
Life Exchange Game

Xia Yu finds himself in an alternate world where he belongs to a single-parent, a financially struggling family. Unlike his previous life as a well-off only child. After living for 18 years with no system, Xia Yu unexpectedly receives an odd "body-swapping game" system. The system allows him to swap or take over the bodies of of any Human or Animal for eight hours a day, in turn acquires various skills called "bonuses" after a successful swap, gaining their speciality. Curiosity and the desire to escape from his mundane life leads Xia Yu to experiment with the system. Ding- [Body exchange has been completed.] [Generating bonus based on the other party's body...] [Obtained bonuses: Music lv1, Painting lv1, Flower Arrangement lv1.] "Well It seems I don't need to sell this body's kidney or get a loan in their name anymore."

Xenal · Urban
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446 Chs

Catching Feng Yumo

On Sunday, after getting new equipment, Yuxue excitedly went out with Yan Wei, leaving Xia Yu alone to study at home.

In the afternoon, Kong Hanyue called him, saying that she had found a suitable villa and asked Xia Yu to come and take a look.

Xia Yu was also tired of answering questions, so he went to Kong Hanyue's place, and the two went to see the villa together.

It was a high-end villa area with a Republic of China-style design; although it was quaint, the narrow courtyard could only accommodate one car, and there was no greenery on the road, only stone paths.

More importantly, the house was tall and narrow, which did not meet Xia Yu's aesthetic taste.

"What do you think?" Kong Hanyue asked him.

"Let's keep looking," Xia Yu was not satisfied with this one.

"What do you want? What kind?" Kong Hanyue also felt that it was not very good, but she considered that Xia Yu, as an artist, might be fond of this Republic of China-style.

"I want a big courtyard." Xia Yu wanted a villa similar to An Siyao's and Feng's, with flower beds and a large lawn in the front yard.

After hearing Xia Yu's words, Kong Hanyue touched his forehead: "You don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense? Wanting a big courtyard in Zi Lun for 20 million, are you planning to live in the countryside?"

As expected, money was still not enough.

Xia Yu sighed and the idea of making more money became stronger in his heart.

"How about you live in my community? The price is over 10 million, and there's a small courtyard for you. The price of 20 million is a bit awkward; not many villas in that range come with a courtyard or swimming pool, they are just buildings." Kong Hanyue had done some research as well.

She also wanted a large courtyard, one that could hold hundreds of people for a banquet, but money was a big issue. She even wanted to buy a small island directly!

"Then let's go with your suggestion," Xia Yu also let go of the idea of getting everything right in one step, and decided to settle for less first.

In Kong Hanyue's house, Xia Yu got used to that kind of layout, so it was convenient.

"What decoration style do you want? In my community, there are several people who want to sell, and the decoration styles are all different."

"Just send me some photos," Xia Yu didn't understand decoration styles.


The two returned to Kong Hanyue's villa, and she wanted to keep him there, but Xia Yu refused as he needed to go back to study.

He also rejected the proposal to have a driver send him and left by subway instead. On the way, he deliberately passed by the street where Feng Yu Jia was working part-time.

Entering a convenience store, he bought a can of cola. Feng Yu Jia, wearing a mask, checked him out.

"How's working life?" Xia Yu casually asked.

"It's okay, just a little tired from standing," Feng Yu Jia answered honestly.

"When there are no customers, you can sit down. Even if the store manager sees you, he won't say anything," Xia Yu shared his experience with Feng Yu Jia.

"Really?" Feng Yu Jia asked in surprise.

"Yeah, if you're good with your hands, you can even sneak in some phone time," Xia Yu leaned over to the cashier's counter, pointing to the drawer below and told Feng Yu Jia, "Just hide your phone here, and close the drawer when someone comes in."

Feng Yu Jia took note of these practical tips for slacking off.

During the conversation with Feng Yujia, Xia Yu felt that her mentality had not fluctuated due to the change from a young lady to a cashier, which made him more willing to help her.

Only with a good mentality could she truly persist in running away from home. If she kept this state, maybe Feng's father would really have to bow down to the two of them. Of course, that's assuming Feng's father truly cared about his daughter. If he was an indifferent father, letting the two of them work could save them from making a fuss, and when the time came, he could directly take them to the eleventh district, where everything would already be settled.

Then, he would use the excuse of "we've already come this far" to appease the two. If Xia Yu were their father, he might have done the same. The two being held captive could just make a fuss for a few weeks, and if they were given something interesting to play with, they would soon recover their spirits.

Human adaptability is powerful, and even things we once resisted can become habits over time. After saying goodbye to Feng Yujia, Xia Yu left the convenience store and headed to a cake shop.

The forum mentioned that there was a good cake shop nearby, so he decided to try it out. After walking down a street, Xia Yu noticed that someone was tailing him. Since the distance was quite far and looking back would surely alert the pursuer, Xia Yu couldn't recognize the person's appearance.

Who could it be? Xia Dongyang's previous tracking attempts were not this bad, but who else would want to tail him? He arrived at a less crowded street and in front of a small alley, Xia Yu suddenly quickened his pace and darted into the alley, then stood by the entrance waiting for the pursuer to follow.

Seeing their target suddenly start running, the follower would definitely panic, fearing that the target was getting away and shaking off their pursuit. They would hurriedly enter the alley to check, and by then, Xia Yu, who would be hiding at the side, could catch them off guard and subdue them. If he tried to catch them directly, they might run into the crowd and Xia Yu might not be able to catch them.

Xia Yu's plan was flawless, and after three seconds, a figure indeed hurriedly appeared in the alley. Xia Yu grabbed her wrists and twisted her hands behind her back, restraining her. He couldn't see her face clearly, but the fragrance from her body indicated that this was a young girl.

"Ah!" The girl screamed in surprise. The sound was familiar, so Xia Yu glanced at her face. It was Feng Yuemo.

"..." Xia Yu decided to pretend not to recognize her, "What are you following me for?"

"I didn't, I wasn't!" Feng Yuemo refused to admit.

"If you're not following me, then let's go back and warm up the bed." With that, Xia Yu dragged Feng Yuemo forward.

"Wait, if I'm not tailing you, you should let me go!" Feng Yuemo couldn't understand the logic in Xia Yu's words.

"If you were following me, it means you have a plan, and I wouldn't dare to catch you directly for fear that you have accomplices who would call the police. But since you're not following me, there's nothing to worry about," Xia Yu explained.

Feng Yuemo thought it over, and it seemed to be so. But that's still not right! Why should the premise be of him grabbing her!?

"I didn't expect to find such a great catch like you on the streets this time. I'm really lucky." Xia Yu imitated the villain's smile.

"What you're doing is against the law!" Feng Yumo struggled.

"Don't worry, my basement is deep and well-hidden, hehehe."

The alley was dim, her captured wrist was in pain, and combined with the other party's evil smile and words, Feng Yumo's mind was in turmoil, not knowing how to respond.

As a young lady, how could she have encountered such a dangerous situation? She was so scared that she even forgot to call for help, and after a sob, tears flowed out of her eyes.

This made Xia Yu the flustered one, as he was just trying to play a joke on her and teach her not to go into secluded alleys.

Fortunately, the alley was concealed, otherwise, Xia Yu would be surrounded by onlookers.

So, how should this situation be resolved now?