
Life In Ancient Times With My Little Moon Wives

( mature content ) ( life became more colorful after I met them ....... Lin yu'an ) a famous modern chef, wine maker and also a boxer who had mastered the internal energy and was known as the mysterious shadow fist, was transmigrated into an ancient world, a world were there was an existing third gender called moons, worst of all, he was about to become a father! Lin yu'an: I only wanted to sleep! the original was kicked out of his house by his greedy grandparents to a broken down house at the foot of the village mountain with his five moon wives, Lin yu'an: tsk! the original was definitely an idiot, the original was a lazy drunker who mistreats his moon wives, Lin yu'an: if I ever have a chance to meet him , I'll improve my boxing skills with his face! traped in the body of a trash like this, Lin yu'an promised to protect his new family and for that he had to become so powerful that no one would be able to hurt his people! ...... book cover is not mine, all rights reserved for the original owner/owners!

Ira_Savvy · LGBT+
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8 Chs

cutting ties with the Lin family

meanwhile, at the Lin family home,

Chang bao and Chu yuan were standing in front of grandfather Lin and grandma Lin who was crying very loudly as she sat on the floor looking like she had just beaten,

earlier they had came to ask for father jinhua to come help yanfeng give birth but not only did grandparents Lin refused to let jinhua come with them grandma Lin also shouted just how unfilial they were to try to take away someone who was supposed to take care of an old lady like her,

although, her son Lin che and his family were there , they were too lazy to do any work especially cooking for the family was left to jinhua as Aunt wei, Lin Che's wife was the mother of Lin muchen who was studying to become an official at the capital ,

she simply disdained doing anything and was also an arrogant peacock who grandma Lin couldn't control at all likewise her daughters, Lin xie, and Lin rui were even more of a peacock than their mother was so grandma Lin totally relied on the helpless jinhua who couldn't talk back to them,

Chang bao and Chu yuan was so anxious that they were speechless, wasn't it just for some minutes? besides it wasn't unusual for moons to help other moons deliver,

definitely the Lin family was just making things difficult for them and they also knew no villager would come to help them in fear of offending the Lin family,

even now as grandma Lin's cries grew louder the curious villagers that had gathered to see what all the fuss was about so late in the night were starting to badmouth them for being unfilial while looking at grandma Lin in pity,

in the first place they didn't care if a moon or two died after all they were so many moons why would they care?

grandma Lin was a woman and was also the second wife of grandfather Lin who's status was only second to that of the village head in the village,

it was only natural that they support her to gain acknowledgement from grandfather Lin so that they wouldn't be targeted when his grandson eventually became an official, it was even better if they could introduce their daughters to his grandson,

grandfather Lin raised his chin arrogantly when he saw the villagers taking their side he didn't say anything but just stood their to enjoy the flatters from the villagers,

" hmph! what? if Liu yanfeng is in labor what has it to do with us? aren't the four of you by his side to help him? go back and stop trying to leech off our family!" Aunt wei said, rui sneered at the moons while Lin xie looked at them in disgust,

the two moons faces were red in both anger and shame ,

the Lin family had indeed shared rumors that it was their husband that had cut ties with them because he didn't want to be filial to them which strained their already bad relationship with the villagers,

it was grandfather Lin's excuse to throw them to that broken down house at the foot of that mountain that was rumored to be haunted and brings bad luck while they took everything that was supposed to belong to their husband only leaving them two pieces of land with one of them being barren,

" huh? grandfather Lin didn't inform me he was having a fun meeting here, why is that ?" just when they were feeling helpless a cold feminine voice made everyone immediately snapped their head back,

" this..."

" village head Gu! " the villagers started whispering among themselves as they made way for the older woman to pass,

grandfather Lin frowned " village head Gu Quang , what brings you here?" he asked respectively and even grandma Lin who had been acting out on the floor shut up as soon as she saw the village head,

there was a pin drop silence ,

village head Gu looked at the two little moons standing at the center of the storm and immediately recognized them " Chang bao what's going on?" grandfather Lin's eyes darkened seeing the village head didn't put him in her eyes at all, he was after all the elder here yet instead of asking him what the problem was she went ahead to asked a kid! and that too a moon!

she wasn't giving him any face at all " village head Gu..."

" I hope old Lin would understand the severity of an elder like yourself causing a commotion so late at night and disturbing the village's peace?"

" village head Gu must have misunderstood, this two moons here were the ones disturbing my family's peace" grandfather Lin immediately said with a frightened expression knowing very well what would happen to the family once he was deemed a nuisance,

he and his family could be kicked out of the village, if that happened how could they live? he still had to save the last bit of copper coins they had for Muchen's school fees!

so instead of suffering that cruel fate why not pin the blame on someone else?

" yes! village head this two little shits were the ones making trouble" grandma Lin was also frightened that she immediately shrieked loudly,

it could be said that this Lin couple were very shameless ,

seeing this Chu yuan boiled in anger,

" village head that's not true at all, we only came to ask father-in-law to come help assist in yanfeng's labor but they refused to let him go with us" grandfather Lin and grandma Lin glared at him in spite but Chu yuan,

this stubborn little man didn't even look at the couple and was only focused on the village head even Chang bao who was usually the calm one couldn't help but snap,

" village head, we didn't come to make any trouble, father-in-law was the one who told us to come call him when yanfeng's labor got serious, that's why we are here..."

" village head Gu, we simply didn't let jinhua go with them because it was already late , if Liu yanfeng could wait for months what was a night he couldn't put up with?" grandma Lin was a veteran at being shameless, her skin had long gone dark in thickness,

village head Gu Quang frowned " this isn't the first time a moon has given birth at night so why does he have to wait till morning?"

grandma Lin gasped dramatically " village head this old woman didn't mean any harm after all little Feng is still my grandson in-law..." of course village head Gu Quang knew where this was heading and immediately stopped her ,

" grandma Lin is too old, might have forgotten that your family already cut ties with them which means little Feng is no longer your grandson in-law and which also means this isn't just a family business!"


" village head Gu might be right, but jinhua is still my late son's moon husband, we can't just let him go out at night else who knows what might happen?" grandfather Lin said,

it was obvious what he was hinting at ,

village head Gu Quang knew she couldn't interfer much in a family matter but she also couldn't leave without doing what she came here for after all if she let that pregnant moon die who knows how many more families would start doing this and by then the amount of moons dying would be unimaginable,

" really? jinhua is a father, you can't keep him away from seeing his son unless he has every right to choose if he still wants to stay with you or with his son " Gu Quang said calmly,

of course grandparents Lin knew this very well, it was stated that you can't keep a moon from meeting his child except the royals or you would be arrested and also a moon can't hide the child from its mother or father or would be killed when found on spot!

grandfather Lin was confident jinhua wouldn't dare choose to cut ties with them he was about to send someone to call jinhua out when he heard a cold voice behind him,

" I'll go... I'm willing to cut ties with the Lin family!"


( stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambition )

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