like adding Netorare, Netorase, any other NTR tag except Netori where FC get cultured by other man, no i will not include that kind thing. if you dont like NTR thing in this world, i suggest you just read the sauce not the story. I provide Sauce, you happy we happy, Simple concept as that. i respect any power stone but please give that to new author that participate in Web novel Award, they deserve that. anyway, see you around when im updating this story. remember im not milking anything in this fanfic, just for fun purpose and sharing purpose

Shaywalloppp · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Mifuyu Honesty

My tongue swirling in Mifuyu's mouth, Mifuyu returned my play in return. Even though this is my first kiss, I can't let her down.

Playing my tongue more fiercely in her mouth, then sucking saliva in her mouth but more precisely I sucked Mifuyu's ying energy or yokai energy forcibly, Mifuyu moaned softly in our kiss and forced to break my kiss but I didn't give her a chance to fight back.

My hands moved skillfully into the clothes she wore to squeeze her large breasts, I gently squeezed her breasts and gently teased her nipples.

[Reward: Ultimate Grace Sunshine]

I felt my body heat up, I then felt Mifuyu's hot or sensitive spot which I immediately took advantage of, my finger touched the spot and played with it, stimulating it gently.

Mifuyu forcibly broke our kiss and went to her room.

"I'm overdoing it."

[ Mission created : "Man Resolve"

Objective of this mission, Mifuyu overwhelmed by your assertiveness. What you gonna do ?

Purpose of this mission, Chicken out or be mean

Option 1 : Leave Mifuyu Alone, Reward : Business Mastery

Option 2 : Proceed to continue, Reward : Archetype Assassin

Option 3 : Ask Apology from Her, Reward : Holy Cross]

"What if I choose two options?" I made an apology chocolate and leaving Mifuyu alone in her room, I slept on the sofa for a while.

I woke up not long after and looked at the clock, 17:23. It was getting late, I saw that my chocolate had been eaten by Mifuyu.

Where is my reward? Weird.

I went to the bathroom where I heard Mifuyu taking a bath, I have to go for a moment. I went out of Mifuyu's house and saw the countryside here, I used Sunshine ultimate, I can sense the temperature of many living being here.

As expected, the forest has many dangerous monsters and demons. Not succubus but rather a literal monster and abomination, okay time to test sunshine.

When I arrived at the forest, the howls of monsters and demons echoed here, I stopped to see a demon growling at me.

"human male, such a waste"

[ Mission created : "Kill or be Killed"

Objective of this mission, Monster and Demon is Human Natural enemy, they hide in shadow and eat human for their food supply, more worse they will rape any human woman any age to have fun, Some of Monster and demon make peace with human and having Demi Human as offspring but unfortunate woman will be used as sex toy in the shadow night, remember in the night all Monster and Demon and Demi Human (Some of out control) power is tremendously dangerous, so this is human regulation especially suburb or rural area to never go out from house when the sun is gone.

Purpose of this mission, You are different breed. Yield or Rebel

Option 1 : Burn them into ashes, Reward : Penance Stare Skill

Option 2 : Torture them, Reward : Life Hunt Skill for Sunshine

Option 3 : Peace is an Option, Reward : Paladin Talent Holy Aura]

"New piece of Lore for this world" i see this monster with genuine smile.

"have you accepted Jesus as your personal savior ?"

"What ?"

"Very well, I've given you an invitation to the meeting so don't blame me for exterminating you." Holy Music Intensifies.

I purge them all creating Forest Fire that so big creating a Eruption happened, i go out from there and return back to Mifuyu House.

[ Reward : Penance Stare, Life Hunt, Holy Aura ]

"Why three ?" Then a letter came down from the sky on the wings of an angel.

[ Guide, Forget to add. despite it give you an option, doesn't mean you can't choose all of them. as we say, you can have them all if you want]

I tore off this paper and looked at the sky and gave it the middle finger.

"Fuck You" I entered Mifuyu's house and on the other side of the celestial realm where several hordes of goddesses were looking at me with sweet smiles.

"Oblivious Mortal, We will punish him" I grinned because thanks to Sunshine, I created a pretty OP magic, the Odin Eye where I see everything, up there in the seventh heaven there is a celestial realm where goddesses and some godly beings live, but ridiculously as far as the eye can see there is no existence of gods. interesting.

"God realm shall fall with my cock, wait, appetizer first" I saw Mifuyu who was watching television.

"Where did you go?"

"Out for a walk"

"Don't go out at night, it's dangerous"

"I know."

"Good" I went to the kitchen to make snacks for us, Mifuyu was still casually watching the latest news while I felt the forest was already roasted, no fool would go out at night to check but at least I restored the forest again with the recycling system.

Life hunt absorbs the Demon and Monster life essence, Sunshine purifies it and then spreads it back to the burnt forest, when the sun rises the forest will be empty of demons and monsters and the trees and plants will naturally flourish.

"Lady Yukino, I've heard rumors from the neighbors about the dangers of going out at night. They say monsters and demons like to roam around and prey on humans, I wonder. are you one of them?" Mifuyu looked at me with a cold gaze, I knew I was presumptuous to ask that but I could see it was a good invitation to know Yuki Onna's true nature.

"How presumptuous of you, I'm noble Yuki Onna, Im not rogue and dangerous as demon and monster out there. Take that back"

"Sorry, I just make sure, Thank you for accepting me in here, tomorrow I will go" Mifuyu realized that tomorrow is my last day here.

"Have you considered a place to stay?" I recalled that there was a shrine near the river I could use and a villa not far to the east, I had surveyed it when I went there, there was a widow and two daughters there that I could ask for help to stay.

[ Mission created : "Stay or Go"

Objective of this mission, Do you keep your promise as you say to Mifuyu or you be little rude to stay longer.

Purpose of this mission, This will be chance for you to show Mifuyu true nature

Option 1 : Tell her about a loving Family will accept you in Villa the east village, Reward : Archetype Super Butler

Option 2 : Tell her you get accepted as Shrine Head Priest, Reward : Archetype Messiah

Option 3 : Tell her You stay with her, Reward : 〇 Button]

the infamous 〇 button, i wonder if i can use it to her maybe is great indicator that woman ready to be mingle.

"After thinking for a long time, I determined, I'm staying here. I thank you and apologize for my previous impudence Miss Yukino"

[Reward: 〇 Button]

I saw the 〇 button above Mifuyu's head, but I wonder if 〇 is also a glory kill?

"Alright, but I can't provide more room, but you can sleep on the sofa, I apologize in advance."

"No, I should apologize, alright. I'll look for a job tomorrow" 〇 button is still there, should I take the initiative or not? A little hesitation.

"Work in the village is very difficult, mostly farmers and others"

"Speaking of villages, why is it that the majority of women and men here are so few, there aren't even any young men" Mifuyu walked to the window, closed it tightly and locked it, Mifuyu then made a rune, not a rune but rather Onmyōdō.

"Sit down" I sat down and Mifuyu sat next to me.

"This village used to be a prison for Demon King Astaroth, after the confinement of Astaroth under the village, the village initially prospered until a disaster occurred, I don't know what disaster. But this became a tragedy in itself, this village is cursed where every man can't live more than 30 years, making it even worse here is the spread of Rogue Monsters and Demons, More Elderly men try to hunt and terminate them, some of them return with critical wounds or worse going insane while others rest of history" I thought for a moment and this sounds Cliche but okay, this is Hentai world after all, No need complex plot because the main plot is sex.

"No wonder, is there a guardian during the day?"

"Historically, Humans are born during the day while monsters and demons are born at night. Demon and Monster powers are very weak during the day so it's no surprise they don't appear in the morning if at night their powers are out of control even for exterminators and some experienced people, Some demons and monsters are also powerful and able to survive during the day and they are even able to possess humans as hosts or become Demi humans as a mere cover, even worse at night they are stronger than normal humans during the day and even stronger than Demi humans"

"I see" So the Goddess up there protects humans during the day while they will sleep at night, that's more like it, assume that.

"Is there any monster hunting or demon hunting work available?"

"You can ask for it at the shrine not far from here, it's dangerous work. Try not to be reckless with monsters and demons in the night."

"Thank you" Mifuyu pushed me and sat on my lap.

"Hey Aresu, Alex"

"You can call me Ares to make it easy in Japanese pronunciation or Alex in English Pronunciation"

"Ares then, you see, lets be honest each other. You already know legend of Yuki Onna right ?"

"Yes i do. why ?" 

"Sorry i must eat you" Mifuyu kiss me ferociously, i return the treatment with lust too. She undressing me while me undressing her, while our focus is kissing each other, she secretly take my penis to her vagina, my penis is too big for her but she force it go in, my penis reach too deep in her vagina even push her womb.

"hah, hah, hah, sorry for sudden impulse" i shake my head, i can feel her vagina wall gripping my penis, she too tight.

"Yukino or Mifuyu ?"

"Mifuyu is okay"

"Very well, Mifuyu. im sorry in advance if my play little bit rough" I grip her hips and pound her, Mifuyu Moan in pleasure, every time my penis kiss and push her womb, a foreign sensation can be felt by her.

Mifuyu jump around on my lap then she hug me while her hips try to match the rhythm, Mifuyu keep moaning and try to enjoy it.

"Ares... Ares... Ares.... make me feel good too" i move my hips more harder, Mifuyu moan louder, and i kiss her, our tongue twirling in her mouth, my hand grip her big butt while her hand hugging my neck.

Mifuyu shivering then squirt, Mifuyu dont stop moving her hips, and i keep more faster, She try to keep up my tempo but she fail in mid way, she lost strength and i stop.

I roll her over and see her beauty from top, i caress her hair and start moving, Mifuyu try to hug me and we kiss again, Her Vagina juice keep pouring creating wet sound, she then leg lock me and i aware of it.

I release the kiss then Mifuyu stare at me.



"Will you stay by my side ?" Mifuyu look at me with concern but i know her deepest darkest heart, she want to keep her Physiology in check, Yuki Onna is Lustful being, some time they will sexualize their partner to death then become lonely, but to be fair, Mifuyu is still young in this time and virgin, her Lust still under control, if not, well shit.

"I Will" I smile then fuck her harder, she moan erotically, i fondle her breast and suck it, My penis keep knocking on her womb, until i thrust it full, a bulge appear on her belly, overdid that but she somehow enjoy it nonetheless.

Mifuyu Answer my lust with her gripping pussy, her pussy grip my penis more than before, i become more lustful, i keep fucking her until we wet her sofa, we change place to her bed where she on her knee sucking my penis.

Her blowjob perfect, her tongue swirling on my penis and her sucking and her movement was, beyond perfection.

Popping sound heard, she lick my shaft and licking my penis head.

"Mifuyu, im almost" Mifuyu instant suck my penis too deep and i cum, so much cum even Mifuyu coughing, but nevertheless she drink that with relish and show it to me.


"Curious question, is male sperm any effect to Demi human or any monster or demon out there ?"

"Did you never receive education in high school ?"

"i am sorry, in my country never teach that in our curriculum"

"Well, Theory and Practice is crucial. but Practice is more efficient" Mifuyu stand up and it on my lap, she put my penis inside her vagina and start moving her hips.

"Demon and Monster out there need to reproduce but they can't find perfect partner for their descendant, Some unlucky human such Male or Female will become their Offspring source, moreover the unlucky one was Female, because they can sustain of Monster or Demon Essence in their womb while male the other hand can't, once they have intercourse with Monster or Demon, they either die or become food source for them, Monster and Demon Food Source for them was human meat and Male sperm for Female demon and monster" Mifuyu push me and keep moving her hips more ferocious.

"I see, Unlucky woman will either turn into sex slave or be imprison to become mother of the demon or monster correct ?" i bend my knee and following her tempo creating perfect harmony while we dancing in this sexual act.

"Yes, that is why many world leader make regulation to woman from pure human and demi human to have sigil, protection or anything from Rogue Monster and Demon until help come but sometime help never come in the dire situation, but nevertheless you should remember this Ares. Beware of the night, i know you have something unique inside you, i can taste it from your Sperm, your essence. a power that many demi human, monster, demon will sought it" We change position to missionary and i put mifuyu leg on my shoulder.

"how about the human between human ?" Mifuyu feel comfrotable and i keep fucking her in this position.

"i never know the detail about that but if demi human and human have intercourse perhaps human partner can have magical energy or anything from demi human partner, is like we do right now, you are human and i am demi human maybe we can find out after we done this" I smile and pus my body and fucking her harder.

Our genital releasing a unique sound, while Mifuyu gasping and moaning when our tongue swirling, her hand hug my neck while me hug her.

She kissing me while i keep pushing my penis deeper to her sweet spot.

"Ares.... Ares... Can we keep this moment until tomorrow ?" Mifuyu moan and gasping while her breast move jiggle up and down erotically.

"Sure, anything for you" I kiss her and keep fucking her, we change position to doggy and the feeling is different, i pick her up and kiss her from behind, i squeezing her breast and pinch her nipple, stimulating her lust and sweet spot.

We release our kiss and look each other drown in pleasure, we continue kissing and she keep squirting from now and then.

We change the spot where i pull her near bed sheet and i stand, i put a pillow below her but and start moving, Mifuyu feel comfortable based on her moan alone, and she want to try any other position too.

Her jiggling breast is sight to behold, and i keep pounding her faster.

"Ares.... i almost there. lets cum together"

"yes. lets go" Mifuyu tighten her pussy grip and i thrusting her until we both cum, My sperm flowing her womb too much, some of sperm leaking from her pussy while Mifuyu scream in pleasure.

A bright light appear and a mail appear from the light. 

[ Reward : Business Mastery, Archetype Assassin, Holy Cross ]

[ Amazing performance our dear surveyor, we like to give you a surprise for this instance. You indeed can choose the three option and gain three reward. as we review upon your performance, we like to give you a reward.

Holy Cross is Godly item that repel Demon, Monster and any evil entity regardless, purified many being from corruption, taint and many dark aspect. use this item for your own benefit and this item can grant you access to our realm, we like to meet you our dear Surveyor in here as you an guess we observe you in this world, you are our chosen Male, i hope you can give us better entertainment than this Debauchery world. Kiss and Hug Goddess From Doujin, Hentai, Adult Game]

I rip that mail and stare at the sky, then giving it middle finger.

so in the night those pervert Voyeur Goddess is watching me the whole time, this world created for sexual entertainment for those virgin Goddess bastard, Naughty Goddess playing with me in this world, Correction Commence, i must find the goddess name list for that and i wonder, there is goddess in the shrine.

I pull out and i can see Sperm flowing from Mifuyu Vagina until i can sense Mifuyu Youkai power increase. Another mail appear and i read it.

[〇 Button has been upgraded to distinct three color. Red Color indicate the Female partner ready to be sexualize or Enemy you defeat ready to be killed once and for all, Blue Color Indicate The Female partner ready to be cheated on or Enemy Try to use their power to you to manipulate you, Yellow Color Indicate Female partner is interested into you or Enemy is not hostile to you]

I give the sky a thumbs up and then middle finger, double middle finger.

I look around see a Holy Cross necklace in desk, i put on the necklace then going to bath, i forget taking bath before now is the time, i hear someone open my door and the temperature in here instantly cold.

"Mifuyu is that you ?" I peek out and see Mifuyu in dead eye stare at me, i can sense she not Mifuyu, She Yuki Onna, a Lust demon from the East, the east in this case doujin not real myth counterpart.

"Mifuyu ?" Mifuyu run to me until i pull out Holy Cross, She scream in agony then pass out, i catch her before she slip and smash her head to the wall.

"I see, i need more data for this" I get out from Bathroom without drying myself out.

 I put on her clothes and cover her body with blanket, i dry myself with sunshine then read a book from Mifuyu Collection, she love romantic novel, i read them all with enjoyment.



Original > 302768, 392393, 435346, 377465, 248574, 342304, 253674, 334267

Parodies > 337893, 301217

As promise, two day upload. Dont mind the grammar and elementary english vocabulary, i never intent to fully focus on this novel hobby and using proper grammar machine in the internet or self study.

Take the sauce and see you in saturday or sunday maybe two to three chapter, OP pp Peace out

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