
Life In Ancient Times With My Little Moon Wives

( mature content ) ( life became more colorful after I met them ....... Lin yu'an ) a famous modern chef, wine maker and also a boxer who had mastered the internal energy and was known as the mysterious shadow fist, was transmigrated into an ancient world, a world were there was an existing third gender called moons, worst of all, he was about to become a father! Lin yu'an: I only wanted to sleep! the original was kicked out of his house by his greedy grandparents to a broken down house at the foot of the village mountain with his five moon wives, Lin yu'an: tsk! the original was definitely an idiot, the original was a lazy drunker who mistreats his moon wives, Lin yu'an: if I ever have a chance to meet him , I'll improve my boxing skills with his face! traped in the body of a trash like this, Lin yu'an promised to protect his new family and for that he had to become so powerful that no one would be able to hurt his people! ...... book cover is not mine, all rights reserved for the original owner/owners!

Ira_Savvy · LGBT+
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8 Chs

a dreadful sound

" you.. you! how dare you!" grandma Lin shrieked loudly,

grandfather Lin frowned " you shouldn't be rash in making such decisions, cutting ties with us means you would no longer be under the Lin family's protection so I suggest you think twice before speaking!" how could they let jinhua go? he was the one who farmed both what they ate and sell at the market earning them some coppers to save , if they were to cut ties with him surely things would start getting hard for them,

jinhua smiled coldly " grandpa Lin needs not to worry about me , after all choosing between you guys and my son... any father would definitely choose his son no matter what "

" you bitch! you definitely found someone to fool around with right? that's why you're so desperate to leave the family right?" aunt wei couldn't keep shut any longer as she snapped pointing her finger accusingly at jinhua ,

immediately she said that the villagers voices grew louder, jinhua paled, he didn't care about his reputation but the fact that it would affect his son's family was what he didn't want at all,

Chang bao clenched his fists tightly underneath the robes, wishing he could really slap these stupid men and women but he knew that was like signing his own death wish,

" you! how dare you try to cheat on my son, you whore!" seeing the villagers looking at jinhua in disgust, grandma Lin felt she had regained some face, raising her hand to slap jinhua but was caught by grandfather Lin who glared at her,

although he was quite shrewd he wasn't stupid like his wife who would keep moving forward like a headless chicken although there was nothing but a deep pit ahead,

grandfather Lin wouldn't have been where he was today if he couldn't read some situations,

he could tell village head Gu wasn't going to report this matter if they quietly let jinhua go but if they kept trying to pin blames then there would be no saving for them ,

" village head we are willing to cut ties with jinhua if he wishes but he has to give us two silver coin every month for filial piety " grandfather Lin spoke out quietly,

the village head frowned considering the fact that grandfather Lin has no other options but to let go and also the fact that jinhua wasn't his son but son-in-law, paying that amount of silver was too much ,

yet she still turned to look at jinhua as she knew with the amount of villagers here she couldn't interfer too much or rumors could spread that she was taking a liking to one of these moons neither did she care anyway if it wasn't because of her duty she wouldn't have been here in the first place,

jinhua also thought two silver coins was too much considering the fact they weren't giving him anything at all and where going to push him down to his son who wasn't doing well financially too ,

nevertheless, he was too used to this families shamelessness to get surprised,

grandfather Lin sneered seeing his hesitation " it's okay to not pay , only if you return the fifteen taels of silver the Lin family had paid for you when you got married to my son"

jinhua bit his lips, his bride price was really expensive, fifteen taels of silver!,

after all before he was sold he was a young master who lived in the capital though he wasn't loved they still took a lot of silvers from the Lin family,

" I'll pay two silver coins every month...." the Lin family felt smug hearing that, " ... but I hope if I could later pay back fifteen taels of silver the Lin family would take it without making things difficult for me" jinhua said,

grandma Lin sneered " of course, we will take it after all it's the Lin family's money"

" who would want to keep a dirty slut like you anyway" aunt wei huffed

jinhua ignored them and turned to look at the village head,

" alright, since you all already came to an agreement, come down to the village center first thing tomorrow to finalize the process" village head Gu said,

the three moons breathe a sigh of relief immediately but just as they turned to leave aunt wei still stopped them,

" wait! village head someone has to go with them else who knows what shameful stain he could bring to the Lin family's name?" aunt wei said with a sneer,

" true , village head right now jinhua is still part of the family , we wouldn't be at peace if someone didn't go with them to ensure they reached safely without going off somewhere else " hearing what Aunt wei had said, grandma Lin immediately spewed out a bunch of non sense to back her up ,

grandfather Lin didn't say anything silently agreeing with them,

the whispering voices of the villagers was getting louder ,

seeing this Chang bao and Chu yuan frowned in irritation ,

" that's fine by me" jinhua said which stunned them for some seconds, Chang bao and Chu yuan turned to look at him in askance but they couldn't see his expression clearly under the night sky ,

in fact jinhua only agreed because he knew if he had disagreed or show the slightest bit of hesitation then it would only prove them right so he had readily agreed with them to avoid that,

Aunt wei scoffed then pointed to her daughters " choose one from them to follow you" she said

jinhua tilted his head slightly, among the two sisters Lin rui was the one who minded her business more often than Lin xie who was hell bent on making his life difficult yet he also knew if he directly asked Lin rui to come with him then aunt wei will never agree to it so he thought of something else,

" is that so? then Lin xie can come with us" he said , immediately Lin xie grinned

aunt wei frowned it wasn't that she didn't trust her daughter in fact it was because she trusted them too much that was also the reason why she doubted them,

" xie is busy right now, rui could go with you" she said

" but mother.." a glare from aunt wei stopped Lin xie's whining " I also don't have a problem with Lin rui coming with us" jinhua said calmly making aunt wei frowned deepen " no xie could go..."

" enough with that ! Lin rui would go with them to make sure they get there safely , the rest of you should go home " village head Gu said before she left all the villagers also dispersed one by one , all this altercations might have taken a lot of turns before it was resolved but in reality it had only taken not up to twenty minutes for it to be resolved,

aunt wei gave Lin rui a look in which she returned with a knowing nod of her head,

" let's go"

Meanwhile, back at home ,

Lin yu'an was having a mini panic attack , when he had said ' get this done and over with ' he had never expected it to be this stressful coupled with the fact it was one of the people he had suddenly developed a soft spot for Lin yu'an almost regretted his decision but seeing the moon in pain he didn't dare stop,

he already had Liang ruhan bring warm water and a piece of clean clothes to ease his pain as he couldn't transfer his spiritual energy any longer into the little moon for fear of hurting him instead of helping,

to his relief Liu feng's labor wasn't that complicated as they suddenly heard the loud cry of a newborn,

Liu yanfeng heaved violently with his eyes closed,

Lin yu'an who was feeling relieved at seeing the baby come out suddenly froze , the baby was out now so what else?

" father!" Lin yu'an looked up to see the shocked face of his moon father staring back at him but jinhua immediately snapped out of his shock hearing the baby's cries he rushed forward taking the little infant in his arms,

" step outside I'll take it from here " jinhua said to his son who nodded and immediately turned to leave the room,

Lin yu'an felt jinhua's gaze on his back until the door was slammed shot behind his back , wiping off the sweat from his forehead he heaved a relieved sigh,

but suddenly paused when he sighted Chang bao standing in the living room with someone else he didn't recognize

frowning he thought there was someone coming to make trouble because Chang bao's expression wasn't right ,

" Chang bao?" he called out softly walking towards them but immediately regretted his decision as a death glare was sent to his direction that sent chills down his spine immediately pausing his steps,

Lin yu'an watched as the little moon raised his hands and....


that was the sound of dread,

Lin yu'an's head flew to the side his eyes widened in shock ,

" you bastard!"


( we cannot solve problems with the kind of thinking we employed when we came up with them )

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