
Life Exchange Game

Xia Yu finds himself in an alternate world where he belongs to a single-parent, a financially struggling family. Unlike his previous life as a well-off only child. After living for 18 years with no system, Xia Yu unexpectedly receives an odd "body-swapping game" system. The system allows him to swap or take over the bodies of of any Human or Animal for eight hours a day, in turn acquires various skills called "bonuses" after a successful swap, gaining their speciality. Curiosity and the desire to escape from his mundane life leads Xia Yu to experiment with the system. Ding- [Body exchange has been completed.] [Generating bonus based on the other party's body...] [Obtained bonuses: Music lv1, Painting lv1, Flower Arrangement lv1.] "Well It seems I don't need to sell this body's kidney or get a loan in their name anymore."

Xenal · Urban
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446 Chs

Yumo's Curiosity

Xia Yu originally thought that Feng Yujia had encountered a frivolous man's entanglement, but when he went in and took a look, he found that it was not the case.

It was a girl who was arguing with her boyfriend.

Xia Yu listened for a while and found out that the boy had glanced at Feng Yujia a few times and was caught by his girlfriend.

The girl was strong-willed and asked on the spot whether she or Feng Yujia was more beautiful.

As a result, the boy was honest and told the truth.

So the girl got angry and started cursing.

Xia Yu happily watched the drama from the side, as scenes of girlfriends tearing boyfriends apart were rare.

Feng Yujia also became happy, as the boy was chased and scolded by the girl, not daring to fight back and not wanting to lie, his dilemma expression was really interesting.

She couldn't help but smile.

As soon as the girl saw it, she stopped teaching her boyfriend and pointed her spear at Feng Yujia.

"What are you, you little slut, laughing at? Not staying at home and honestly, but coming out to seduce men!" The girl was so angry that she couldn't manage her boyfriend and wanted to take it out on Feng Yujia.

The girl, with a fierce look on her face, rushed at Feng Yujia, who was feeling a little panicked and wanted to avoid her but had nowhere to hide behind the cash register.

When the girl came to the counter, a figure blocked her.

That was Xia Yu.

"What are you saying? Why do you vent your anger on others?" Xia Yu looked down at the other side.

"Us mother and child?" The girl's hand was shaking with anger, and her face looked older, which was usually the most annoying thing for people to guess about her age.

Feng Yujia, behind Xia Yu, couldn't help but laugh again.

This made the girl even more embarrassed, grabbing a mop from the side and wanting to fight.

At this point, Xia Yu started to intimidate.

The girl felt that the young man in front of her had suddenly become gloomy, his eyebrows and eyes sharp, just like her father in her memory who used a belt to beat her.

She let go of the mop in her hand and didn't dare to come forward.

At this time, her boyfriend hurried over to save the situation.

"Sorry, sorry." The boy bowed twice towards the surroundings, took his girlfriend's hand and quickly left the convenience store.

The onlookers around also dispersed.

Xia Yu took another can of Coke and went to the cashier to pay.

After scanning the barcode and accepting the money, Feng Yujia handed the Coke to him.

"Thank you," the girl said.

"It's nothing," Xia Yu said, taking the Coke and reminding her, "This kind of thing will probably happen more in the future, so you need to be mentally prepared."

Having a beautiful face means enjoying some privileges while also encountering some troubles.

Xia Yu originally thought about whether to use An Siyao's body to suggest to Feng Yujia that she become a tutor. With her reputation in Dongzhixiang and the awards she had won in the past, plus this face, it shouldn't be a problem.

But today's incident made him give up the idea. Although the probability of something happening in a convenience store with many people around was high, it would not be a big deal. However, if it happened in someone else's home, the probability of something happening would be small, but once it did, it would be a big deal.

The students she taught could choose to be female, but how could female students not have any male relatives or friends?

"Okay." Xia Yu's words made Feng Yujia a little nervous.

"You can consider wearing a mask." After giving advice to Feng Yujia, Xia Yu took his cola and left the convenience store.

He went to the nearby electronic street and bought a new phone and a mirrorless camera for Yuxue.

Since he didn't know much about cameras, he could only ask the store clerk and bought several best-selling models.

Carrying the bags, Xia Yu returned home.

Yuxue hadn't returned yet.

He put the two items on the girl's desk, went back to his bedroom, and continued studying.

At four in the afternoon, Yuxue returned home. She went to the kitchen first, poured a glass of water, and sat on the sofa looking at the pictures she had taken on her phone.

Several of the photos were blurry, which wasn't a problem with Yuxue's technique. Although she had no particular talent, her photography skills were still better than those of straight men.

The reason for the blurriness was the poor quality of the phone's camera.

Thinking of the phone in Yan Li's hand that could be used as a telescope, Yuxue became a bit unhappy.

However, she didn't have any intention of getting a new one.

She thought it was good enough, and there was no practical use in taking good photos, so it would be a waste of money.

After finishing her water, the girl returned to her room.

As soon as she entered, she saw the paper bag on her desk.

Opening the bag, Yuxue saw a new phone and, moreover, a mirrorless camera!

She exclaimed in surprise and rushed to Xia Yu's room.

She hugged Xia Yu.

Patting her head, Xia Yu accepted the girl's thanks.

"Brother, are those expensive?" After calming down, Yuxue began to worry about the price.

"It's fine, our family has money now."

Seeing Xia Yu's expression and realizing that he genuinely didn't mind, Yuxue became happy again.

She returned to her room, proudly showing off her new equipment to Yan Li.

She didn't want to brag to Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo because she knew that these things weren't really worth mentioning to them.

However, Feng Yujia sought her out.

Little snow, have you shown your brother my photos?

Why are you suddenly asking about my brother?

Yuxue was puzzled, but she answered Feng Yujia first:

I saw them once, the landscape photos you took last time when you went outing.

Feng Yujia immediately became nervous:

Did he say anything to you today?

My brother bought me a new phone and a mirrorless camera! Yuxue boasted.

After confirming that Xia Yu hadn't said anything, Feng Yujia breathed a sigh of relief.

She felt that Xia Yu still couldn't recognize her, as he had only seen the landscape photo once; otherwise, he would have asked her about it.

Completely relieved, Feng Yujia put her phone aside and lay down on the bed.

She recalled the situation at noon, the way Xia Yu stood in front of her, and how he reminded her.

From Xia Yu's attitude, Feng Yujia felt a sense of closeness as he was so natural.

He was also handsome.

Hugging her pillow, Feng Yujia couldn't help but smile.

At this time, Feng Yumo, who had just eaten the instant noodles brought back by Feng Yujia, came to her room.

The two sisters, dissatisfied with the food sold outside, found a cheap and tasty alternative - instant noodles.

Walking to Feng Yujia's bed, Feng Yumo asked, "Sister, how much is your hourly pay?"

"Twenty, it's already been discussed, once a week." Feng Yujia replied.

"Let's go have a nice meal after a week then, it will probably cost more than a thousand." Feng Yumo did a quick calculation and said.

"We have to switch to a cheaper hotel, there's no money for you to eat!" Feng Yujia vetoed Feng Yumo's suggestion.

"Aren't you earning more than three thousand a week? What's wrong with spending a thousand on a good meal!" Feng Yumo was indignant.

"...How did you figure out I made more than three thousand a week!"

"Do you want to kill me!" Feng Yujia explained the proper salary calculation method to Feng Yumo.

"Ah, is it that little?" Feng Yumo was very disappointed.

"Should we ask Yuxue for help?" She added.

"No, Yuxue's family is just an ordinary one, they can't support three children." Feng Yujia said.

"Alright then, let's talk about something happy." Feng Yumo asked Feng Yujia to talk about her experiences at work.

So Feng Yujia mentioned Xia Yu: "Today I met Yuxue's elder brother."

"What does he look like?" Feng Yumo perked up, gossip is human nature, since the ancient times of Homo sapiens, humans have been obsessed with gossip.

Feng Yujia thought for a moment and finally said three words: "A little handsome."

Feng Yumo became a bit curious.

Feeling bored in the hotel, she got the idea of going out for a stroll.