
Chapter 4

I'm on the floor, as that vision shook me. " Who is that blue guy, and from that vision, he knows my father, " I said, as I decided to rest. I got to my room and laid down, as I just looked at the roof. ' I have powers, but don't know how to use them, ' I thought and closed my eyes. The next day, I woke up and pulled out my gun from under my pillow, as someone in my room. " Good reflexes, you can make the perfect spy, " Fury said, as I looked at him. " Nick Fury, what are you doing here, I told you years ago when you tried to recruit me, that it's a no, " I replied, and Fury threw a folder at me. I read it, and was shocked, as it's about my father. " Your father, was an alien, which I suppose you know, he also worked for Shield before his death 17 years ago, when he decided to save the world, in secret, giving Shield enough time block off the rest of the aliens which attacked, " Fury said, as I was stunned, and he handed me a blue vial. " You don't have powers, but are the perfect soldier, I can get you more files on your father, as long as you drink that, and join Shield, " Fury stated, and I drank the vial not caring what it was, as I'm immune to poison. " Now what did I drink, " I asked, as I felt stronger. " That was the last super soldier serum, which Shield has, now since you joined Shield, get up and we'll go, " Fury answered, as I was stunned.

I'm inside Fury's office, as he's telling me what I need to do. He pulled out two suitcases. One I know clearly, as that's the suitcase, which holds my jacket, pant, and spear-chain. He opened both of them, as my jacket and pants were updated. There was also a shield, like Steve's but different. Also an weird shape half mask. " I had my guys rebuild your suit and spear-chain out of Braeön, the mask is made out of the same thing, and the shield is made out of adamantine, " Fury said, as I was shocked. I picked up the shield and it was light, it would've been heavy if I was normal. A couple minutes later, I'm in my suit, holding the shield. " You'll work in the dark, as that's my plans for you, now Scorpion, are you ready, " Fury asked, as I nodded, knowing things will be different from now on.

--------------------------------------------------- A Year Later ----------------------------------------------------

I've been completing missions left and right. No one knows what I look like, as l keep my mask on on my missions. Fury has told me that I'll be joining the Avengers soon, which I don't want to. I've met Steve and Natasha on a couple missions, they asked for my identity, which I didn't give them. Nor did I have to give them it, as I'm a level 9 agent, two ranks above Natasha and three above Steve. Steve learned I was a super soldier, and went to talk with Fury after it. Me and Sam hung out a lot more after the Hydra thing. Steve and I became friends, as we have some things in common. I don't have feelings for Natasha any more, as we became friends. Today was the day I was going to become an Avenger, but I postponed it for another month. My sister and mother haven't come home yet, but we talk once a week. I wasn't close to using my powers again as an Eternal, as they're like in hiding.

" Jayden, we're having a party at Avengers Tower in three hours, and you're invited, " Steve said, as I picked up the phone. " I'll be there in 2 and a half hours, now let me rest some more, " I replied, as I hung up and took a 30 minute nap, before getting up. I sleep more, as I do five missions a day, sometimes. I took a shower and got dressed in a black leather jacket, pole white shirt, black jeans, and some black timbs. I then ate, as I don't like being hungry at public places. I waited an hour and 55 minutes before I left the house. 27 minutes later, I arrived at Avengers Tower. I went to the top floor, after passing security. I saw that there were over 20 people here. I went to the bar, and got myself a whiskey. " Staring away from the crowd, " a voice said, as I turned around to see Pepper Potts, CEO of Stark Industries. " Ms. Potts, nice to meet you, and yes I tend to stay away from crowded places, " I replied and Pepper nodded. ' Who is he, ' Pepper thought, as I took a sip of the whiskey. I knew she was wondering who I am. " Jayden Salvatore, friend of Steve and Natasha, " I introduced myself, as she shook my hand that I held out.